Friday, 12 August 2016

My hippy style bag

Hello. I've been busy getting on with stuff, plenty to do at Tightwad Towers. Thank you so much for all your kind wishes, I am overwhelmed by how many people take the time to send in their comments. But, life goes on and I have a lot of memories to look back on. Uncle Stan had a long and full life, and I hope to follow his example and fill mine with what makes me happy, and that is mainly keeping busy doing things I enjoy. 
I spent this morning finishing off this bag. It's 12 inches by 13 inches, and made out of scrap fabric, some hand stitching and some machining. I made the back and front as two separate pieces then blanket stitched them together. It is several layers thick so it isn't floppy. The handles are long enough to go over one shoulder, which is how people like to hold them. 

I have added a tab with a piece of black elastic to the back, which fastens onto the button on the front.

All the stitching is random, I didn't have a plan, just added it where I thought it would look nice. I frayed some of the edges of the fabric. 

The back is a plainish piece of fabric.

I am very pleased with it. I have made another bag front with a mixture of red and pink fabrics. Another work in progress to join the other projects. I need to do some work in the garden in the next week. The lilac trees are down but there is still a lot of trimming up on the other bushes, and the front garden needs some attention too. Thank goodness for the electric hedge trimmer.

I'll get off I've still to do the walk yet, don't want to get behind. Shed of the Year is about to start but I'll catch it later. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. loving the bag,keep up the good work!chin up x

  2. Beautiful colors. I know you will enjoy that!

  3. Sorry to read about your uncle, my condolences to you and your loved ones.

    The bag looks like it was a fun build. I can't wait to see what you have done with the other one.

  4. That is really beautiful, that's practically AND art! Love it!
    Margaret P

  5. I absolutely love that bag. Brilliant.
    J x

  6. ideal for an old hippy like name 'Happibags' by Ilona.


  7. Fab bag. I find retired pillowcases make good lining for bags.

  8. Wow, that is so intricate! Just spotted you on shed of the year too in the audience. Looking forward to watching your episode next week. Sorry to hear about uncle Stan x

  9. The bag is great so you, nice and colorful. Watched the shed show tonight and you were great with William did you give him the collage? Looking forward to next week to see you with yours and do hope you win.

    Enjoy the weekend and hope you get some gardening dine.
    Hazel c uk

  10. Love that bag! I too am about to watch shed of the year, looking forward to it! Xxxx

  11. Your hippie bag is fabulous!
    I'm sorry to hear about Uncle Stan, I'm sure he will be missed.

  12. I love that bag the colours are just gorgeous. Do you sell them? I would love to buy it.

    1. Hello Wendy. I only sell my bags locally to make money for the cat rescue I'm involved with. I give some away when the mood takes me. Sorry, I won't be offering any for sale on my blog because it would open the floodgates and I don't want to spend all my time churning out more.

      I show them here because I hope it will inspire the sewers to have a go and make their own. There are videos on yoootooob with instructions, for those who haven't tried before, they are quite easy to follow.

    2. Open the floodgates - that made me laugh!!!

  13. Keep busy. Great button things on the bag. Natalie

  14. Very sorry to read about your Uncle Stan - he has appeared so often on your blog, I almost feel I know him by his art. I'm glad you got to visit with him before he passed. Condolences, Ilona.

  15. I think this one is my favorite. :)

  16. Just about the most beautiful thing you've ever made! What a lovely way to have spent your quiet time thinking of your uncle too. JanF

  17. Love the bag, you are so talented x

  18. A lovely bag, you are very talented.

  19. What a gorgeous bag! I love all of the different fabrics and the varied stitching. The elastic tab close is a really good idea. The bag perfectly matches your lovely purple top, too! (Love that colour.)

  20. Your bag is lovely and what a good idea to use different fabrics to make a bag to carry across the other shoulder. I have fabric to make up a small quilt for my granddaughter. I've yet to even do anything with it but should since Christmas is coming in just four months~oh dear me! Sorry for the loss of your uncle but glad you were able to see him before he passed away. And congratulations on your summer "shed". Too bad I can't see the show because I live in the USA. Maybe I'll see if show is on my streaming device that has many British shows.
    I've popped over from Our Quiet Life in Suffolk blog. Again! Always good to read what other people do with less money as that's my idea as well. I like to buy new but sometimes it's not feasible as it's too expensive. I won't buy used mattresses for sure though and picky about where things are made and grown. Take care and my prayers and sympathy in loss of your uncle. xx and a spot of tea!

  21. Lovely bag Ilona, I think your uncle would have appreciated the time and thought that went into it and the beauty of the end product.

    Nice to see a bit more of you last night. The Povera shed was my favorite - both shed and artwork inside. I kept thinking that I was watching the male version of you with all his recycled materials made into art!

    Linda xx

  22. Lovely blend of colours and the lace really makes it a bit special. x

  23. I love that bag! So much detail - it's gorgeous.

  24. I love the haphazard way you have decorated the bag with the different stitching, buttons etc. Haven't watched Shed of the Year yet, but it is recorded so will watch it later. Have you been watching Paul Martin's Homemade Revolution? I thought of you with some of the things they've been showing, your embroidered artwork in particular.

    Joan (Wales)

    1. Hi Joan. I haven't seen that, will look for it.

  25. Lovely colourful bag, your so talented.

  26. Very talented lady. Great use of available materials.

  27. what a lovely bag - just watched Shed of the Year . DH said there's Ilona when he spotted yiu in the opening credits. how are you getting on with the William portrait?

    1. Hi Brenda. I've done a bit more, but it's at the bottom of the pile of work to be finished. I didn't want to do it in the first place, but the TV people were very persuasive when they asked me. I told them I can't do portraits, but I said I would give it a go. I can't get excited about it. If I finish it, it won't look anything like William.

  28. I love the bag.

    Watched shed of the year last night and spotted you the most times yet. Opening credits with your summerhouse and the lovely William and then in the audience a few times. It cheers us to see you.

    I agreed with the winner of the first half but the second half, although all good, I liked the one with all the beer mats and pub memorabilia. Really looking forward to next weeks show to see you and your summerhouse. I think it has a good chance of winning. that would be amazing.

  29. Lovely bag, a taste of Summer! Love the piec of fabric that has 'handwriting' on it. My sorts of colours too.

  30. My condolences to you and your family.I am, as always, in awe of your talent. Shirley PNW USA

  31. I read your blog everyday, enjoy it very much.
    From Annie in Sweden.

  32. Brilliant piece of work - peace man!

  33. Lovely work. Matches your outfit nice too.

    Is this a work you are saving up to sell, or something you are going to use?

    A suggestion, don't know if you would find it useful..
    but myself have a terrible knack for spilling most anything.
    for me (and maybe if you are to sell), something like this would be helpful if it had
    Velcro on the inside top edge, so I could seal it tight and not have a worry about spills.

    1. Hi. I make bags for fun, then decide what I am going to do with them afterwards.

  34. That bag is a work of art!

  35. So many great comments about your lovely bag I'm finding it hard to say something different. although I did love all the decorative stitches you sewed around the small pieces of fabric. When your not using it you could hang it on the wall as it's a work of art in it's own right :) I'm glad to read you are feeling more chipper today.

  36. Beautiful, you are so very talented!

  37. It is a stunning bag Ilona.


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