Sunday, 7 January 2018

Look for a positive in a negative.

Hello. It's been a smashing day, sunshine all the way. I've been outside sorting my wood pile out in the garage. Pulling out unwanted nails and staples, unscrewing screws, from second hand reclaimed wood. I had a gap between my garage and next doors fence which I wanted to block off, and yep, I found the exact pieces of wood to do the job. The next thing I need to do is to replace the plastic gate to the back garden. I need it to be more sturdy, and lockable, can't be too security conscious.

Anyway, before I went outside I knocked up another video, and set it to upload while I worked in the sunshine. So here it is. Took me four attempts, got my words mixed up, forgot important points, and got a tickle in my throat. See what you think.

Just had my dinner, scraping the bottom of the freezer now, not much left. I was going to do a yellow sticker dash last night but couldn't be bothered. Was going to go shopping today before they closed at 4pm, couldn't be bothered. Will have to go at some point next week or else I'll be munching on the carpet, ha ha.

Off out for a walk now, I'll leave you to it. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Wise words,thank you x

  2. Think you're psychic Ilona. Thanks for that, Karen

  3. As your freezer empties fill the unused space with containers of water. The frozen water means the freezer has to work way less hard to cool itself after the door is opened than it does if you have a half empty freezer. Saves on electricity.

    1. Such a good idea.
      I'm trying to switch to buying only once a month and have been feeling anxious about how it would work. Today i went through my fridge and cupboards to see what i REALLY need. Things like cheese and chocholate I have divided into weekly lots - 3 as I counted the first has gone. Suddenly i didn't need to get those products as i could see if i used the allocated per week there was plenty; even stored the choc crumbs to put on dessert. I counted the dog biscuits (really!) and realised I have enough left for 2 weeks...going to see if a special comes up. Mustard, still a quarter full so really don't need, then when moving things in the fridge I found one I had already brought to replace the container getting low. I've got a clear view of the veges to use before the next shop, the fridge has been cleaned and reordered, cupboards sorted, expiry dates noted and looking at the list of essentials I need to get it should amazingly be a small shop. I also have a list of things that I am looking for specials before I buy. I am going to date things as I get them so I can know more accurately know how long it takes to use an item. Sigh of relief. Now off to bake bread, make a batch of biscuits, some elderberry syrup and use the plums a neighbour gifted. Thanks for the new way of shopping Ilona.

  4. One of my negatives/positives - when I tried to buy my first house; lost out but later found a bigger/better house for the same price, in a better location - I was so happy that the first property fell through! A few things like that have happened in my life - something better happened when something didn't turn out how I wanted. Looking forward to seeing your next wood project :)

  5. Lovely video Ilona-I do have to work on remaining positive because I could become quite negative which then makes me a bit reclusive.As I have dogs,they are my purpose to get out.Also I consciously smile to myself,even falsely at first that seems to make me feel very happy-weird but true.Also I count my blessings x

  6. This is so weird.Everytime you do a video its so relevant to where my life is going. I feel like you're a close friend giving me a pep talk. Thank you x p.s keep the videos comeing please

  7. How would you find the positives in a cancer diagnosis Illona?

    1. Hi Rosiejo-I know a lady who told me of her diagnosis.I was shocked as she had been told it was serious.She said she was determined to enjoy her life.This lovely lady,each time I saw her was so upbeat & busy enjoying doing all sorts.This autumn a friend of hers said she had got the all clear now x

    2. That's really difficult, but being diagnosed with cancer today has a lot brighter outlook than being diagnosed 20 or 30 years ago. Progress is being made on treatments that are less harsh and have better resuts. So that is some small thing to be positive. Research also says that being positive during treatment has a big effect on results. Please know I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

    3. Rosiejo all each and everyone of us has is today. Life is precious and fragile. You need to be positive gives you the best chance of recovery!. Most people now survive a diagnosis of cancer !. Medicine has moved on in leaps and bounds xx huggs

    4. Oh our society makes this such a scary diagnosis; this can feel so hard. Have you read Anita Moojani's "Dying to be me"? Amazing story which shows how things can change even when things look impossible. She has a facebook page and utube clips as well. All the best Rosiejo (and anyone else in a similar situation). I know remaining positive helps. My husband was given 3 months and lived to see, and hold, his first 4 grandchildren (such a gift for his children!), we married and he reconnected to many friends. He was able to have so much fun and laughter with friends and family, in the time he chose to fully engage with. It isn't what we were planning but with all honesty, remaining positive through that time (and for me trying to afterwards) has meant our lives went in directions that we would never have planned nor allowed. It has been sad, opening and great at the same time. Love to you and all with a similar situation. XX

    5. Sometimes having been told that makes you focus your mind on what is important in life. It is so easy to waste you time and thoughts on such trivia and a serious illness can make time be treated as a previous commodity to be used wisely. Maybe also focusing on speaking and catching up with loved ones and letting them know how important they are to you. Sharon

    6. Hello Rosiejo, thank you for your question. You do not give enough details in your comment for me to answer accurately. It seems that everyone else assumes that you yourself have had the diagnosis, I didn't see it like that. I thought you were just asking my general thoughts on the matter, so I don't know if my reply should be personal to you, or if the diagnosis was made to someone you know. As it is a sensitive matter I wouldn't want to say the wrong thing.

    7. Majority of
      people asking for help for a friend,brother,collegue, neighbour, cousin or advice are asking for themselves. psychiatry is my bag. We are all a selfish bunch would speak to friends etc advise to go to docs etc . But going online expects others to hold a hand out after revealing even tentatively a serious illness.x

    8. Thank you Jacqueline. Rosie hasn't come back to us, so I don't feel I can tailor my response to her needs as I am not sure who she is talking about. Is she asking how I would find the positives for myself if I had been diagnosed, or how she can find the positives to help her get through something? Or maybe a friend or family member is asking for her support? I don't know.

  8. Hullo!! What is your opinion on playing the Lotto? AND.....have you ever played it yourself? with regards, Deanoooo

    1. Hello Dean. I got sucked in when it started, but after a few weeks I realized that I was not prepared to buy a weekly ticket on a long term basis on the off chance that it might be my lucky day. I must have saved a few thousand pounds over the years. I don't waste my time on thinking what might have happened if I had won.

    2. Thank you for your reply!! All the best, Deanooo

  9. I decided this year that I would follow your example and try to use up things in my cupboard and fridge before heading out to buy more groceries which often leads to me duplicating the purchase of something I already have on hand. So far so good. First thing I did was go through my cupboards and do a "FIFO" (first in first out) organization. I found three cans that were out of date by only a few months and put those out on my kitchen counter to use FIRST before using anything else. I researched recipes on YouTube and at the library (I'm following a plant-based diet). I have made some great make aheads. Right now I have a vegan stuffed cabbage casserole in the oven which will be nice to have on these chilly nights. 14F degrees here in New Hampshire tonight! Thanks for the inspiration, Illona.

  10. Thank you Ilona. Needed that. Someone liberated £30 out my purse on New Year's Eve. My thoughts were Ye gods someone is so desperate they did that!. Their need is greater than mine. They left coins enough to get bus home, but I was on New Year's Day breakfast at work. What the money was for arrived at the shop of the bus just before it closed with £3.60 enough for cheap sausages some nibbles. Felt like crying , had no card on me.Raided freezer at home got enough. Next day at work New Year's Day felt auful diagnosed with shingles and sent home!. Positive the year can only get better!.

  11. Hi Ilona I really worry about you walking in the dark. My family has told me not to go on late evening walks near my home where there is a footpath along a busy road but it is quite pleasant -however according to the police this is a high crime rate area although I have been lucky and nothing has ever happened to me but we hear of things happening and our cars have been damaged repeatedly.

    1. Thank you for your concerns. Do not worry about me, just look after yourself.

  12. On behalf of all your devotees, thank you for persevering after 3 other attempts, the video was brilliant. Have a lovely day outside.

  13. I've decided that in 2018 I will be a glass half full kind of person-yes I know I may be accused of being an ostrich with my head in the sand. But I lost two friends, under 50 and under 40 this past year, plus my niece lost her husband to cancer leaving her with two young children to raise by herself. I need to stay positive to support people who are really going through crap times in their life. I can't waste energy on dwelling on missed opportunities or worrying about something trivial in the long run. Cheers to all your readers Ilona. Happy 2018.

  14. I do not often agree with you as I am not remotely frugal, but I am positive in outlook, I try to put a positive spin on everything as an older, single pensioner living in a country where the gov. cares little for the elderly or sick, the pure wonder of every day, sunrise, birdsong, music and books, life is great isn't it.

  15. I've had 3 cars hit by vehicles while legally parked. One was hit by a bus that misjudged the gap. Always feel thankful that I wasn't in the car at the time and nobody was hurt. Like you the insurance paid out and I ended up with another car. Material things are replaceable people aren't. Agree totally with your video your ideas are very similar to mine. All the best xxx

  16. Enjoyed the video Ilona; trying my best to stay positive but in quite a dark place at the moment. xx

    1. Keep trying, Maureen. Take time out for yourself.

    2. Sorry that things aren't great just now but I really think after I have been down & I continue with a routine of some sort no matter how hard somehow the suns shining again & I'm happy again x

  17. Very. Good video and advice. I always try to look on the bright side for there is always someone worse of than me. My husband died when I was 48 (1987)and we were childhood sweethearts I was very down for a couple of years and then I suddenly found the good side to life again and have done so many things that I would neverhad done if he was still alive. I still miss him very much but can not alter the fact that he died so I must make the best of what life I have left I and enjoy it for I know that is what he would have wanted. It's not always easy but it is the right way to go. Hazel c uk

  18. Hope life gets happier for you soon Maureen, winter is not my favorite time but seeing snowdrops out this week makes me see spring is coming.
    Tender hugs
    Hazel c uk

  19. It’s great that you made that video. It’ll be a great help to lots of people. Natalie

  20. I love this video - it’s serious and considered. You have coped with many situations in your life and disappointments in such a positive way. You are a busy lively and positive person who inspires all of us - thank you 😊

  21. Your video about being positive was inspiring, made me feel that's the way to go thank you.

  22. I first watched your new video early this morning, I was so impressed that I watched it again tonight with my hubby. We both agreed that you are a real inspiration and especially at this dull and dark time of the year. Thank you Ilona for being such a special lady and for taking the time to share your thoughts with us all. Linda and John


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