Tuesday, 23 August 2016

A touchyfeelly texture project, by Cassie

Good morning, a quickie before I get started with the jobs for the day. You might have noticed that I have a link to Cassie Stephens blog on my sidebar. She is an art teacher, and I think she looks a lot like our Duchess Kate. She has some great art ideas, and I love the way her enthusiasm for art shines through in the clothes she wears and the way she projects her voice. I would love to be in her art class. Our art teacher at school was Mr Brodie, and all we did was paint, which I wasn't very good at. Nowadays art is about so much more than just painting.

I've been on yooootoooob and Cassie has several videos on there and I've picked one out which shows a simple project that anyone can have a go at. I will certainly give it a try. She demonstrates the technique on a smallish circular piece of cardboard, but it can be adapted to any size and any shape. Have a look and see what you think. If you are feeling creative why not make one yourself today. All you need is cardboard, glue, kitchen foil, paint, and some bits and bobs. It's all about adding texture.

I'll leave you to it and will be back later to see how you have got on. You are welcome to comment about your creations. What did you use to create your texture?

Catch you later.


  1. She is a wonderful art teacher, I have been following her blog since finding the link on yours! I love the dresses she makes. Any child would be privileged to be in her class and I bet they will continue with art in later life and never forget her as a teacher. JanF

  2. I love it. Such a simple idea and yet so effective.

  3. Thanks for this link Ilona-I am definitely going to try this. Spray adhesive is expensive so I am going to experiment with other cheaper stuff. Catriona

  4. thanks for sharing the video link. I do like that plaque. BTW Ilona, I used you and your appearance on Shed of the Year when I taught a Sunday school lesson to some teenage girls at church. the subject was being happy and as you are one of the happiest , most content people I know, I showed just what is possible.

  5. Thanks for this great video link - another craft added to my 'to do' list. I already have a couple of cardboard circles saved from frozen pizza's and I knew they would come in handy one day haha. That aluminium she used seemed quite thick so I don't think the cooking foil I use will be strong enough. Just wondering what type of black spray paint she used. I have plenty of pva glue which I'll use instead of the spray glue. I also have some wire wool, so not much needed to get this project off the ground :)


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