Monday, 8 August 2016

The day I met William

Hello. Hello. Another busy day, Crafty Club, and in the garden. My neighbour is going to put a fence up between us so I have cleared the weeds from my side. Also taken down a bit more of the lilac, only two more trunks to go.
I haven't posted these pictures before, so now is as good a time as any. Remember when they came to do the filming of the summer house for Shed of the Year. William is getting miked up by the sound man. 
The director waiting to get started.

I had to move my car out of the way so they had room to set up the camera. There were two vehicles packed to the roof, with six people and all the equipment.

Here is William doing his first takes, strolling down the street.

No, I'm over here William, not that house.

After an hour or so it was time to get the kettle on. As you can see, I did buy a box of tea bags. What was left over have been donated to the Crafty Club. They were a great bunch to work with, all smiley and jokey, we had a laugh.

That's a nice photo. As well as being drop dead gorgeous, he is also a very friendly chap.

The camera had a very long arm and could reach up high over the whole garden.

One last picture before they left.

It was a fab fun day, thankfully very sunny, just perfect. You will see the results of the filming on Friday the 19th, so don't forget to tune in to Channel 4 at 8pm. I shall be going to watch it live at Janet's house. Oooh, now I'm getting excited to see my summer house on the telly.

It's 9pm and I've still got to do my walk, better get on with it.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. what lovely photos and memories.

  2. I'm almost as excited as you are, Ilona! And what a wonderful sunny day for filming, it couldn't have been better, could it? You look good if that is what you are wearing for the filming, love that pretty floral skirt! Jut think, your little summerhouse, made with your own fair hands from *objets trouve* competing with those which, to my mind, aren't sheds at all and some cost zillions. I do hope the judges take ingenuity into account.
    Margaret P

  3. How lucky are you? Drop dead gorgeous hunk like that.

  4. How exciting - what did the neighbours think? I love seeing him on "Amazing Spaces". Can't wait to hear the results.

  5. The last photo is great - what a lovely memento for you.

  6. I have to agree with Galant. I think the sheds that cost a lot aren't sheds to my mind. Always love a man too in a good hat! Natalie

  7. Lovely photos and you're right, he's cute!

  8. These are great photos and memories. Love the way you got William to hold up the box of teabags! I'm glad he is nice in real life, he always does seem to give that impression. He is an amazing craftsman too.

  9. ooh he is weak at the knees gorgeous. Watched the show last week. How can the brick out building church be a shed, and it won that catergary. I'm routing for you to win.

  10. Oh great, good luck Ilona. Really looking forward to seeing that. Olympics will have to missed for that occasion!

  11. Lovely photos. I have put the 19th in my diary. SueM

  12. William sure is cute. I agree with others that some of the sheds are not really sheds at all and cost way too much. Can't wait to see yours on the T.V. made with your own fair hands and at no cost (apart from your donation). I think this last show will be the best one. Did I say that William is cute .... sigh!

  13. He is lovely to look at, very talented and seems a nice person too xxx.... now if only I was 20 years younger....damn....perhaps we'd better make that 25ish! Oh and not forgetting George Clarke of course (a different sort of lovely). I think there should be a whole series dedicated to homemade/recycled sheds that have had very little costs involved. Rae x

  14. A fab day, can't wait to see it! And you are the perfect host, I bet they had a great day too. Hugs to furry ones,xxxxx

  15. Can't wait for the result - you've been very good for not dropping any hints at the result and spoiling it for us, but just want to know now what happened. To repeat others: all the sheds were brilliant but some not to my taste at all, but horses for courses; I am unsure that some of them really were sheds but that's my opinion. However, have to say that an awful lot of hard work put in so 'hats off to them'. Amanda

  16. simpering ninny comes to mind, nothing worse than a dried out old crone drooling over a young man.

    1. You've really stooped to an all time low now troll, haven't you. What a nasty piece of work you are. I actually feel sorry for you, it must be awful to have such a bitter and twisted mind.

    2. SAY WHAT?!!! What planet are you from anyhow? How can you drop such an ugly thing in the middle of all these sweet people's nice comments.

    3. Wish this sad specimen could be named and shamed. It is really difficult to figure out their motivation but they must be incredibly unhappy.

    4. LOL, if people say things like that Ilona - for no reason - it's cos they're jealous :) I bet they're the horrible, materialistic, shallow type who hates the fact you're happy with living so simply whilst they're up to their eyeballs in debt! Awww poor things haha, you should be laughing your socks off at them :)

    5. Whatsamatter, Troll...don't you dare to put your REAL name? Coward...

  17. Great photos and memories Ilona. You took a lot more than I did on filming day! William came to mine too and I agree he is a really good bloke. Snappy dresser too. Looks like you had a fun day filming. Oliver

    1. Hi Oliver, thanks for dropping in. Are you getting excited yet about being on telly? It's a long time to wait.

  18. fab I love him, hes just that little bit of quirky that I like :) keep looking out for you on the show, wasn't keen on the chapel one, but did quite like the revolving one, mainly because I want to be sitting on the leather chair looking out onto that garden, it was so peaceful. hope you win. I think you only entered to meet William chuckle. x Julie T

  19. Good Luck Ilona. I haven't really enjoyed the big expensive sheds but am hoping that yours will do well. The others seem to have lost the spirit of the shed. Your day of filming looks most enjoyable and the photos are great. You do enjoy your life to the full and it's great to be in a position to feel sorry for "sour mouths" that don't!

  20. I was wondering how you would cope with meeting William. You held it together really well. x

  21. Good luck Ilona. I'm really looking forward to seeing your shed in "real life" as it looks so fantastic in the photos. Jane xx

  22. Pleased you enjoyed your day Ilona, what a lovely set of people doing the filming. Ignore the sour grapes of that troll ... jealousy must be a terrible thing, lol! x

  23. I bet you had a great time. Can't wait to see it in full.

  24. Looks like alot of fun :) I just wanted you to know you have inspired us to crack on with our shed and make it pretty (hubby says ''and cheap'').

  25. Best of luck with your shed. Looks like you are having quite the fun day!

  26. Looks excellent! I am really enjoying the series. Me and my eye candy (Mr S) are looking forward to seeing you on the tv. Flattering that your troll is so interested in what you are doing!

  27. Why someone so bitter wants to comment is beyond me. The fact that we can appreciate a lovely man (whatever our age) is a compliment to the man (William in this case) and a bit of humour on our part that we can still appreciate a good thing when we see it. Thank goodness for our happiness at the simple things rather than being full of the bitterness of Anonymous. To my surprise I got a wolf whistle the other day and I have to say it made me smile.

  28. Gorgeous William is on our screens in New Zealand too and I think he's great. Good looking, charming, witty and clever - the complete package. And to think you have MET him! Oh I am jealous. Hoping they will screen this series in New Zealand eventually so I can tell everyone about my "blog friend". Well done Ilona.

  29. Danneke here, not been around much as had family problems, foster brother who has cancer is now getting memory loss as the cancer has spread to the brain, as he lives apx100 miles away from me I have to be away a few days at a time. I have managed to see the Shed programmes tho, some are lovely but the super de-lux ones do not in my opinion be clased as sheds. Looking forward to next episode, I did spot you a couple of times walking in the crowd Ilona As for the person leaving nasty remarks, what on earth is the point of it, jealousy comes to mind tho, pleased you are taking it in good humour.

    1. Hello Danneke, wondered where you went. Welcome back.

  30. Ilona, I wouldn't even bother to post the comments left by the pathetic troll. What a lonely sad individual it clearly is. Very obviously jealous of you. Love all your gorgeous photo's of the hunk... and you of course. x :-)

  31. To the sad troll I say get a life of your own....
    Lovely post, Ilona :)

  32. dont listen to nasty people you are a lovely lady with an interesting blog you are also very positive and trolls hate happy people


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