Friday, 8 December 2017

Circular walk from Hartington.

Hello, it is me, back from walking in Derbyshire fully refreshed and ready to blog. It is important for me to get away every so often, I feel trapped if I am in the same place for long periods of time. There are a lot of places within an hour or two's driving, with lovely scenery. Might as well make the most of it. 
I've been to Hartington Youth Hostel before, I thought it was about four years ago, but when I checked I see it was six years ago. How time flies. I remember this cottage just down the road, with the two trees that meet in the middle. 
After a lunch stop at Cromford on the first day, I drove straight to the hostel and only had time for a short walk in the afternoon. After a big breakfast the following morning, which was far too much, I set off for a full days walk, taking a veggie sausage and a hash brown with me to eat for lunch.

It was a bit dull, but dry. I made this short video about 20 minutes into the walk.

I crossed several fields to get to Sheen. Mud mud, glorious mud, yuk. Hows this for a Village Hall. A lovely old building.

I decided at that point I was going to stick to mainly roads, it's not much fun sloshing around in mud. I got on the road to Townend. A typical country pub in these parts.

At the road junction in Hulme End is this very picturesque pub. Looks a nice place to stop for refreshments. The Manifold Inn. Not for me though, I want to carry on.

Nearby is the old railway station which is now a Visitor Centre. The disused track is a pathway for cyclists, walkers, and horse riders. I set off heading south The track runs alongside the River Manifold for a long way.

So far down and the track turns into a narrow road and goes underneath the road above it.

There are some spectacular views, I've zoomed in to this cave across on the other side of the valley.

Look at this, big skies, big open spaces. It's starting to brighten up, maybe I'll be lucky and the sun will come out. Just past the cave I decided to come off the Manifold Way and continue on the road to Wetton. It's time I was starting to make my way back.

I found a bench on the village green, opposite the pub, and had a bite to eat. I like villages because you never know what you are going to see in people's gardens. Howzabout these giant wood carvings.

And two very big hands sticking out of the ground.

The plaques on the wall of this cottage look a bit arty.

And how about staying for the night in this old chapel, offering B & B. I would like to have a nosy inside.

Time was getting on and I needed to head off back. I came off the road and took a track along the bottom of Wetton Hill. The sheep round here don't seem as nervous as some I come across. These let me pass through them as they carried on munching.

Back on the road again, taking a dead end road to Narrowdale. There are several buildings here which have been abandoned. Not a soul about.

No time to linger, less than an hour left of daylight. Onward I went, looking for a track to go towards Beresford Dale. It is the shortest distance back to Hartington, and I have walked some of the route before, even though it was six years ago.

Something wasn't working out. I should have come to a T junction a lot sooner than I did. I lost my bearings, there was a signpost, but nothing on it indicated where I wanted to be. After twenty minutes I realized I was no where near where I thought I was, I must have taken a wrong turn. Nothing for it but to backtrack. I needed to get to a road. I had torches but they are no good in the pitch black open countryside if you don't know where you are. Getting onto a road would be easier.

After ten minutes or so I saw two walkers coming towards me, and asked if they knew where they were going. They did, I said I had gone wrong and needed to get back to the road. After a brief discussion these kind people said they were going back to their car at Alstonefield, and if I went with them they would give me a lift to Hartington. What a relief. No doubt I would have got back anyway, but their offer made it a bit easier for me. They dropped me at the hostel door just before four o clock. Altogether I walked 11 miles. I know exactly where I went wrong, it was at the derelict buildings. Too busy taking photo's and not noticing a footpath around the left side of them.

The evening meal was pizza, it was massive, far too much for me. I wrapped half of it up to take with me for lunch the following day. I have some pictures of the hostel for another post.

Back to normal now. There were some embroidery magazines in the quiet room so I had a good read of them. Given me lots of ideas for artworks.

Thanks for popping in, more tomorrow.
Toodle pip


  1. Welcome back. I'm glad you had a lovely time - Derbyshire is beautiful.
    J x

  2. Not to be picky but do you know that nearly all of that was in Staffordshire and not Derbyshire? Not many people realise how glorious the Staffordshire Moorlands are, it's beautiful and soooo quiet, away from the Derbyshire Peak District tourist spots. Sometimes I think the end of the world must have come but they've forgotten to tell me, it's so peaceful!!! I'm glad you had such a lovely time and hope you come back again - call in for a brew! I've taken a photo of Sheen hill today in the snow from my garden - stunning - I'll send it to you. Jan.

    1. Staffordshire is underrated for sure! JanF

  3. Lovely break, you've reminded me of staying in a National Trust holiday cottage alongside the "fast flowing" R. Manifold and walking and cycling along the disused trailway line. This was a long time ago, my children were 6 and 9 but good independent cyclists. Good you got away. We do exactly the same, a night or two away walking in different surroundings refreshes and restores me. I avoid roads at all costs (in strange surroundings I always walk with my husband who is good with maps) and in the winter I wear very good quality Wellington boots for walking. Mine are made by Aigle and weren't cheap but they keep my feet warm, have really good grippy soles and are as comfortable as my walking boots. I've had them about 10 years now and like you I walk 20-30 miles during a working week, more when we're on holiday. In fact I'm just about to get changed and put my boots on for my four mile constitutional up the hill and back. Speed walking and not getting distracted by photographs or bird watching I can do it in about an hour and feel glowy and lovely afterwards. So pleased that you are getting people walking Ilona. Walking really is the answer.

  4. Just beautiful Miss I. Glad you enjoyed your walk-a-bout.

  5. Good to have you back Ilona and have enjoyed the 1st part. Look forward to the next part. Hazel c uk

  6. so good to have you safely back and glad you had a good time and decent weather. doesn't look too good for the weekend

  7. Good for you Ilona, so glad you had a lovely trip and enjoyed it. You should have holidays without blogging, your public can wait.(ha ha.) It looks so beautiful. I love the sheep, and the ruin looks really interesting, and yet rather sad. Derbyshire is beautiful, I love the walks I've done up there. A real breath of fresh air just by looking at the pictures, it must have been most refreshing for you. Jean.

  8. Welcome Back!!!!,What a lovely break in beautiful surroundings,Love the sheep! That country side is so lovely,looking at your photos made me want to get my backpack and go!!...So glad that you have had a good time!...and so glad that you are back safe n sound!.Looking forward to seeing the rest of your photos.......Is the vet in any of them?,Lol,Best Wishes,Debi,xx

  9. Evening Ilona. What good luck you found a lovely, honest and trustworthy couple to get you back on track. Pictures look lovely, and your description makes me feel as though I've had a good hike with you (said she sitting in a comfy chair! :-) ). Love the sheep piccie. Have a good weekend. CMW

  10. Great photos Ilona.I Lil<e Chapel barn.I have a green man in my house similar & a small one I used to tal<e on holidays.Good idea saving your food for lunch.Last night I had meal at a country pub &had a soda water-no charge x

  11. Hi I have taken wrong turns like you now I have as smart phone with maps me app it works on the GPS not data it is very handy to find out where you are. It has got us out of trouble lots of times We have come down the wrong side of as mountain in the Lake District in mist. If you do not haver as smart phoned I would recommend one and maps me. It does not have to be new I have my daughter's cast off. We find walking cycle routes in bad weather is a good option love your blog, and as we are the same age but different circumstances I can relate to you.

  12. We’ve had a foot of snow; your neighborhood looks much nicer! You always have an adventure!

  13. Hello Ilona welcome back!
    Jules x

  14. This has made me want to walk as your pictures look lovely. I always prefer to walk during the Winter than any other season, always have but don't know why.
    How often do you get away for a little walking break like this?

    Amanda x

  15. What a lovely interesting day and kind strangers to boot. xx

  16. I would have loved those sculptures too.


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