Thursday, 25 August 2016

Goodbye, and hello.

Hello. I've been to Uncle Stan's funeral today. It was held at St Mary's Church, Stretton, Burton upon Trent. There were a lot of people there. This is his self portrait which was on the front cover of the Order of Service. 
After the service we all moved on to the Burton Albion Football Club for refreshments. This is a blast from the past. Ben Robinson, the chairman of the club used to go to the same school as me, he was a couple of years above me. Fifty two years have passed since I left school, and I am walking down the corridor at the football club and who should I see but Ben. We recognized each other straight away, how lucky that he was there today, and he remembered my name. He was very popular at school, all the girls liked him including me. I fell for his lovely smile, and look, he still has it. You wouldn't believe he is approaching his 71st birthday would you. He is as handsome now as he was then. I was so excited to see him today
It was a sad day to say goodbye to Uncle Stan, but it was nice to meet with relatives and share our  memories. And what a bonus to meet Ben.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Uncle Stan was certainly a talented artist. Love his self-portrait.

  2. Lovely self portrait of Uncle Stan, and great photo of Ben and you.

  3. One thing I like about you, Ilona, is that even on a sad occasion, you find reasons to smile. Your uncle was a talented man. You have my condolences. I can see where your artistic flair comes from...

  4. What a lovely idea to have Uncle Stan's self portrait on his Order of Service! He was so talented.
    Happy meet up with Ben for you, a special touch of joy on a sad day. JanF

  5. Lovely self portrait of uncle Stan. Condolences Ilona (Nick)

  6. Sometimes funerals turn out lovely, happy events, even when you are saying goodbye to a loved one, you can be uplifted at the same time.

  7. what a beautiful self portrait. Glad the day wasn't too sad and taxing. take care of yourself

  8. Takecare love xx

  9. Saying goodbye to a loved one is always made easier I think when you share your memories with family and friends. How nice to meet
    an old schoolfriend too! SueM

  10. A superb self portrait of your Uncle Stan and you will always have that to look at and remember what a talented man he was. Glad you had some joy in your day as well.

    Linda xx

  11. Glad all went well Ilona. Funerals seem to turn out to be a sad but uplifting occasion all rolled into one, you think a lot about the person who's died, you meet people you haven't seen in a long long while, have a catch up with them afterwards and maybe a laugh or two about things now long gone, then you are one your way home with your thoughts of the day. Like the person that's gone you may never see them again either. Strange that huh. Take care. Rae x

  12. A lovely portrait. Memories are priceless x

  13. Lovely self portrait of your uncle. Best wishes. Natalie

  14. Reading the local press, your Uncle Stan was quite the celebrity around these parts and very well known and loved. Proven by the big turn out. Hope that gives you comfort through a sad time and a great testement to him. Thought about you and hope you are ok. (Have had/ got two funerals within the space of two weeks :( Check you out with Ben Robinson :) Burton against Derby tonight!! Louise (from your old town)

  15. Lovely self portrait, how touching. Your old school mate looks amazing for 71!

  16. Was Uncle Stan your father's brother? Just wondering if the creative talent you share with him comes via a blood relationship or by in law?

  17. My love and thoughts are with you at this sad time. How nice to see an old friend to cheer you up .Lovely smiles, both of you ! xxx

  18. So it was goodbye to your dear Uncle Stan (and what a wonderful self-portrait, he was obviously a talented artist) and hellow to your old school pal and what a super smile he has! Is he a Will replacement, Ilona, har, har!
    Margaret P

  19. It sounds like it was more of a celebration of a talented mans life than a sad day, and what a lovely bonus to meet up with an old friend.


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