Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Time to reflect (update)

Hello. Apologies for not writing a post today. I have had an emotional day visiting family, and now I am very tired. I'll be back soon.

Thursday morning.
I went to see Uncle Stan in hospital, he was very poorly. Just had an email from Auntie Pat, he passed away just after I left to come home last night. I'm glad he got to see me, he knew I was there. I'm going to have a quiet day today, just me and the kids. I will read your comments and I thank you for your kind wishes, but I won't speak again today.

Best wishes,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Have a nice rest, heaven knows you deserve it. You live life at a speed most of us can hardly imagine.
    Of course you don't have any obligation to post daily, just do it when it's a fun thing for you to do. JanF

  3. No need to apologise, Ilona. Take care and look forward to your next post when you feel stronger. Don't put pressure on yourself, rest and relax and take a day or three off if needs be.
    Margaret P

  4. I hope you get some rest and find yourself in better spirits soon. Take care.

  5. Hope it wasn't bad news and sets itself right soon. Today was an emotional day for hubby and I at the doctors. :( I could have done without todays problems.

  6. Hope you got a good nights sleep Ilona and it was not to bad a day with your family, I know how tiring they can be, I am eldest of 6 so you can imagine feelings run high sometimes, I am just happy that I live a long way from them all.

    Try and have a good day today.
    Hazel c uk

  7. How you manage to post every day is beyond me I can't do it my blogging is very hit and miss. I don't think you need to apologise for taking a day off. Rest up and take care

  8. No need to apologise Ilona, take care x

  9. So sorry for your loss Ilona.
    All my best wishes are with you at this sad time.
    Hugs, Julie x.

  10. My deepest condolences,Ilona. We know what a huge inspiration he was to you, and how dear he was to you. Take care ......

  11. Very sorry to hear about your loss Ilona, my condolences.

  12. My sincere condolences. Take care of yourself.

  13. I'm so sorry for your loss, I'll be thinking of you,xxxxx

  14. Sending special thoughts your way at this sad time. SueM

  15. Sincere condolences on your loss, Ilona. Take today to reflect and relax. Gentle hugs, my dear x

  16. He was such a talented man. So sad to hear of your loss. Best wishes xx

  17. So very sorry Ilona. He was such a wonderful man. Take care.

  18. So sorry to hear this Ilona. I have been following your blog since earlier this year (and must say I am hooked) so interesting and different,and I feel like I have known you for ages! Read a lot about your uncle Stan and his fine art work,what a lovely man and very talented.Easy to see where you get your arty flair from! You seem like him in many ways Ilona and you will have years of happy memories to cherish.
    Take care,thinking of you and your family at this sad time... Jan from Newcastle. X

    1. I was just about to enter the almost identical words when I read that Jan had already written them. It does seem that he lived his life gloriously and was fit until very recently. I loved reading about him too.
      You are in my thoughts Ilona. JanF

  19. So sorry to read this, Ilona.

  20. so sorry for your loss,take care and look after yourself xx

  21. So sorry for your loss. I hope you find comfort through your reflection and with the furry ones.

  22. I'm sorry to read this Ilona. Take care. X

  23. I can only echo everyone else and say sorry for your loss and take care.

  24. My condolences to you and your family .x x

  25. Condolences to you and yours Ilona.x

  26. So sorry for your family's loss. He did have a full life.

  27. I am new to your blog and have been reading your older posts. Two days ago I read about your talented uncle. I am so sorry for your loss.

  28. very sorry for your sad loss

    please take care of yourself

  29. so sorry to hear this Ilona. sending my best wishes and hope you feel better soon. Hugs

  30. Glad you saw your Uncle, Ilona. Take time to yourself and remember. Catriona

  31. I am sorry for your loss, Ilona. Uncle Stan sounded like a guy who lived life to the fullest with his creativity. I totally understand your need for quiet time.

  32. So sorry for your loss; Iv been reading your blog for years the love you have and show your family shines through xx

  33. Such sad news, my thoughts are with you and your family x

  34. I remember reading all your posts about Uncle Stan and his art. I am sorry such a lovely man has passed away. Take as much time away for yourself as you need. I'm sure your kids will be a comfort.

    Linda xx

  35. Best wishes to you and your family. You will be able to take comfort in all his artworks that he left. Natalie xxxx

  36. Deepest sympathy, a very talented man. Thanks for letting us know this news, however upsetting it is, we will all wait patiently for when you feel like posting again. Treat yourself and be in touch when you are ready. Hugs to you. Amanda x

  37. Sincere condolences Ilona. Hugs and warmest wishes. Deb x

  38. I'm so sorry for your loss of your Uncle Stan, from reading your posts, he sounds like such a wonderful and talented person. Thinking about you, hugs and purrs. Virginia in Tennessee

  39. So very sorry to hear that Uncle Stan has passed on. I enjoyed reading about him and how talented he was. Wonderful that you were able to visit and say your good byes.

    Take care my dear. Enjoy a quiet day with your kids, rest and eat well. We will all be here when you feel up to posting.

  40. My condolences to you and your family. A sad reminder how brief our time here is. Thankfully you saw him yesterday. My prayers are with you today.

  41. Sorry for your loss, take some time out xxx

  42. Much love to all who are grieving at present and special hugs for you.
    J xxx

  43. Dear Ilona

    So sorry to hear of your loss. Look after yourself and snuggle up to your lovely pets xxx

  44. It always sounded like your Uncle squeezed every last drop out of life...great example to us all.

  45. My condolences, Ilona. My thoughts are with you.
    Margaret P

  46. sorry to hear the sad news, Jo x

  47. Very sad to lose a much loved and talented Uncle...take care of yourself and give your four legged friends an extra hug tonight. Rae x

  48. sorry to hear of your loss. take care.

  49. I just looked up when it was that Uncle Stan had his Art Exhibit and gosh, it was only mid April this year. He looked wonderful then. Thank goodness you attended that and also that you got there yesterday to spend time with him. What a fantastic gift his presence was in your life. Thinking of you. JanF

  50. So sorry. Uncles are special. Enjoy the happy memories and be glad that you saw him and he saw you. Sue

  51. Sorry to hear about your loss, I'm happy you were able to visit with him.

  52. So pleased you got chance to say goodbye to Uncle Stan. Always difficult to lose a loved one. Take comfort in his long productive life and let the four legged kids work their comforting magic on you. X

  53. So sorry for your loss Ilona xxxxxxxxx

  54. I am so sorry for your loss, Ilona. Sending you a hug x

  55. Hi Iiona I love reading your blog and feel very sad to hear about your uncle Stan. He looked the picture of health in April. It shows us time is precious and we need to enjoy our life like you do and your uncle Stan did. I send my deepest condolences.

  56. Sorry to hear about your uncle. I know he was a favorite. I am glad you got to see him and that you saw him fairly often. It seemed that he was quite active until recently.
    Remember the good times and mourn in your own way. Much love.

  57. Very sorry to hear of your loss, Ilona. Also very glad you were able to see him and also very glad that he knew you were there. It's always sad to lose a loved one. Take care and my thoughts are with you. Ranee (MN) USA

  58. Thinking of you and your family.

  59. So sorry to hear about you uncle Ilona. It is always sad to lose loved ones. Take care.
    Hilary from Hunstanton.

  60. Such sad news Ilona, so sorry to loose the old gentleman, I know how much you loved him. Just lately I have been back and forth to S/Shields, my foster brother has cancer and it is now in his head and the dementia is getting worse, so thats why I am not around much. I do look in when I can tho. You take care of yourself Ilona as it is always stressful losing a loved one Thinking of you. xx

  61. Hugs....(hoping I am not being "too familiar", but I always found a hug helps in these situations)

    Glad you had a visit, am certain he was too.

  62. So sorry to hear your news, Ilona :( Hope you are ok and thinking of you. Life is so short and you have a fantastic approach of living it to the full. It's so much more than about money, as you prove. You inspire many people. Hence the popularity of your blog. Thinking of you. Louise (from your old town) x

  63. Condolences to you and your family. He was a lovely and talented gentleman, I always enjoyed reading about him here.

  64. So sorry for your loss Ilona but glad you could spend sometime with Uncle Stan.
    Look after yourself and rest when you can.
    Tender hugs,
    Hazel c uk

  65. My sincere condolences to you. I hope you find some comfort tonight. Karen

  66. thinking of you during this sad time, love from Julie

  67. So sorry for your loss of Uncle Stan. May he RIP, and may you find comfort in your memories of him.

  68. So sorry, Ilona.

    Joan (Wales)

  69. I'm so sorry. He looks such a lovely person. Happy we got to know him through your blog. Best wishes for you and your family.

  70. So sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  71. Hugs Ilona, I know your Uncle meant a lot to you. I am so sorry for your loss.

  72. Dear Ilona, I'm very sorry to hear that you've lost a close relative and kindred spirit. He was very talented.

  73. Love your blog, so sorry about your loss, do rest and hope you take comfort from us your readers x

  74. I am very sorry to hear your sad news. My sincere condolences to you and your family

  75. My condolences to you and your family. I wish you peace and the solace of family, your animals and good friends. Thanks for letting those of us who read here know what is happening. I'm sorry for this loss.

  76. My deepest sympathies on the loss of your uncle. I'm so glad you got to see him and he knew you were there.

  77. So sorry for your loss Ilona, be kind to yourself and get all the rest you need xx

  78. So sorry to hear this Ilona - he always seemed like such an interesting person and I loved when you wrote about him. Condolences to all your family - take care.

  79. Strong thoughts and hugs. I know you meant a great deal to each other.

    Queen Victoria

  80. So sorry to hear your sad news, my thoughts are with you xx

  81. Oh! Miss I... I'm so sorry. I know you will miss his terribly. I loved reading about this lovely talented man. *hugs* from across the pond.

  82. So sorry for your loss Ilona. My thoughts are with you. He was an amazing man, and I loved how you wrote about him. xx

  83. Dear Ilona, You are in my thoughts. Sending you a hug. Jo

  84. I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle. You and he were so close. Take care of yourself and your furry kids and come back when you're ready.

  85. Sending heartfelt condolences to you and your family.

  86. I'm so sorry; it's never easy to say good-bye to a loved one. Sending big hugs..

  87. Sorry to read the sad news about your Uncle Stan - I always liked to read the stories you wrote about him and his art. Hugs for you and your Aunty Pat x

  88. I am so sorry to read your sad news, I know that you were very close to your Uncle and you both shared unique talents. I feel that I knew him through your writing, what a very, very nice man. My cousin who lives in Burton on Trent went to see his art work in the library and told me how very much he appreciated such excellent work.
    I see a strong family resemblance between you both.
    Thinking of you Ilona and your family, sending love and hugs.
    Pam in TX.xx

  89. When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. Sincerest sympathy and condolences. Tim

  90. Much love at this sad time
    jane xx

  91. So sorry to hear of your loss. Your Uncle Stan sounded like a wonderful person. Sendinf Condolences to you and your family at this very sad time.

  92. Comment 100. Friday morning. Thank you all so much for your good wishes. It gives me great comfort that you are all there for me. I've done a lot of thinking, and I will do a lot more.

    I welcome this new day, just as I welcome every new day that I am blessed with. A life has ended, and there will be many more just beginning, that's what it's all about. We are all here for such a short time, we must be thankful for the life we have been given, and do the best for ourselves. I will be back later today. xxx

  93. Am so sad to read this.look after yourself and be grateful for the times you shared. Xxx

  94. Reflective time is needed and helpful at this time. Hugs xxx

  95. Thinking of you, sending hugs xx

  96. Big love and hugs from across the seas here in Australia coming from us to you.

  97. thinking of you Ilona and thank you for sharing your Uncle Stan and his wonderful artwork with us through your blog. take care as you walk the path of sadness onlyjo x

  98. I am so sorry to hear about Uncle Stan I know you meant so much to each other. Take the comfort that you were able to be with him in his final hours. Take care Ilona. x

  99. So sorry to hear your news. He looks a lovely calm man. Look after yourself. xx

  100. So sorry to read your sad news, Ilona. Thinking of you.

  101. I am so sorry to hear of your Uncle Stan's passing. He sounded like such a great man. You take it easy. I am happy you have lots of kitties and a doggie to keep you company at this time.

  102. I have followed you for years and know how dear your uncle was to you. I am so sorry to read of his passing. I hope your memories bring you comfort.

  103. My deepest sympathies to you. We are here for you, Ilona. Sending love your way-
    Lisa in Miami

  104. Sorry for your loss. May you find strength in the memories.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Giselle in Canada

  105. I'm so sorry for your loss, thinking of you.

  106. Bless you. In this time of our own family's loss perhaps I'm on your wavelength. Take care.x

  107. Thinking of you Ilona. Susan from Perth x

  108. {{{Hugs}}} - you & your family have my sympathy.

  109. So sorry for the loss of your beloved Uncle. I remember your post about his exhibition - such a wonderful artist and such a lovely wise face. Thinking of you, Jenny in Canberra xx

  110. So sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved uncle. He sounded like a wonderful and inspirational man. I'm pleased you were able to spend some time with him and say goodbye. Thinking of you. Kristel xx

  111. just saw amazing spaces and yours won best in budget catagry. well done and very well deserved ithought it was brilliant. such a talented lady iloved it.

  112. My sincere sympathy Ilona. I know you loved your Uncle Stan very much.
    May he rest in peace.
    Hugs and more hugs.


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