Monday, 1 August 2016

All snug and warm

Hello. So I said to my friend a year or so ago, let me know when you have finished with that jacket, because I will have it. I had forgotten all about it as it was mainly spoken in jest thinking she will have a lot of years wear out of it. I saw her last week, and she gave me the jacket. What a fantastic surprise. It's bloomin lovely, warm, padded, lots of pockets, covers my bum, furry hood, just the job for walking about in the depths of winter. There's nothing like being prepared for bad weather. 
I have got some brilliant friends.
Thanks for popping in, thanks for sending your walking mileage, I will update the page soon. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. It's lovely. I'm sure I saw similar (if not the same one) in M&S earlier this year in the region of £80, so it's a great gift!! Your photo made me chuckle - I hope you've got some knickers on!!!

    1. Erm.....not knickers, my boys pants, ha ha.

  2. You look lovely. Kind of intriguing. xx

  3. You probably made her feel guilty for wearing it. That is how I would feel if someone asked me for the coat I was wearing. Then if after giving it up I was asked if I was sure I would say yes, because well what else can you say? I gave away loved toys as a child because other children asked me for them. It made me sad but I still did it!

    I would prefer also to give my things away to a charity shop where they raise money for good causes and someone who needs it might buy it. Ask and you might receive it is true. But there is a cost.

    I saw that my local Tesco gives excess food away today, and that made me feel good. It probably accounts for the lack of yellow stickers. But it is better that the food goes directly to people who need it.

    1. You know nothing about my friend, so don't make assumptions about her, based on your own feelings. She is into recycling and re using in a big way, just as I am. All her children's clothes get passed down to other members of her family, and her friends with children. Saying I probably made her feel guilty for wearing it is ridiculous.

      So everyone should do as you do then? Give everything to charity shops. It doesn't matter who is on the receiving end of a kindness, as long as unwanted items find another home and continue to be useful. I give my things away to anyone who needs them, friends, family, strangers even when I hand out my shopping bags. I donate things to charity shops, as well as buy from them.

      Life is about sharing, not about who is more deserving.

    2. Well said Ilona, I get really p****d off, when people are spiteful.
      The coat suits you xx

    3. I agree with simple living. There seems to be a lot of spite going about at the moment. The coat will get the best value from you as you will wear it until it's in bits and then probably recycle it in some way.

    4. But you are always telling people to do as you do! The last couple of blog posts do just that. Why am I not allowed to have an opinion too? Somewhat egocentric way of looking at things! At least I think so.

      My opinion is that asking people for things is rude. Of course that is my opinion which I am not allowed to have. I notice you are rude if people disagree with you. I don't call your opinions ridiculous for a start.

    5. Ok. So the last couple of blog posts, did I tell people to go to the market and rifle in bins? No. Did I tell people not to buy a coffee in a cardboard cup? No. I don't tell people what to do, I tell them what I do, I may suggest something will be a good idea, but I don't tell anyone what to do.

      Read this post. I said, 'let me know when you have finished with that jacket because because I will have it'. I said it mainly in jest because I thought if she wears it for a few years then it won't be fit to pass on. I never expected to get it. She is a good friend, we have a laugh together, she knows me. She is the good friend who told me where I could get a load of second hand bricks. We are both make do and mend recyclers. For you to suggest that I probably made her feel guilty for wearing it, is totally ridiculous. You are allowed to have an opinion, but it's the way you word it that's wrong.

      By the way, this is my blog.

    6. No, Ilona doesn't tell people to do as she does. She merely sets an example to people who would like to be more frugal. I've yet to read a post from Ilona when she tells people what to do. If anyone can find such a post, then please point it out to me. Although I've never met Ilona, she seems to me a very kind and generous spirited person.
      Margaret P

    7. Crikey, Anonymous. Heavy or what? My friends and I always pass our unwanted clothes, etc to each other. Why shouldn't I help my friends first?

    8. Laura blackpool1 August 2016 at 20:57

      I thought it was the highest form of flattery saying you loved something that you'd wear it when they'd finished with it not a greedy request. I'd be super flattered. Horses for courses we all see things in a different light

    9. My goodness you should meet my family and friends we are always bagging each others clothes for when we don't want them any more. It's called loving each other and having a bit of fun. Ilona you look fabulous in the photo enjoy your coat and don't let mean spirited people spoil it for you. Jane xx

  4. That's a very Sexy pose going on there! LOL Great gift, keep your bum warm for years to come.

  5. Totally agree with your response... as long as it is not going into land goodness, I would not feel guilty if you wanted something of mine, as it is the kind of thing I say to my friends all the time !!! (yes... I do end up with some of their items lol ) I work in a charity shop 2 days a week and some items for one reason or another do not end up on the shop floor even though the gift was thought to be worth something ( we are also an excuse for not going to the tip) lol

  6. Gorgeous coat! I love it...when you are finished with it....?(only kidding). The most innocuous post ever about your lovely sharing relationship with your friend - your troll does make me chuckle. It must be the school holidays.

  7. Hi Ilona,
    I can't for the life of me understand why people read a blog and feel the need to make negative and unkind comments. Why read the blog at all? I think that you lead your life in an exemplary manner and over the years you have given sound advice on frugality and resourcefulness. Keep up the good work.
    Best wishes
    Colin in Kent

  8. Ilona, I like your blog because you tell us what you do, I don't think you tell us what to do. Maybe your friend was happy to pass the coat along to you specifically, as she knows it will be fully utilised and appreciated. Karen

  9. That looks like a very nice warm winter coat. I bet you get a fair few years out of it

  10. Oh and it wouldn't bother me in the least if my friend asked for something of mine when I had finished with it. Likewise I wouldn't hesitate to say exactly what you said. My friends wouldn't be in the least offended or under any pressure. I think perhaps your troll doesn't know the meaning of friendship.

  11. Who would have thought the gift of a coat would get such a response! Your reply was spot on! SueM

  12. Love the jacket and it looks great on you. When you have finished with it, I am first in line (lol, or should that be troll?).

  13. Yes I agree, who would have thought a gift would cause this response. It is friends sharing and passing things on so as to get the best value from them. It is a joyful post about a much appreciated gift from a friend which causes most of us to smile but there is always some who will take offence. What I don't understand is that most of us follow the feeling that if you haven't something good to say it's best to say nothing at all (after all no one is forced to read a blog) and yet there is a small percentage that seem to think it's okay to be rude or spiteful. I hope they enjoyed the experience! The amount of comments generated on Ilona's blog speak for themselves about how many people are happy to tune in every day. I read every day but don't always comment but it does annoy me when I read a bit of spite and I know that Ilona is perfectly capable of speaking up for herself but I am speaking up for us, the readers.

  14. Lovely coat and great legs - you should show them off more often - the legs I mean haha

  15. Eee thats a belter of a jacket, soon be needing that it already feels like the weather is turning up North x

  16. I just came back for another look. xx

    1. Dear John, you make me laugh :o))

    2. I had to come back yet again to see if you had seen my comment. Bonus :)

  17. Phew! :) - Paul H.

  18. I,ve just given a really good winter coat, similar to a friend in York. I certainly don't, feel guilty about it, she loves it and it's a great pleasure to give it to her. I am getting ready for winter now. Being Cumbrian living now in London, can't help it. Check all my jumpers cost and boots this time if year. Be prepared that's what I say


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