Friday, 12 January 2018

Mystery artwork

Hello. This is typical of the food I am eating at the moment, munching my way through the yellow stickers. Three days past the sell by date, and still some more left in the fridge. The strawberries, bread, and hot cross buns are in the freezer, the butternut squash, chopped onions and mushrooms have gone in a stew, four portions in the freezer for 40p. 
This is my latest artwork, can you guess what it is. I had some pieces from the inside of an old computer I smashed up a long time ago, must be something I can do with them.

 I had a bimble locally today, and came across a load of bathroom fittings on a footpath. I've just been on the council web site and reported it. This area is targeted quite often because it's wide enough to get a van or car down there. Compared to some areas I don't think we suffer too much from fly tipping, I've seen some horrendous sights in inner city areas. I blame the council for putting a charge on getting rid of waste. This will come from a small builder who doesn't have a licence from the council to take it to the tip.

I've had a letter today from Ebico my utilities supplier, asking for meter readings. It was dated 5th Jan and I have only just received it. I wish they would get their act together, they don't need to send me a reminder, I posted the readings on their web site on the 2nd. Why don't they check that first. I've just done another reading and posted them.

Bailey has a new dog walker, Ken is doing it now. Hope all is going well with that. I saw Joanna the 1940's lady, in the shop the other day, she invited me to call in for a coffee. I might do that

That's all for now, not a lot happening here. Thanks for popping in, enjoy your weekend, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Don't blame the council, blame the swines who dump the rubbish!

    Love your blog.

  2. I agree with your thoughts on fly tipping. It's common place around my area unfortunately. If the council allowed open use of the tips there wouldn't be any problems. Surely the money they spend on clearing up after fly-tippers could be better spent on more facilities at tips. The saddest fly tipping before Christmas round my way was of a load of building waste with a dying foal on top. Obviously the monsters never get caught!

    1. What a wicked thing to do.People who do such terrible cruel things to animals I hope eventually rot in their own personal hell x

  3. I wonder Ilona if your new artwork is a fluffy pink wig with brain disconnect inside x

  4. The council should out pictures on social media and offer a reward. I wouldn't think twice reporting my builder if he did something like that. It's disgusting and we all pay for it when our council tax goes up.

    1. There was massive publicity - but noone came forward with any info. There are also many, many traveller sites in the vicinity too - so fingers were pointed.

  5. Love the look of your tea...

  6. Theres a lot of useful stuff in fly tipping , i once got accosted by a gentleman with a clipboard from the council because i was a white van parked in a layby , i had to point out i was stealing the slabs from the fly tipping to put down in my garden , he was more than happy to come and have a look . Funnily enough it was when we lived in Scunthorpe


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