Saturday, 16 December 2017

Black grapes, a free chair, and a video.

Hello. I was surprised to see that black grapes with seeds in are cheaper than those without seeds. I wonder why that is. These are big and juicy, bought on a yellow sticker last week, still ok. I buy on price, it's no big deal to me to spit the pips out, not very ladylike I know, but ok if no ones watching. I slice them in half and pick the seeds out before I put them on my breakfast cereal. 
My latest freebie. A skip dive the other day gave me this heavy duty iron fold up garden chair. It's strong and solid, nothing wrong with it. All it needs is sanding down and a coat of paint. Another outdoor job on the 'to do' list for spring when the weather starts getting warmer. Lucky find, eh!

As I sat down for lunch today I saw that Scott has uploaded another video to his yoootooob channel. Something to watch while I ate my macaroni cheese with an egg on the top. I will put it on here, because I know all you pusscat lovers will want to see the beginning as it starts with his cat rolling around in the dirt, happy to be back at home after the scary fire incident.

We've got a lot of ice and frost at the moment, which is making walking a bit difficult. I went out this afternoon but I had to tread carefully and watch where I was putting my feet. Sometimes the road is slippery, sometimes the pavement is. I walked on the grass verge whenever I could.

Time for a glass of wine and a piece of stolen cake. I bought a small one, £1 from Aldi. I've eaten most of it, my treat for Christmas, ha ha.

Thanks for popping in, enjoy your Sunday, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. nithering today . I did a 20 miles cycle ride but had to be very careful and there was ice all over. Can't wait to see what you do with that chair.

    1. I don't know how you dare go out on two wheels on the ice. Be careful. The chair will appear again in the spring, when it's warmer.

  2. I take it you mean stollen rather than stolen?!

  3. It was so lovely to see Wooley the cat so happy & carefree again & Scott.Your MeanQueen throne looks magical by the fairy tree Ilona in your enchanted garden x

  4. I love black grapes! Made me hungry to look at them! Though they weren't "stollen", I guess the price was "a steal" (as we say of an excellent price in the US). We've had two snow storms back to back here in New Hampshire, and then the temperature dropped like a stone. Lots of ice everywhere, and it looks as if I won't make my walking goal again. Sigh.

    Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and stays warm!

  5. What is bad about just swallowing the seeds? It's roughage isn't it? JanF

    1. It's ok to swallow them, they will probably come out the other end still whole. It's the crunchy bits in my mouth which I don't like. I chew my food thoroughly and if there is a hidden seed in there, and I suddenly get it between my teeth, I need to spit it out before I lose a filling. That's ok when the only thing I have in my mouth is a grape. If they are on my breakfast cereal it means a lot more chewing to break everything down. I would rather not have the seed in my mouth mixed with cereals and soft fruit.

  6. love the chair! did a bit of 'skip-ing'myself last week; found a new (labels attached) nike sweatshirt - yippee! folks are mad to chuck out stuff like this, but i am grateful!


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