Saturday, 20 August 2016

A big thank you

Hello. I've got some pictures sorted out for you, and to keep a record on my blog about the time my shed won the best Budget Category in the Shed of the Year. I could not show you this one of me and George before because I have my rosette pinned to my bag, and it would give the game away. I did so enjoy hugging him, now I'm not so sure which one is more huggable. George is taller, I like tall men, but I like William's cheeky grin and floppy hair. I bet George would look nice with a beard, he should give it a go. 

I've made a little video to thank everyone who voted for my shed.

Next are some photo's I took from the TV screen while Paul backtracked and paused the recorded programme.

Someone asked about the William picture. I was asked to do that by Plum Pictures the film company, they thought it would be good fun. I didn't want to do it because I am not very good at faces, I am more a landscapes, trees and flowers stitcher, but I said I would give it a go. I have added some stitching but it needs a lot more. If it gets finished it won't look like William, because I can't do faces. I am thinking of making it into a 'Wanted', poster, more of a joke that a portrait.

The ones with the blue button at the bottom of the screen are those that Paul took with his phone. 
 I must say that the Summer House/Beach Hut looks magnificent on a large flat screen. The colours were dazzling.

And this is what I won. A plaque which is now in my kitchen front window for the time being until I can decided where to put it permanently. Note the red lettering, I am customizing it. The dark letters are a bit boring, a touch of paint will brighten it up. 
A perfect rosette in pink.

And a mug for my morning coffee.

Ooooh William, I didn't know you cared. 
He's gone, I am alone once more. It was nice while it lasted.

That's it, it's all over.

Cheers, thanks to Janet and Paul, my best friends in the village.

When I stood on the stage at the end as George was about to announce the overall winner I knew it wouldn't be me. I built mine in about six weeks, some of them had taken a lot longer, and had a lot more work and detail in them. There were far better sheds than mine. West Wing was a very worthy winner, I loved his eco shed with the secret door. So pleased that Oliver's shed on the allotment won his category. I liked Povero, the artists massive shed with all his artworks. I liked the home made sheds the best, those that had been built from scratch by one person.

What next? Oh, I'll find something else to do. I've got four spare doors out the back and two pieces of poly roofing plastic, might build an extension. I'm pleased that so many people have been inspired by my 'have a go', outlook on life. It's true, you don't need loads of money to have a good life. The only limitations are those you impose on yourself. Have a go, and let's see more ladies in Shed of the Year, next year.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon. Have a nice weekend.
Toodle pip


  1. Many, many congratulations on winning your category, Ilona, well done! It all looked great fun, I don't think I would have had the courage to go on TV like you did :) I go to pieces if anyone watches

    1. We are all different, PP. In my job I was stared at all the time. People couldn't quite believe their eyes when they saw a woman driving a 40 tonne truck. I got used to having an audience every time I backed it in and got out to make a delivery.

    2. Congratulations! I am very happy for you that you won!

  2. Ilona, I reckon it doesn't even need a face. Start a new art form.... faceless faces :-)

  3. I am so pleased for you, you are an inspiration xxx

  4. It was a pleasure to vote for you and so pleased that you are the winner in your category. The mug is very nice and useful to boot.

    Your video reflects the truly classy person that you are. The photos are really first class.

    Your blog is simply one of the best!

  5. All good fun, so pleased you won, you made me giggle, sad about the tapestry as I thought it was your idea and not made up for tv :( it was good though and light hearted. shed looked lovely with all the colours. well done you. Julie t

  6. Lovely photos. I echo someone else who said the portrait doesn't need a face. I think it looks great as it is. I really enjoyed the shed of year program so much more this year because of everything on your blog about and your being a part of it. Once more a big congratulations to you.

  7. I'm delighted for you Ilona. Hope more good things come your way. Karen

  8. I liked George too, he was very supportive of your shed. Even at the end when the judges were deciding the winner, he didn't want yours to be taken out of the running. Good on him, obviously a man of good taste!

  9. Ilona's blog is my favourite too. Others simply don't come anywhere near it. My only complaint is that one blog a day just isn't enough to. Then again, if you spend more time blogging you won't be doing all those fab things you write about. Ha ha. Love to see a bit more of your interesting food combinations and fabulously frugal shopping. XXX

    1. Thank you Karen. I do need time to get on with my life, or I wouldn't have anything to write about.

  10. Hello Ilona, from Someone in the Netherlands. I voted for you and send my congratulations. Happy that you win the competition. Was it not only on votes you became the winner? I don't get Channel 4 over here, just BBC One and Two will look on Youtube for it or can you post it? Greetings from Someone in the Neherlands

    1. The first round was done on a public vote on the Shed of the Year web site. The judges had no part in this, their job was to visit each one and have a little discussion before the winners were announced. People not on social media might not have done very well on the voting. I went all out to get as many votes as I could on Facebook and Twitter, and asking all the people I know, friends and family.

  11. Big congrats. Natalie

  12. You are living proof that you can do almost anything if you set your mind to it! I think, regardless of the outcome, your shed would've been a winner with all your readers, Ilona!
    Margaret P

  13. Hi Ilona,iv bern following your blog for years, but cant recall posting before but I wanted to congratulate you on your award and I'm so pleased you won. X Sue from another part of Lincolnshire

  14. well done. our family loved watching the programme. so pleased for you

  15. Congratulations Ilona, a fantastic result.

  16. Congratulations a much deserved winner. Keep up the good work.

  17. I can`t begin to tell you how happy I am for you Ilona ! Your creativity shines and brings hope to many who struggle with lack of funds these days.. I look forward to your blog each day, and only wish you were my neighbour. Congratulations again on your shed of many colours ! xxx Granny from Canada.

  18. Congratulations!
    Would you kindly give us all a master class on how you made the everlasting hanging baskets?

    1. Already done, Angela. If you copy and paste these three links, one has a video, it will show you.

  19. Ilona - we both cheered when they announced you as the winner of your category - we are both so pleased for you. I've always liked George and the other programmes he does, about house renovations etc. Well done to you and all the other sheddies :)

  20. Well done. It looked fabulous on the big TV screen. I loved the artist studio and allotment shed in this week's categories. George and team look like they really enjoy doing this programme.

    1. I agree, I think all the best sheds were in this last programme.

  21. Brilliant, Ilona!!! Great result!!!!!

  22. Wonderful! Congratulations, Ilona - and it is all really inspiring to see what can be done with stuff that others might throw out. xxx

  23. Congratulations again, Ilona. Your win was well deserved.

    I voted twice, once for myself and once for my 92-year-old mom. Mom can no longer read (macular degeneration) but she is frugal through and through. I share with her the adventures and words of wisdom that you post on your blog and she loves hearing them.

    Lovely video.

  24. You are such an inspiration in so many ways! I haven't seen this program...but reading these comments I am so happy for you! You are amazing!!! KarenV in NC

  25. We were so excited when you won your category Ilona.
    It was wonderful to see you so happy and made us so
    happy too !
    Wendy (Wales)

  26. I can't believe there was no prize money awarded. I guess here in America we are spoiled that way!
    How much money did "they" spend on this show and couldn't get sponsors up for more than a wooden plaque, a coffee cup, and a rosette? Sorry, I'm not meaning to make your win seem tawdry, it most certainly wasn't. I'm just shocked that all your work and time and being filmed (while probably great fun) could not be better awarded. Maybe it's best that - simple, great fun - and it's just me being American that has it all wrong. Still: YOU GO GIRL! I love your blog and AM Very Happy you won your category.

  27. wonderful your budget shed and the joy for life that flows from you...hugs

  28. Look at you! I go away for a few day and you go and WIN! Congrats! You deserve it for all the hard work you did and all alone at that. :)

  29. Congrats Ilona. I love your tomboyish style.

  30. Congrats to you and to all the winners!

  31. As we say in the Navy, "Bravo Zulu".... well done. R/Tim

  32. Am so so pleased for you Ilona, well done. A worthy winner - congratulations. This has brightened up my week (was burgled on Friday - not here; nor was my dog; a few sentimental bits stolen but can get over it), so this joyous news has made me smile again. Brilliant. Amanda xx

  33. Well done Ilona. I think your shed is brilliant. There were so many lovely sheds so I am really pleased yours won its category. I think an extension sounds like a great idea.

  34. What an achievement! Congratulations Ilona, absolutely brilliant shed!

  35. What did I just see on TV tonight here in Ireland???!!! You and your colourful shed!

  36. Well done! We don't have a TV so I haven't seen the photo, but I have seen pics of your shed and it looks absolutely ace. Hope you enjoyed your party!

    Mina @ Thrift Cottage UK

  37. CONGRATULATIONS Ilona! Well done! I am crazy about your shed, and so is everyone else. Great video as usual-your hair is lovely, and pink looks great on you.
    Can't wait to see your next creation!
    Lisa in Miami

  38. Well Done Ilona my family were all cheering you. You have inspired us to try so much harder in our recycling. We are so glad you have enjoyed it all. Jane xx

  39. I agree with you about liking the hand built sheds best. There were some that had cost thousands and been built by professionals. I'm sure I could have a great shed if I had £30,000 to spend! The budget and Eco ones were the best

  40. BIG congratulations from Oz - well done on your win Ilona, its well deserved and you are an inspiration 😃 to us all !!.

  41. What fabulous news. Well done. It's so perfect for you to win the Budget category!

  42. Congratulations Ilona, a very well deserved win, and a shining example to all of us! Nothing ventured nothing gained. They don't have a shed of the year in Spain sadly, it might have been fun to try and build a quirky one, no wait, we could still do that!

  43. You haven't included my comment, perhaps it didn't arrive.

    1. Dear Hazel. It did arrive, I chose not to publish it. You told me something that I was not aware of, I can't be expected to know everything. I'm sorry if my actions are at odds with your own principles and convictions, but I am not about to make a moral stand on the matter. I am not a campaigner. I am mighty proud of what I have achieved, and no one can take that away from me. Don't try and make me feel guilty, because I don't. I quote the words of a well known Barbra Streisand song from Funny Girl, 'Don't rain on my parade'.

    2. Dear Hazel. That's another comment I am not going to publish. What a nasty nasty woman you are.

  44. A big Congratulations on your win. I am in Canada so I could neither vote, nor watch the program. I am so glad to see you won in your category. I love the way you decorated your shed with your artwork. Indeed an original. Indeed a well deserved win. Congrats once again.

    Giselle in Canada

  45. Hi....I am new to your blog...found it from some surfing of blog rolls via an Aussie blog. Have been having a look around your blog and just love it. Congratulations on the Shed win....brilliant. I would love to do something similar here in my Hawaii garden but I am afraid it would only last a year before the termites took over.

  46. First time in years that I have felt my vote counted! Hurray for your win!!!!

    Practice the face on paper first. You might try blowing up a photo of him for outlines of eyes mouth nose. Do you have an artist in town? You can figure this out!!!! I've 'seen' you attack too many things and know you can figure out a way.

  47. How exciting to see you on YouTube and thanks for sharing the video of your shed. I absolutely adore it! It would be fun to have one like that for me outdoors. All mine, not my daughter's. Since you have another door, maybe you should get some hinges on it and make an official door on your shed! Your art work is lovely as well. Good job and thanks for being an inspiration to me! It would be fun to have a spot of tea with you in your shed with some biscuits. Oh to be an ocean away. I know enough bloggers in England now that I should pop over and visit....tee hee! Happy weekend!


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