Thursday, 25 January 2018

Getting on with crafty stuff

Hello. It's been a nice day today, I've been out, quick trip to town, and a Tina cat visit. 
Madam Heidi has been helping me again as you can see. The plastic strip she was sat on before has now been cut into strips of 2.5 inches wide and 7 foot lengths. There are eight strips, I think that will be enough. The frame I want to hang them on is 5 feet wide, just checking it with a tape measure on the floor. This is going to be a garden decoration. 
Now I need to cut lots of flowers and leaves from this coloured vinyl. I have lots of it but I'm a bit limited for colours. Plenty of red, yellow, blue, and green, with oddments of other colours. It will have to do. I might be able to add flowers made with other plastics. You will have to wait and see how it turns out, it will take a while, I need about 64 flowers, maybe more.

I've done quite a bit of stitching on this bleeding tissue paper picture. Outlining the flowers and adding the stalks with back stitch. Now I'm working on the sun. It looks a bit wrinkled at the moment, it will be ironed, and stretched over a board, to pull the wrinkles out.

The days seem to be whizzing by, could do with a few more daylight hours really. A walking trip is on my mind, but not just yet, I'll wait till the weather picks up, and we have longer days. It's looking like Norfolk and Lincolnshire, not been over there on a long walk.

Interesting conversations yesterday, thanks for your comments. Anyway, I'm off to see Tina again, I have some chicken for her, she likes that. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Are you hand or machine stitching? I'm wondering if the iron will affect the colours.

    1. Hand stitching. I can test the iron on the edge first.

  2. At first glance,I thought that Heidi had unraveled the toilet roll,lol.One of mine used to do that..Well,Im sure that whatever it is you are making,it will look really colourful in your garden.Looking forward to seeing what it will be,Debi,xx

  3. You could add in plastic bottle tops for different colours perhaps?

    1. That's a great idea! I often wonder what could be done with many of the coloured plastic ones. JanF

    2. Plastic tops are a possibility, I have lots of them.

  4. Norfolk is an amazingly beautiful place, I used to live there. Have you ever walked the Peddars Way? It's a roman route that runs from south of Thetford Forest all the way to the North Norfolk Coast with lots of camping along the way. It's where Queen Boudicca ruled her Kingdom from, a feisty leader of a woman, she might even have had red hair :) Loving the craft, cat and walking chats.

    1. No I haven't. I did the North Norfolk coast a couple of years ago, this time I will be going straight across the county.

  5. This looks really interesting and colorful, I wish I could help you out with some vinyl but that is something I have not got, hope you can find something suitable..

    Hazel c uk

  6. It looks like a rainbow decoration in the making to me.Heidi does seem to enjoy the process x

  7. Love the stitching lovely colours also...Greetings Joan

  8. Lovely bright colors! I’ve finally started back to doing Needlework. I like the bright colors, too.

  9. I really like how the colored tissue paper picture is turning out. I can't wait to see it when it is finished.


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