Friday, 19 August 2016

The secret is out.

Hello. I'm back from watching Shed of the Year at Janet and Paul's house, we had a smashing time. Wine and cream cakes to celebrate my win. Thank goodness I don't have to keep it a secret any longer. I see some comments have already come in on the last post, thank you for that. Twitter has been going mad, lots to read on there. Bit tired now, I will be back tomorrow.
Toodle pip


  1. It was such a good show and your summerhouse was a well deserved winner, even if you did terrify poor Will! That made me laugh and I cheered louder than for the olympics. Well done you 😊😊

  2. Well done Ilona, so thrilled you won the category you were in - looks like you had a great Will as well. So pleased for you and it would have been absolutely wonderful if you had won the contest outright, which I think you should have done. Congratulations once again. Regards Sue

  3. Congratulations!!! We had a good evening and was in tears (maybe just me) when you won! I thought your whole presentation was wonderful and you deserved your award! My dughter really, really wants to build her own shed in the garden. I would have totally flirted around Will. Really well done.

  4. Many congratulations, Ilona! So pleased for you. It all looked so colourful - you are so talented, best wishes, Annie in Glos.

  5. Congratulations! That is fantastic! I'm in America so I did not get to see the program (Boo!) but hopefully there will be clips soon.

    I believe that you've won £1,000. Is that correct? If so I know that you will use it well.

  6. Wow! Wonderful. Congratulations!

  7. Congratulations on your win, very well deserved Ilona. (Nick)

  8. Did not the shed west wing win?.

    1. Ilona won the budget shed category so was a finalist . I loved the overall winner too - superb shed

  9. Congratulation! I think you did an outstanding job with what you had to work with.

  10. Congratulations! You have done a fantastic job starting literally with nothing! No one deserves it more than you! Is there a prize?

  11. Did you win? I hope so! I live in the US and never figured out how to find it on my computer. Please share the details ;)

  12. How wonderful. Congratulations and you deserve a smashing time! Have a great weekend.

  13. Being the the US I didn't know what happened. Went and read the comments from the last blog to see. Congratulations!!!!! It's a lovely colorful shed/summer house.

  14. That's wonderful! Congratulations! I'll hope to catch it on YouTube!

  15. YIPPEE!!! Knew you could do it - YOU GO GIRL!! I'm so happy for you - enjoy, enjoy your laurels.

  16. Congratulations! I was wondering if you'd won and were keeping the secret. Now we know! What fun!

  17. Congratulations, Ilona, so very well deserved.

  18. Congratulations on the win in your category. I knew your creation was a winner from the get go. Brilliant! Ranee (MN) USA

  19. I knew! I think we all knew! It was pretty obvious even without seeing the show. Who could beat your wonderful budget wise shed.
    Hurrah for you!
    I forget what you win but hope it's something wonderful and boy, you deserve it!! JanF

  20. Very exciting Ilona and many congratulations to you. A worthy win for a lovely, bonkers lady. Have you finished the tapestry yet?

  21. What a worthy winner you are Ilona. Congratulations. Have you finished the tapestry yet?

  22. Many congratulations Ilona. So pleased you won your category. And what a wonderful experience for you taking part. Will we see you enter again next year...maybe an extension to the summerhouse especially for your kitties. For someone who will hit 60 next year you are such an inspiration. Love Helen xx

    1. I mean I'm the one who will be 60, by the way. I know you're 67 and you're so much more active than me. Love Helen xx

  23. Congratulations, a well deserved win.

  24. You did so well to keep that secret. I really enjoyed this weeks program and shouted out loud when you won your section. I was so thrilled you won and really had high hopes you may win overall. I liked the one that won though so was a consolation. You did so well to win your bit and should feel really proud. I am glad that when deciding they threw out the ones that were not really sheds first. I still think yours is amazing because you built it with your own hands and on no money and filled with your artwork also made with no money, I didn't think they said enough about that. Any way I am rambling on, congratulations, I am so pleased for you.

  25. Congratulations again Ilona, you deserved to win your category. If it could not be you to win overall I am glad it was the one who did win, I thought it was so clever the way he had made it.
    I think you should have had a special prize for being the only woman finalists, but then maybe your prize was getting to hug George and William ("lucky lady)

    Enjoy the fame and weekend.
    Hazel c uk

  26. Fantastic, Ilona, and well deserved. So glad for you.
    J x

  27. Congratulations dear Ilona. I'm so happy for you!! Pat xx

  28. Clever, lovely woman. So deserved. Jumped for joy when I saw you won. Well done. xx

  29. Congratulations on winning your category Ilona. Really enjoyed the programme last night and loved your art work xx

  30. Yaeah! Fantastic, Well done. Your summer house looked amazing on the telly. Lets have a picture of the rosette to celebrate.

  31. Well done Ilona. I adore the lovely space that you have created. I bet crafters all over Britain are now eyeing up their own craft rooms. I certainly am

  32. So very pleased you won your category. Yo had me giggling over your interview with Will. At one point I was yelling "Put that man down!" So much fun. Lovely to see they focused on your 'evergreen' hanging basket, it looked gorgeous.

    Also noticed that when all the finalists were standing together you were the only woman - girl power! Your friends' Shed of Dreams was lovely too, I'm glad they won their category.

    Who knew when you started building your summerhouse all that time ago that it would end up so adored and on national tv.

    What nest?

    Linda xx

  33. Yay!! So proud of you! It was amazing to see it on tv, it felt like it was "our" shed. Well done,xxx

  34. Congratulations on your win!! Do hope you can put a clip on here so those of us not in Britain can see it.

  35. congratulations you deserve it xxx

  36. Well done! It was thrilling seeing you on TV with all the other sheddies. SueM

  37. Well deseved, Ilona. Enjoyed watching the show ver much. Catriona

  38. joan here sue's MUM So thrilled for you . Well Done .

    You are the same kind of lovely lady that Sue's great Aunt Ida was . So pleased that you were the only LADY in the finalists Love Joan XXX

  39. Oh, you were just brilliant, a natural in front of the camera! Even Husband came in from the study to see your shed and said, and this is meant to be praise, "Well, it's much better than I thought it would be!" Aren't men funny! "Of course it is," I said, "Ilona is a very talented lady!" And you won your category. Indeed, Husband thought that each category winner should have a prize, because you simply can't compare a huge building project like that barn-what-ever-it-was with your darling little summerhouse, it's like comparing sheep with horses, it's not possible. Best part of your summerhouse, apart from your skill in putting all those disparate parts together, is the hanging basket outside, made from foil cans! Oh, well done you! I hope you could hear me cheering all the way from Devon!
    Margaret P

  40. Congratulations, so proud of you! I was clapping and whooping with joy for you, I frightened the cat!
    I thought you had won overall when the judges were looking at the last 2 entries(was convinced the photo nearest to George was of your creation) and William sort of looked wary of another 'hugging'! lol!
    Thanks too, you've just made one of my favourite series great! xxx

  41. Wow, wow, wow! Huge congratulations....well deserved. XXX

  42. Absolutely thrilled for you well done x

  43. It was great to see you "live" and to join in your excitement! Many congratulations to you and I'm waiting to see what you come up with next!

  44. Good on you girl!! What a fantastic win for you! You deserve it, Hun. Have a wonderful day.

  45. many congratulations Ilona - really enjoyed watching your section of the program and clapped and cheered when you won - a well deserved win for you, you kept the secret well. from onlyjo

  46. Lovely to see you on the box. Many congratulations a very worthy winner.

  47. Congratulations Ilona, had a feeling you would win,well done!
    Jan from Newcastle x

  48. Well done you!! You fully deserve it x I haven't seen it yet as we've been away for a few days. I had a sneaky feeling you might win as your colourful home made summer/craft/shed house call it what you will was made with love from other peoples throw outs and full of lots of crafty ideas from the creator....YOU x Bless you xxx Rae x

  49. Yours is a triumph in so many ways; as well as your own thrill at winning, just look at the delight and excitement you have given to all your friends on your blog. Great news, thank you, Ilona for sharing your success, and of course, many congratulations.

  50. Well done, you should be fantastically proud of your achievement. There were some amazing sheds so to win against such stiff competetition is incredibly exciting! And spreading the frugal message is a bonus :-)

  51. Fantastic,both you and your summer house have true star quality.The expensive entries looked false and commercialised in comparison.Celebrate your success in style,maybe a nice glass of something in your summer house with your little pal,Rocky,enjoying a treat.Thanks for sharing the experience.X.

  52. So pleased for you Ilona, you looked so excited when Will visited (who wouldn't be), and astounded when they announced that you had won your category. Wish they had spent more time on your beautiful and colourful shed though and your garden looked great. Enjoy your success.

  53. You were a very worthy winner of your category, well done. The show was brilliant with some lovely sheds. In fact I think all the best ones were in this episode. Well done again and I'm glad you got to see it as it went out with your friends and had a little celebration.

  54. Really well done Ilona. So exciting for you. X

  55. I love your shed, and am delighted that you won! My internet connection went last night, so I didn't see the show, shall be looking out for a repeat. Many congratulations Ilona; you are an inspiration!
    Kitty in the Forest

  56. Bravo, Ilona and your pretty little shed!

  57. Congratulations, well deserved!! Wish we could see it here in the USA :-(

  58. Congratulations Ilona all the way from Australia. Brilliant shed and a brilliant effort by a very creative and inspiring builder. So happy for you. Cheers Jo

  59. Congratulations I knew you would win with your amazing shed. Have to find programme on somewhere now to watch it in the Netherlands. xxx

  60. Lyndsay has just told me you've won Shed of the Year, wow well done you. Never a dull moment. Unfortunately some of us are hard at it. I'm still working for Containerlift!!!! I can't believe that I'm still doing it and getting closer to your 32 year. It'll be 30 years for me next year. Keep up the good work. X

    1. Hi Julie, nice to hear from you. Well done for your continued dedication to trucking. I ran out of steam when I got to 59, had to stop completely, wasn't enjoying it. Now I am in a new chapter of my life and it's so enjoyable to be in control. I let my licence go last year, not worth paying to keep it, no sign of me ever driving a lorry again. Bit sad really, I would love to get in a cab and have a drive, on private land obviously. I look at what drivers have to put up with today and think maybe I'm lucky that I don't have to do it. You will know when your time will come to stop.
      Best wishes, to you and Lyndsay.

  61. Hi Ilona, so glad you won your category on shed of the year! This is a significant achievement and you can rightly be proud of yourself.
    Good luck for the future.

  62. It was so exciting when you won, I leaped up and cheered, well done, best wishes, from a Fenland lady x

  63. Congratulations Ilona!! So happy for your win.


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