Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Happy Birthday Joyce.

Hello. I've been to a party today, a 90th Birthday party. Joyce had an open house day and invited all her friends to drop in. Her little bungalow was packed to the rafters all day with a steady stream of guests. I was invited to join them for a bite to eat, and then take Bailey the poodle for his afternoon walk and to give him a break from all the noise. 
I think most of the village had turned out, it was full when I left and even fuller when I got back. Joyce is a very respected member of the community,  a regular supporter of the church, and an eager fundraiser for good causes. 
Joyce's daughter (standing), was on hand to supervise the food and drinks, there was a lovely spread of home made nibbles, pastries, and cakes. Joanna from the 1939 house turned up (seated on the floor), with Celia, one of the elderly ladies that she looks after. It was a smashing village get together.

Anyway, must dash. dinner time. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. What a lovely community you live in, it is heartening to know there are such places about. I am fortunate to live in a lovely road too and it is very special. The troll is the lowest of the low! SueM

  2. great photos,today and yesterday,will watch when you are on!good luck!ignore the troll,obviously someone with nothing better to do than moan like a 2 year old!

  3. lovely pics what an inspiration...her and you
    troll please go and find a life you wont grind iona down with your sillyness

  4. I'm still reading your blog and others but since returning home from my trip life has been so busy I've not had time to post or comment on blogs. However just read that horrid comment on yesterday's post honestly what a complete tosser, sorry about language but some people are just really sad and obviously have no life. Send peace be with you thoughts Ilona and don't waste any energy on them lol

  5. Hi Ilona, sorry I missed yesterdays post, what an interesting day filming, I can't believe that comment, how damn spiteful, what is the matter with some people.

  6. Looks like a fab party it's so nice when communities come together :)

  7. You have a lovely varied blog, a great sense of humour and are unfailingly thoughtful and kind. Just delete the troll's comments. If they have nothing better to do with their time, they are the one who is sad.

  8. Happy birthday to Joyce! She was born the same year as my mother! Come to think of it, my mother was 2 weeks older than the Queen. Must of been a good year for little girls to be born.

    What was it my parents always said? If you can't say anything nice; don't say anything. All I can suggest to your troll is get your own blog and do it better.

  9. My what a beautiful lady, she makes 90 look very appealing :) I had to pop in and visit your last post to see what kind of comments a troll leaves. Kind of like little poop droppings, but what could we expect? Whatever happen to, say something nice or don't say anything at all. I agree with you he/she is one sad person. Keep you chin up and keep enjoying life and all the nice people . . . the world has more of those, thank God :)

  10. Joyce looks lovely and so happy on her 90th! She is an example to us all. I have a dear friend, now 93, who is still writing romantic novellas which are being published.
    Can't wait to see you and your lovely shed!
    Margaret P

  11. What a lovely get together to celebrate this lady's special day x

  12. You seem to live in such a quaint little village. What a wonderful birthday for a sweet 90 year old lady. Thank you for sharing that with us. As to your troll, is there no way you can block them if they are anonymous? Silly bitter fool hiding behind the keyboard and not even brave enough to use their real name. Glad you do not let it get to you. Some people have no life because they are nasty and have nothing better to do all day than leave nasty remarks. I'll bet they do this to many websites and not just yours.

  13. Happy Birthday Joyce! What a lovely way to celebrate and she looks amazing.

    Just went back to read the troll's comment - how sad - and of course it's anonymous. Just ignore the jealous git Ilona.

  14. Hello again from crime ( and troll ) free Los Angeles. I thoroughly enjoy your your postings for one simple reason - they're positive, mature, helpful and kindhearted. The twits, toads and trolls seem to be everywhere, but they're really just a pathetic minority. It's folks' like you that make this poor old world a much better place. Good on you. Tim

  15. I think it's wonderful the way everyone turned out. She must be a special lady. I hope i look that good at 90!

  16. What a lovely day Joyce must have had she looks nice. We have a lady at craft who will be 100 in October hope she has such a nice day.
    Enjoy the day, I am going to see Gareth Malone recording the final of the choir of the year, should be interesting.
    Hazel c uk

  17. Happy Birthday Joyce x We have a significant birthday going on in our house today. The other half has changed his first digit of 6 to a 7! He doesn't want to do anything to celebrate except maybe take the dog to the beach and have a fish n chips for tea...bless him.

    I don't get these troll people they must spend an awful lot of time trawling the blogs etc just looking for something to make nasty comment's on...what a waste of life. Sadly they can worm their way in and badly upset and affect some people that will take it all to heart but thankfully Ilona..... you are not one of those and that's a fact. Have a good day hopefully troll free. Rae x Ps More eye candy coming on our TV very soon ...Poldark starts 4/9/16

  18. This is a really happy, uplifting post; well done Joyce, and it's so nice that you have a caring close-knitted community - we could do with more of these. As for the troll - utterly stupid, ignore the creature Ilona. Amanda

  19. Lovely photos of what looks like a brilliant day, especially for Joyce.

    Trolls are sad, sad people. Nothing to do with their lives except to try and cause misery ☹

  20. Joyce sounds like a lovely lady and what a sweet tribute to her. I love the accounts of your sweet village life.

  21. Joyce looks fantastic for 90. Looks like you had a lovely party.x

  22. Lovely uplifting post and good to see your village has a real sense of community. As others have said ignore the troll - all very pathetic and silly in my opinion. Kristel

  23. Love your blog, Ilona. Really look forward to reading it. I have to say, after yesterday's vile little rant from that odious creature, that I did wonder if she should get some professional help.


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