Saturday, 13 January 2018

Always on the lookout for reductions

Hello. I spent the morning wrapping some rings with wool and thread, and then did some painting. After lunch I went to town. I wanted a couple more canvases but the only ones I could find were too big. Maybe I should have bought them though at 50p each. I want to stick with smaller ones at the moment until I get the hang of this painting lark. 
I've been watching that many arty crafty yooootoooob videos, my head is buzzing. There's such a lot you can do with plastic bottle tops. Every time I see a good idea I think, must try that. 
I popped into the Cash and Carry to see if there were any must have bargains. This musli was 50p per bag, and the large jar of pickled onions was 60p.
These five tins were looking wobbly on the shelf due to them being bashed up. They normally sell them three for £1, but they wanted to get rid of these at 20p each. I will have them thank you. Will come in handy to put in a stew. They even have a long date on them. I'm always on the look out for reductions wherever I shop.

I made too much dinner tonight so there is enough for tomorrows lunch.

I'll go and get my walk done now, shake this dinner down a bit. Thanks for popping, we'll catch ip soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. One of my sons coined the expression "crash and burn" for the dinged boxes/cans I buy on marked down. As you said, the contents are perfectly fine. Dad worked in grocery, I have been eating crash and burn most of my life!

  2. I eat quite a lot of those beans-I like them.I used to soak all sorts but don't bother now.Occasionally I just throw in a few lentils as they don't use a lot of gas.This month,after buying essentials the only thing I've bought has been a few reductions.They were a treat really-a veg bake,bajis,fresh pasta-things I don't buy usually.I bought these from a small grocers in a small village,not a big store.Also for £1 one of those sticks of sprouts with almost cabbages on it x

    1. I usually cook the whole bag of dried whatevers... Then I divide them into portions and freeze them

    2. Thanks Cherie-I've never done that,I will do x

  3. I had to nip in to Tesco again for my Daughter cause she is ill with flu and lives opposite it....I couldnt believe the bargains i got without havent to get into a rugby scrum...i think that i was 5 mins after it had happened,lol.Celery,1p..onions,1p,pitta breads,6p,finest teacakes,6p,rice n veg meals 2p..I begrudged paying the £2 44P the cheese was that she wanted!,lol..I might try it again at the same time next week.Thing is aswell,i can start my celery food scrap growing off again and hope it will be as good as the last time i did it!,Debi,x

  4. Well, I started watercolor painting last year and I love it. Even done some acrylic now. I am no good at it.....well, on occasion, but I enjoy it tremendously!

    1. As long as you enjoy it, that's the main thing.


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