Sunday, 14 August 2016

A big cheer for the Sheddies

Hello. I met a smashing couple at the hotel when I was down south for the filming of Shed of the Year at Lillibrook Manor, near Maidenhead. I arrived at seven-ish and checked into my room then went to the restaurant for something to eat. I was hovering around the bar area looking for someone to allocate me a table, Oliver and Adele were also hovering wanting to eat. They very kindly invited me to share a table with them which I gratefully accepted, much better than sitting on my own. After the meal, we mingled with the other sheddies.

Oliver's shed is in the Cabin/Summerhouse category, which is on the same programme as mine, to be shown on Friday. It is sited on their allotment in Warwickshire. Here are some pictures of it,  and here is a yoootooob video of it being constructed.

All the sheddies were good fun, we all joined in the spirit of it. Oliver and Adele were great company, look out for them on Friday.

Still a few more pics to come, I'll post them before Friday.

I'm busy again, lots to do. Tatty byes, we'll catch up soon.


  1. Hello there, i met you a few years ago when you were on one of your walks and visited South Shields. I am on a mission to live frugally and remembered your blog, you are inspirational! I am watching shed of the year so will watch out for you! I look forward to following your blog again, thanks for the effort you make to communicate with all of us followers! Julie x

    1. Hello Julie. I remember it well, we had a coffee at the station and you came to meet me later for a meal. You have two or three little dogs, do you still have them? It was great to meet you and have a chat.

    2. Hi yes i still have my little dogs with a (final) addition of a little chihuahua, Posy, she is two now. I see you mention having a dog now; is this the one you befriended and had to stay overnight sometimes?

    3. Hi. No, the dog you are thinking about is Henry choc lab, I used to house sit, and he came here sometimes. I stopped walking him because he was so strong and unpredictable. He would pull so hard on the lead that he pulled me over. I said I couldn't do it anymore when my head hit the ground. Too dangerous.

      My little dog has been with me 2 years 7 months. I used to walk him before that and the owners let him stay with me. Long story. I can't go away on holiday at the moment because he is old and very clingy.

      I was planning on becoming pet free when the oldies had gone, but I kept two young lady cats who came into the rescue with four kittens each. The kittens were rehomed and I kept the mums. I am a softie.

      I had a few days up your way, stayed just outside Durham and went to Newcastle on the train. Didn't see much of it before so I had a good look round. I like it.

  2. looking forward to the show and excited to see your in particular. Ilona South Shields is my home town although I haven't lived there for about 46 years.

  3. Have followed your blog for ages but only just started to comment. Love shed of the year, brilliant programme. (Nick)

  4. Really looking forward to next weeks program , Keep seeing you pop up here are there lol xxx

  5. Love the sheds!! I will look our for you!

  6. Great video!
    You meet the most interesting people.
    I enjoy your blog!

    1. Thank you Annie. I love meeting new people and always ask questions, I'm a bit nosy really, ha ha.

    2. It's what make life fun and worthwhile! JanF

  7. Enjoyed the video, Ilona. I was sure you were on last Friday, then realised I had despite writing the date in my diary, that I had the wrong week. So looking forward to Friday's broadcast.

    1. Hi. I was on briefly last Friday, with two taster snippets of what's to come.

  8. Sadly I'm away for a week from Thursday so will miss you on shed if the year but will keep fingers crossed for you. Good luck.

  9. Only 5 days to go before the result. In any case, it's been an interesting programme and enlightening how people manage to construct their dream shed - all the effort and time, and imagination. Hope all the kiddies are fine. Amanda

  10. I love the term " sheddies", did you invent it yourself or was it used on the programme? JanF

    1. Hi. No, I didn't invent it. Think it was Uncle Wilko, the inventor of the competition.


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