Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Tarting up Mrs Tiggy-winkle

Hello. Remember these two, they were unwanted, thrown out, destined for the skip. 
Mrs Tiggy-winkle has had a makeover. I was going to paint her in several different colours but I could see that it was going to be a fiddly job, so I opted for an all over transformation with subtle green metalic paint. Much easier to do, and she looks like brand new again, even better than the original finish.  

I went to the mobile library today and came across a book which might be very useful for my next project, ha ha.  Having a coffee break, I'll have a read and see what materials I will need.

Blooming hot today outside, I've trimmed my hair, done a load of washing, now it's tea time.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon. Toodle pip


  1. There is nothing like an ambitious project! That last photo made me smile.

  2. Love those sculptures, will look fab in the garden. Great photo of you too, check you out with your tan! Xxx

  3. Mrs. Tiggywinkle is charming and that is a perfect book for you to read!

  4. Oh miss tiggywinkle is lovely much better than that dull grey. Your book looks interesting.
    Hazel c uk

  5. Brilliant job with Mrs Tiggy-winkle. Bet the build your own house book is interesting reading. (Nick)

  6. Love what you have done with Miss Tiggywinkle. Question though, have you considered painting her eyes? I think it would finish her perfectly.

    Your reading material is perfect for the home-owner. A new garage or tool shed in your future?

  7. Love Mrs Tiggywinkle, your looking well Ilona.

  8. Just look at you, Miss Tiggywinkle All titavated up. You look marvelous !

  9. I've always loved Miss Tiggywinkle. You've made her very nice.

  10. Love Miss Tiggywinkle - I had a huge real one in my garden two nights ago which was thrilling as I know they are few and far between. He/She enjoyed leftover cat food.
    Build your Own House, I bet you could! SueM

  11. LOL! Your photo made me giggle! What about a one of a kind Ilona cat pen for your rescue kitties??

    1. I could probably manage that, but Sue hasn't any more room in her garden.

  12. Don't know which (or who!) I like best, Mrs Tiggywinkle or yourself, contemplating your next project!!! I must not encourage you ... you would need at least a battery operated screw driver for that project, not just a saw and a pair of scissors, har, har!
    Margaret P

  13. Just over 8 years ago my husband was mooching around for a project for his upcoming retirement. Flippantly I said "Build a house". That's what we did! He spent a year putting in all the services (250 metres from the road) doing all the groundwork and project management. Then we had a German prefabricated house built by Schworer. We did all the internal decoration, flooring and the kitchen and then had to set to and do a hectare of garden! Thrilled with the house and the garden is maturing well. Helen in France

    1. Hi. I admire anyone who takes on the challenge of building their own house. Must be hard work. I won't be joining them.

    2. It was hard work and stressful at times but the end result was well worth it. We designed the house to be suitable for our 'senior' years and the garden has lots of trees and grass and flower beds which can be grassed over as we find it difficult to deal with them.

  14. My Dad (now 100) designed and built his house. Took him years. Natalie

    1. Well done Dad. A good achievement if you have the patience.

  15. Hi Ilona, Do you know that there's a lovely photo and article about your Uncle Stan in the Burton Mail online tonight? :) Google it and it'll come up on the top article. Louise from your old town

    1. Thank you Louise, I didn't know. You can guess where I will be tomorrow.

  16. Well, you did OK with the shed...............


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