Monday, 15 January 2018

Death of a Jupiterite

Hello. This is the year 2525. A cyber jet from Jupiter has landed in Central UK, and violence has broken out. A bloody battle has been going on for a week and there are many deaths and injuries on both sides. Earthlings are fighting back in a bid to stamp out this invasion. Ray guns are poised, rockets are ready for launching, and computer headquarters are ready to intercept any Jupiterites who defy the instruction to leave our planet. They know they can't win, all it takes is the press of a button and they will be obliterated. The control centre of each and every one of them will implode, and with the loss of their life blood there is no way they can function. 
Their leader has been eliminated, and the body has been taken over by our superbugs which will dispose of any evidence, nothing will be left behind. 

My imagination knows no bounds, ha ha. Innards of an old computer, wool creating texture and painted over, plastic spiders found after Halloween, mounted on a 50p canvas. Extra board inserted underneath to screw into. The red is blood red, not pink as it is here. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. They are from Jupiter, their life fluids could be any color.

    1. It's my story and I have made it red.

    2. You are sooo funny; made me laugh, all good x

  2. True, your imagination knows no bounds and you have a fantastic sense of humour!! JanF

  3. It's brilliant. You should submit it to an art gallery, this has much more style and artistic talent than Tracey Emin's unmade bed and that sold for millions! Jane xx

    1. My style is similar to Tracey Emin's at times Jane-I like it x

  4. Keep going, get it down on paper and get it published . xx

  5. Brilliant!! Just brilliant.
    J x

  6. Have you been assisted by that out of date cider at all - very creative !

  7. I do think it possible that some bug or ant or similar could activate a computer.For example ants work as a team & would perhaps take over the world if they chose to x

  8. you should write a sci-fi story.

  9. That is really neat!!! Never find another like it!!

  10. I wonder if all the countries of earth, some of whom, hate each other, would unite to fight an attack from outer space?

  11. I think you have had a quick teleport to HawaiI x Rose x

  12. I thought I as reading a James Herburt novel Ilona x

  13. Hi Ilona,
    We are the same age & I'm wondering if you were inspired by a pop song from the Sixties "In the year 2525". I've had it on the brain since I read your post!

  14. Impressive. You should expand on this. Keep it going...


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