Monday, 15 August 2016

A bit late tonight.....

Hello. I'm a bit late tonight, don't know where the day has gone. Crafty Club this morning, then gardening, hedge trimming and bagging up the rubbish. This afternoon I went to the tip with another load, then onto the vets to pick up medication for the kids. Popped into the small Tesco on the way back and found a six pack of kiwi fruit for 11p. Round the corner at the Co op I bought an eight pack of Actimel for 69p instead of £2.89, and a four pack at 39p instead of £1.69. I don't normally buy this because it's far too expensive, but at that price it's ok. I will put it on my breakfast cereals. 
Yesterdays lunch was using up some yellow stickers, a bit of a mishmash but it tasted nice. Ready chopped onions, ready sliced mushrooms, baby sweetcorn, and steamed potatoes and carrots left over from the day before. Served on a bread roll. 
Look what someone gave me today, surplus to requirements. Two single bed duvet's one with a cover. I don't need them and as I am not sure of their history and most people won't accept second hand bedding, I will turn them into pet beds.

My dinner tonight, I couldn't be bothered to cook so I took a ready meal out of the freezer and zapped it in the microwave. Sweet potato, butternut squash, and spinach stew. I added a lump of Danish Blue cheese which gave it a scrummy taste.

Last week I bought two packs of Rye bread. I quite like this toasted. I cut up a plastic bag from the bran flakes and used it to separate the slices. 
Oh dear, I'm falling asleep here, I'd better go. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. never thought of toasting rye bread, thanks for the idea.

  2. Hi Ilona, I understand your point about people being a bit iffy about using second hand bedding but they don't take their own bedding when they stay in hotels do they?

    1. True, but I think people are more particular about what they put into their own homes. A hotel stay might only be for a few nights and you would expect the bedding to have been cleaned in between guests.

  3. Ha, I use the bags inside cerial boxes for putting things in the freezer, too.

  4. Good idea about using the secondhand bedding for pet beds. I collect things for a friend and her daughter who between them have nine
    rescue dogs and one cat - they all have very comfy beds! SueM

  5. Good idea about using cereal packets. Clever.

    1. Hi. Another use for them is to fill them up with dirty cat litter then deposit in the general waste bin. Probably not biodegradable, but at least they are used one more time. You can always fuse several layers together with a hot iron and make a shopping bag out of them.

  6. I used to love that rye bread toasted for breakfast but not had any for ages, they've stopped stocking it in my local shop.

  7. Looks delicious. I must buy some rye bread for toast now. How do you prepare your soup from the steamed vegetables? Do you use a blender? Thanks for all of the great ideas. I really enjoy your blog.

    1. Hello Jacqueline. The rye bread is much better toasted in my opinion, with lashings of naughty butter. It's very filling and will keep you going if it's too long to wait for dinner.

      I don't make soup with steamed vegetables, I use fresh for that, and use a stick blender. The steamed veg goes into a sort of stir fry in the last minute to warm them up, they don't need any more cooking. I start off with onion, mushrooms, or whatever veg I have, cook through, then bulk it out with the steamed veg.

  8. Good use for the cereal packets, thanks for the tip (Nick)


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