Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Heart to heart

Hello. This post has been in my Draft box for a while, now is the time to get it out.

Hello. Trying to think of the right words to start this post. It's morning, the time when my brain is refreshed after a nights sleep, so let's crack on. I've been reading on several blogs, about the reasons why people write a blog, and the reasons why people stop writing a blog. I see mine as an online diary, it records what I do, usually on a day to day basis. I write it for me so I have a record of something to look back on when I am sat in an old folks home, that's if they let me have a computer in my room, ha ha. It may not come to that, I may stay in my own home bimbling around my village until the end, who knows.

I like the creative process in writing, always have done. I did well in school with English language, although you wouldn't thinks so now, when you see my grammatical errors. Sometimes my fingers don't keep up with my brain. But it's fun to bash out a few words on a keyboard.

I am happy that people find my blog interesting and entertaining. My sense of humour is always lurking in the background, and if it makes people chuckle then I am happy. I often laugh at myself, I see simple humour where others might not have noticed it.

I am fairly thick skinned, but sometimes my defenses are down, and I become saddened by what I see  and hear around me. I then have to detach myself from whatever it is that is upsetting me.  I alone are responsible for my own well being, no one else is.

I have touched on this topic before, so forgive me if I repeat myself , there is a reason for this post. Ok, I have always been a loner, I have always done my own thing, except for the teenage years when I wanted to be one of the gang. I grew out of that when I left home and got a flat. From then on I took full responsibility for myself. Life was good, but when I made mistakes it was my fault.

So, what's all this leading to. It's the responsibility thing I am struggling with, I never wanted to be responsible for other people. I entered relationships but when they became too clingy I was out. If friends became too demanding I backed off. I am no good at working in a team, driving a truck was where I was happy. I can socialize but only up to a point. When I am in a room full of people I will make small talk for a while, but I would much rather sit on the edge and watch, and then slip quietly  away unnoticed.

I started the Lady Truckers Club in 1986 and built it up from nothing to over 300 members. We met at Truck Shows, we had parties, I put in all the work, but got more pleasure in seeing other people make friends.

I started a singles club because I didn't know anyone in the area I had moved to. I organized nights out and made a few friends. Again, I did all the leg work and got pleasure from seeing others form friendships and relationships. My role was getting people together, I didn't need to be part of that gang.

So, where is this leading, and what's this got to do with blogging. I have been thinking about this for a while, and have come to the conclusion that there has to be changes. I have always said if you are in a place where you don't want to be then get out and move on. If you are doing something you don't want to do, then stop doing it.

This blog is going to revert back to being my online diary. It will not close, I will keep posting, but there will be no facility to accept comments. I have made a monster here and if I don't make changes now the monster is going to gobble me up. So this isn't goodbye, I will still be here. I won't be posting every day, I have to free myself of the shackles of the keyboard.

To the readers who have always supported me over the years I feel your love and appreciate you popping in each day. Please don't think I am casting you aside, but I don't need constant reminders from you about how much you like my blog and look forward to it. I already know it in my heart. I hope you will carry on reading, I will see your support through the page views in the stats. If you choose to leave then I understand.

I need to pull up the drawbridge, need to tidy up and make my blog into something more manageable. This is all about needs and wants, the direction I need to go in, and what I want from my life. I want more simplicity and less hassle. I need an outlet for my writing, but I don't need constant appraisal, constant questioning, constant scrutiny.

So what will happen next? At some point soon I will turn off the facility to accept comments of any kind. There will be slight changes in the content of my posts. Hello or Dear Reader will not be the starting point, it will be Dear Diary, because I will be talking to myself. You are welcome to read, you can leave if you want to. Walking Group members will still be able to check in on the 1st of every month. I want you to keep walking, it's important that you keep it up.

Thank you for popping in. I am going to be busy for the next couple of days. You have a chance to comment now, but it will be turned off. I have to do this for me. Goodbye, but not goodbye.
Lots of love xxx ilona


  1. I totally agree Ilona I write my blog for me. If people enjoy reading it then that is fine.. If they don't then that too is fine. I love reading other people's blogs as a source of inspiration... It keeps me motivated to craft. I have occasionally considered switching off the comments form on my blog... but I do enjoy reading the comments and it reminds me to visit blogs that I might not have been to in a while.

  2. It is quite right to follow your instinct, you are your own woman. I will still be reading, as I suspect most people will. I witter on about all sorts on my blog, like you I do it for my own entertainment. If I please somebody then good, if I offend somebody, well tough but it was not my intention. Have fun,just keep on sharing it with us.

  3. Hi Ilona, I completely understand and just wish to say thanks for the blog, abd for keeping it open. Love to you and the furry purries xxx

  4. Dear Ilona, I have been reading you for a few years now though I don't comment so often. Like you I don't want to be shackled to the computer. I too have a blog but not nearly as many readers as you do and thankfully given I don't write an online diary as such I don't have so many questions. I have cut back the frequency with which I post because I want to take it a bit easier but I still leave comments open to those that want to leave a message. I understand if that doesn't work for you as you are writing a journal if you will. All the best to you as you make changes. I will continue reading as I enjoy seeing your creative side making things out of what others might throw away. It's a big inspiration. ♥

  5. Hiiii i hear what ur saying and good for you fir listening to urself at this point in time
    Enjoy the changes that no doubt are on the way ... and how wonderful we will still be here reading ur diary :) xx have a good one :)

  6. Best wishes for all you futures endeavours. Sally

  7. First,let me say ...that I understand.Sometimes in life,things that have been set in stone for a while,have to change and to lead the active life that you do,you do not need added pressure.Of course,I will still be popping in to see what your up to!.And if its not daily,well then I will have a look the next day!Dont forget to share any more frugal tips because you have showed us all how to live a much more simple life and what the important things in life are.Through you blog,I met a lovely friend,Flis so thank you.At one time you had my number...I dont know if you still have it,Im not clever enough to know how to do e mails,lol.But just to let you know,that if ever you are in the Leicester area on your travels,you are more that welcome to stay at my house for a few nights so that you can discover the beautiful Leicester country side.Bugger paying hotel bills when you could stay here for free!!.I know that you are one of the few people that wouldnt mind my little frugal home,lol.If you dont still have my number,just say here and I will send it to you in the comments.Take care and best wishes,Debi,xx

    1. Debi, I don't think we live too far apart, before Ilona shuts down comments and if she is willing to assist, could we exchange e-mail addresses? I'll ask Flis as well if she wants to do this.

  8. When it ceases to be fun it's time to move on. Good luck and good health!

  9. I keep a blog for the same reason. I am passionate about my chickens and my blog is a dairy about my chicken keeping and like you an outlet for the love of writing. The difference is that the comments I get are only from other chicken keepers and therefore are always kind and supportive and also in a smaller number. I can totally understand the feeling that it has got too much and taken you over. It is your blog and you must do what is best for you and I am sure that everyone will be understanding of that. You have kept us all entertained for so long and I am sure people will still check in to see what you are up too.

  10. A good call I think. I am not sure how anyone deals with what can be unkind comments on a daily basis.

  11. Ilona....i get it! Go well my lovely . I shall read your Diary and look forward to it. Stay well, you have been and always will be an inspiration . I Tip my hat to you and send you a massive virtual hug. Lots of love xx

  12. Anne aka slimsdotter11 July 2018 at 08:29

    I'm glad you aren't going away, for now. I will keep following as usual.

  13. Goodness, that's a shock to read this.

    So many favourite bloggers have decided to stop (or semi-stop) recently.

    Too many people type and press publish without thinking what effect their words will have on others.

    I hope you carry on with a diary blog as I love to see your travels and crafts.

  14. I am pleased that I will be able to continue to read about your life. Good luck with your new system.

  15. Well said Ilona, I for one will still pop by to read about your adventures and I totally understand why you are doing this. Wishing you all the best,
    Gail x

  16. I've just popped by before I walk my dogsand can I say what someone said to me -just do what that is best for you Ilona xx

    1. Flis - just sent a comment to Debi, I don't think we live too far apart, if Ilona is willing to help, would you want to exchange emails with me?

    2. Hi Amanda- that would be lovely but I don't do emails-Debi has my mobile no.& Ilona did have it x

    3. I don't keep personal information on file. Sorry, I deleted your mobile numbers.

  17. Do what you have to do for your own peace of mind. Take care x

  18. I'm staying with you, I look forward to hearing about your day, the things you make. I too write my blog as a dairy, it's mine, about me and my life, sharing the good times, couple of hurting post, but never many details. Sound narcissistic, but it's not, just ramblings of a middle age woman. Each year I turn my post into a book, I have 8 of them, I never include any comments, but I love looking back on my life and my grandsons love looking at all the photos. I too am sadden by the need of a few people to make unwanted comments.

  19. I do understand your reasons totally Ilona, I will always read. xx

  20. I do know where you are coming from Ilona, I will be still reading your blog as I love your way of life and seeing your adventures. Wishing you all the very very best....... Stay true to yourself, you deserve it xx

  21. There must be something in the air affecting Bloggers for so many to suddenly be saying, "Ta Ta, Toodle Pip". I know you will, but I'll say it anyway, "Enjoy your life, Ilona. It was enjoyable and fun getting to know you".

  22. Good on you, Ilona! You have to do what is right for you. I will continue to check in and read what you have written - which I have always enjoyed.

  23. That’s it girl - get the control back so you’re comfortable again. I’ll still keep reading, admiring your creative skills and enjoying your sense of humour. I’m very like you and I fully understand. Best wishes x

  24. Glad you are doing what feels right for you xxx

  25. Oh dear! And I see that nobody has commented yet so I will. I am sorry if the blogging has become a bit tough on you. Just want to say thank you for all the inspiration you frugal life style, walking and attitude towards aging and life. I for one will be still checking in to see what you are up to. For many of us in other countries you also give us a window into life in the UK that we enjoy too. Wishing you well....

  26. Linda, Teignmouth, South Devon11 July 2018 at 09:48

    As a singleton myself I totally understand what you are saying Ilona. Will always be grateful to you for being the guide I needed when I first retired. Good health and luck in all you do in the future. I will keep reading.

  27. Wishing you the best, do as you feel you need to, this is YOUR blog/diary, you owe nothing to anyone.Carol in Connecticut, USA

  28. Great idea continue to live life your way.

  29. Au revoir, Ilona. I will continue to read your blog as I find what you say interesting but don’t always comment. I’m particularly interested in your arty makes from upcycled materials. Good luck with whatever you decide.

  30. Ilona, a perfectly understandable choice. I admire that you have decided to change things for you; it must be awful at times with some horrible or offensive comments made over the years on your blog. I shall continue to read as I find most of what you have to say helpful; funny; entertaining; and useful. My best wishes to you: adieu and not goodbye.

  31. Hi Ilona. Though I have been reading your blog for the past few years I have never sent a comment. I look forward to checking here every day to read your next blog. I enjoy reading about your lifestyle and all the money you save buying the yellow stickers. Also all the places you visit and things you make and love hearing about what the cats(the children) are up to. When people criticize you I always get the feeling that there is an element of jealousy behind it. Meaning that they would love to adopt a similar lifestyle to the one you lead but have never either had the courage to do so or have never been in that position to be able to. Anyway that is just the impression that comes over to me when you get the uncalled nasty comments sent to you. I read your blog every day because I find you an interesting person.

  32. I understand. I will still read but wanted to say bye for you turn the comments off. Thanks for all the tips, laughs and encouragement over the years. I still pick something up and wonder '...what would Ilona do with this.' You've made me think differently about wants and needs and be less materialist generally. Hope you will still do your youtube vids as they are really good. Take care and have a great life x

  33. H llona, understand your reasons for this and I'm glad we will still be able to read your blog. Often the comments are very interesting and helpful so I will miss those but I can see why you feel this option is the best for your well being. Negative comments can upset even the strongest people.
    I will still be reading and want to take this chance to thank you for such a fun and inspiring read.
    Jacquie xxx

  34. Ilona, I love love your blog and only recently found it!! I enjoy your adventures, crafts, thoughts and savings tips!! I have had a desire to blog for quite some time now, and what has kept me from it has been the thoughts of comments. Negative ones, of course. Easy for people to be mean, anonymously. My heart can't take it - I don't want to volunteer for the beating. So, thank you for your wonderful gutsy move to turn off comments, AND for giving me the inspiration to blog!! You go and keep blogging and those of us who love you, will continue! (I am from a small town in Illinois - United States!)

  35. Dear Ilona. Your blog has given pleasure and help to so many of us who follow your daily happenings. I wish you all the best in your more peaceful life and look forward to catching up with your Diary from time to time. Love and best wishes Ann x P.S. The 'Ilona' bag, that I won in a competition of yours about two years ago, is still giving great service each time I go shopping, and therefore you will join me on all my trips to the supermarket!! (And also jog me to check out the 'yellow stickers'.)

  36. I think you are doing the right thing and hope you will be happy doing it your way without negative comments from some people.
    I will definitely read your diary and wish you well.

  37. Hi Ilona, I am certainly going to continue to read as I have learnt so much and enjoyed reading your life of frugality and common sense. Good on you for taking a stand and living a true to your self life. You will not lose me as a reader, your writing has helped me and I’m sure it’s has also helped many others. Lisa W. Tasmania, Australia.

  38. goldensunflower11 July 2018 at 11:27

    I always read but rarely comment.*Thank you* for your blog. I love reading about your arts, crafts and saving money tips.Looking forward to reading more and as I don't comment nothing will change for me :) Well done - it's your blog and how you run it is completely upto you. x

  39. You must do what feels right for you. I always enjoy reading your blog and will continue to read what you decide to post in the future, however much or little that may be. Enjoy the extra time not being shackled to a computer will give you. Take care.

  40. Like you I live alone and although would love to write a blog if I was technically able, The fear of someone finding my whereabouts would unsettle me. I think blogging has had its day, there is too much competition now from other social media sites, keeping it as a diary for yourself seems the wise thing to do. Good luck for the future and those puss cats, they are the important part of life. Sarah.

  41. I have read your blog for a few years now and found it very interesting and helpful. Will continue to read it for as long as you keep going. I write a blog too but only when I need an outlet for things in my life that I need to get into perspective. I find it helps to write things down. Good luck with all you do you are one amazing person. All the best. Xxxx

  42. You are very wise to listen to and identify your own needs, and take action accordingly
    (many people don’t have that insight and stay too long in miserable situations).

    I enjoy your blog and will carry on reading. Xx

  43. Thank you for the courtesy of explaining so many blogs are taking a break or just disappearing do what's right for you . Glad you will still let us log our miles though I may slack if I didn't have to report in lol.I will still read whatever you do post all the best Kath xx

  44. Hate to hear this...always enjoy reading your blog. Will keep reading as you post :)

  45. I understand... I will still read youre blog and please dont stop making youtouuuuub videos, they are lovely when you wave at us! Goodbye lovely lady with a lot of colour and haduuu take care

  46. Ilona, I had the feeling you were thinking of making changes based on a few comments you have made in some blog posts lately. I was drawn to your blog initially because of little Rocky. I kept reading because I enjoyed your thoughts on money saving, no-nonsense living. It offered me a glimpse into living in the UK which I had traveled to and enjoyed as a tourist. I enjoy reading about your art and crafts. I started a blog as a type of diary. I started a second one to document my new puppy’s first year. I received a couple of weird comments which I chose not to approve since I have always had the moderation option. Even though I did not post them and I immediately deleted them, they lurked around in my mind. I have never taken criticism very well and the comments were hurtful. At that time, I made the decision to stop the original blog, the puppy blog was only ever intended for one year, and I started a new blog which does not allow any comments. It is a peaceful way for me to continue. I have noticed a shift in human nature in the past year or two. People are starting to make more hateful comments. It seems a trend to speak up with hateful words and I don’t understand it. I notice it in some of the blogs I follow especially in the comments but also in some of the posts. Life can be frustrating enough without creating more conflicts. I have noticed this attitude shift in the little place where I do volunteer work, when I am in the grocery store, when I am driving and notice other driver’s sense of disregard for others. We all have to do what we feel is best to take care of ourselves. I will continue following your online diary. Thank you for all you share. You are an inspiration. I wish you peace and happiness. Jackie

  47. Admire your decision, good health and happiness to you. Will continue to follow.

  48. I understand. You need to do what is best for you. I'm trying to cut down on my time online, but still enjoy reading your blog. I'm glad you're keeping the Walking Group; even those of us who haven't joined are still inspired by it. Take care!

  49. I feel the same as you do it's on online diary. After blogging for ten years I have 50 followers it might be 51, so needless to say I am not in it for the hits. It is my little place to record my life, and it gives me fun with words. Will look forward to your commentless posts.

  50. hi ilona so glad you will keep your blog. you have helped me be more frugal thank you. like you i adore my two darling cats and love seeing mayze and heidi also all the great recycling and art work you do. you are a lovely person and kind. love liz amy and benny.xxxx

  51. I read a variety of online writings, and feel I should comment and be supportive. With your blog, I can now just read and know that you know that you are being heard... works for me.

  52. Oh Ilona, it's understandable & support your decision entirely - I just want to say goodbye before you turn comments off and like a lot of people I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog & have gained a lot of hints/tips saving which has helped a lot this past year after I reduced my work hours. Wishing you all the best for the future & I'll continue to read your blog, take care & look after yourself lovely lady.

  53. Brava! I have been reading from afar since I retired ...or so I Quintana Roo, Mexico a few years ago. I lived in the UK for awhile and will stay tuned as long as you write in any format.

    I have used your craft, solid life skills and budgeting daily in a small learning center I run. This is how you impact my day to day:

    1. My 12 students and 4 staff have a budget of 150 pesos - about 6 pounds and we produce an incredible meal using discounted market produce and donations each week. Today, it is pasta in an olive oil garlic sauce with spinach and tomatoes with green salad and baguette donated by a local bakery.

    2. There are painted rocks all over our village and learning center. From artsy to inspirational ...people enjoy taking them.

    3. We walk everywhere as we explore all around us from the jungle to the marina and sea beyond.

    4. We have turned our schoolhouse in to one great big "budget shed" and recycle and reuse and repurpose anything people cast off and just fixed a donated sewing machine.

    4. The students recently held a multi-media art show and raised enough money to by an iPad Pro...this was months of creating art inspired by yours.

    And lastly, we do more with less as less is what is available to us here.

    You will continue to inspire me, my kids and my very non-traditional school that merges skills for life long independence with the 3 Rs.

    Hasta pronto...Francine

  54. Sorry to hear of the changes...but still looking forward to your future posts. I so enjoy reading what you have to say---you have helped, challenged, amused, and amazed me. More than you will ever know, I suspect. Thank you.

  55. I don’t have a blog but was struck by the description of yourself as I am very similar. I like to have friends but don’t get too close to them. I prefer my own company and spending time with my dogs. I don’t like clingy people or groups unless it involves sharing a hobby like knitting or sewing. Anyway, I haven’t been reading your blog for long but find it very interesting and entertaining and will continue to read it. Thanks for sharing why you are turning off the comments, I don’t usually comment on blogs but it’s interesting to find out why people don’t have that facility. If people make nasty or negative comments then it’s their problem and means they have a sad life. Good luck to you.

  56. Varina Fulcher11 July 2018 at 14:28

    I hope I will still be able to see your old posts, and money saving tips,as I have re read these about 3 times, every year, it spurs me on, when I am slipping back. I will look forward to the diary though just as much.

  57. You are a wise woman to stop and evaluate if things(this blog included) in your life are helping or hindering your quality of life. I also will continue to read. I love checking in each day to see what is happening in your part of the world and what new things you have created, new walks you have taken, what great bargains you have found etc. You certainly have enhanced my life so I take this opportunity to thank you very much. Wishing good health and a sound mind and all the best.

  58. I'll still read, whenever you choose to post. I hope you feel more relaxed not feeling obliged to post every day, and not having to read any nasty comments (one on my blog really upset me a lot recently).

  59. You have changed my way of eating with your photos of your dinner plate combinations, Thank you.

  60. Resolutions like this (though understandable) make me very sad particularly as Meanqueen is such a lovely, kind and genuine lady (in every sense of the word) with no airs and graces - what you see is what you get. There aren't many people these days who do something for nothing but she gives freely of her time for the charity she supports and the first to offer help or advice to people that request it (me included) and she deserves the highest degree of respect, not nit-picking and scathing comments. Everyone is entitled to their view but one thing I've learned in life is that sometimes it's better not to criticise but just 'let it go' - not only does criticism cause stress in the complainer, it leaves a bad taste in the mouth of the complainee and their followers - and then everyone is sad. For me, on days when I've been lower than a snake's belly I've laughed myself silly at some of Meanqueen's advice - her tips on rationing her toilet paper, writing smaller to save ink (ingenious!) have had my sides literally splitting - no amount of counselling or medication can make you roar with laughter like that, and I'm sure I'm not the only follower to be indebted to this lovely woman.

  61. I'm sorry. I have enjoyed reading your blog, and I'm glad that you will continue writing. I have seen many bloggers quit because of the nastiness. I'm sure it takes a lot of time to moderate the comments besides dealing with trolls, and I hope your life will be more peaceful now. Keep doing what makes you happy. :)

  62. All the best Ilona. Keep having fun and enjoying your life. You are an inspiration and I am so sorry that your experiences are so wearying. All the best. Marigold

  63. Sandy in the USA11 July 2018 at 16:10

    Hi Ilona. The only constant in life is change. The things we did last year may not be the things we wish to do this year. As I get older, I find myself unburdening responsibilities, expectations, materialism .... and seeking to find a simpler order. Thank you for the long commitment you've made to us, your readers. Your blog has always been fun and enjoyable to read but I'm sure it has also become a responsibility that is eating up time and resources for all those other things you want to do. I will still check in to see how things are in your neck of the woods there in the UK ..... All the best to you!!

  64. I will carry on reading about the cats, being frugal, recycling, your life as a truck driver and all the other stuff you blog about, but what you blog about and how you live your life is no one else's business but your own, I feel sorry for those who can't accept that, if you don't like what you read on the internet then just scroll on by, for some, not Ilona, the internet is their only contact with the outside world, don't spoil it for others, take your nastiness somewhere else please... Jo

  65. Understand fully. My blog is my diary too. I will still read yours whenever you post as I do so enjoy it. Hope you don't disappear completely. Good luck!

  66. I must take this opportunity to comment then. I have read and enjoyed daily for a long time. I love your personality and thank you for all the time you have given us. You brighten each day and usually give me a chuckle as I learn from you not to take myself to seriously.

  67. I just recently found your blog and am enjoying reading through it (it's gonna take a while!). That said, I can certainly understand pulling up the drawbridge as there are some people out there in internet land who have nothing better to do than criticize and demean what others write and share. They don't have a life other than to attempt to tear others down. So, good for you! Pull up that drawbridge, but I will still be here checking in every day to see what's up. Thank you so much for creating this blog. I have learned quite a bit thus far!

  68. I comment infrequently but like reading. I can certainly understand about the comments, there are a lot of crazy people with Internet access.

  69. I can't say as I blame you and fully understand what a nightmare it must be at times Ilona. Its a real shame that maybe your descision has been made by a few who have spoiled it for you and the many of us that love following you but thats usually the way of things. Good Luck and Good Health to you Ilona and I for one shall still be reading what you've been up too.

  70. I'm so sorry that you feel you need to close comments because of on line bullies.
    It's especially sad because you blog gave you a social life that you could and are controlling.
    As one of your walkers I’m glad that we will still be allowed to post our miles but I’ll miss the occasional pat on the back.
    I agree with Sue in Suffolk's comment.
    Your cheery comments will be missed but in the end your health and peace of mind are what is important. All the best and thank you for the privilege of sharing your activities and thoughts. I've learnt a lot from you.

  71. At the end of the day we're all just ordinary bods behind our blogs. Yours should be whatever you want it to be and a pleasurable thing to do not something to stress over. Shall continue to read and enjoy your musings.

  72. I will look forward to reading your diary,look after yourself.x

  73. Ilona, like others here, I will continue to read whatever you choose to write, and enjoy it enormously! Over the years, you have been an ongoing source of inspiration and comfort in the thought of retiring on only a little bit of money, but terrific style and imagination. You need to do what's right for you, and if cutting off comments is part of it, go for it. It's sad that a few lousy, miserable souls spoil things for those whose intentions are only the best. Enjoy yourself, and keep inspiring all those of us who follow your blog with admiration and good wishes!

  74. I’m really sad that you’ve decided to do this but can fully understand that you need to put your own well-being first. Moderating the comments must be a time consuming task and I guess recent comments on have contributed to your decision to pull up,the drawbridge. The internet is a great place for people to reach out but it can also be very draining.
    Good luck with everything you do in the future. You’ve really inspired me to make positive changes in my life so a big thank you for that. I will continue to follow your diary.

  75. I read you every day, Ilona, and will continue to do so. I'm making this comment for exactly the same reasons as Deborah W above - she's said exactly what I would want to say! Best wishes for the future.

  76. I ask you to please check in once a month or so and tell us how you are. Make a comment or two about this or that. I will miss you but understand your need to do as you have said. I understand the need our world has to conserve and to enjoy doing it. Thank You! Rita

  77. Im sad but happy for you. I'm not a people person myself so I understand how you feel. Best wishes for the future, I will still be following your diary xx

  78. Hi,Jan here.I don't comment often but didn't want you to 'go' without having the chance to wish you all the best.I love your blog,your money saving ideas and your humour are brilliant but the thing that really touched me was your care of beautiful little Rocky.Total respect to you for that,you were so lucky to have each other.I will still look forward to reading your blog.I hope your life is even better without the hassle of unwanted comments from people who sound like they need to get a life themselves.Onwards and upwards for you.May you long continue to have good health and happiness.Thanks for being an inspiration.X

  79. Just felt I had to write to say thank you for all your blogs over the years. I have so enjoyed reading them and all your money saving tips. You strike me as a very kind and thoughtful person especially when you help others so much. May I take this opportunity to wish you every happiness in your future pursuits. I will continue to follow you. Kind regards Lindsey

  80. I just wanted to say how much I've appreciated you writing every day, how I hope you will continue to delight us with your art projects and inform us with your frugal tips. I will carry on reading your blog with the same pleasure and hope you continue to find pleasure in writing it.

  81. Thank you for your blog , I read it every day and will continue to follow you . Enjoy whatever you do xxxx

  82. Hi Ilona, thank you for all your advice over the years it has been so helpful to me in a lot of ways.I will still read your diary every day or when you post. You are a lovely caring human being who deserves to be happy without retards stressing you out, fuck em.

  83. Good for you. This is precisely why I write a private blog. It is a diary only. I don’t write for anyone in particular and that in itself is liberating. I’ll still be reading quietly...

  84. That’s a disappointment because I like to engage with you. However perfectly understandable and if streamlining and cutting back helps then I would like to wish you well. I’ll still pop in to see if you are there and you have my email address if ever I can return any favours as I have received much good advice from you. Take care Ilona xx

  85. Ilona. I really enjoy reading your blog and will carry on reading your diary. You have to do whatever makes you happy. Good luck to you and your furry family. After my husband died last year, I decided I needed to get myself fitter and your walking group has really kept me focused. Thank you.

  86. Ger in Ireland11 July 2018 at 21:11

    Fully support you, Ilona. Will always enjoy reading your blog and don't need to interact except to express appreciation .

  87. Thank you Ilona. Will miss you. But if you need to say goodbye, it would not be fair of me to try to stop you.

  88. Like any tool, the internet has to be made to work for us, not us working for it. Best wishes to you! I enjoy your crafts so much and admire your independent spirit.

  89. Hello Ilona I will continue to read your blog I have enjoyed your ideas,crafts,musings,your frugal lifestyle and as I rarely comment nothing much for me will change,i really liked the walking members group and although I never joined due to work committments,I have however been walking for myself and I always walk on the days I don't work and I try to walk 3_4 miles or more on those days, my health has improved since the beginning of the year,so thank you for encouraging me to do it, I wish you well, enjoy your arts, walking,pets reading and your life, thank you for your time you must do what you feel is right for yourself,thank you

  90. I will continue to read your blog, also. You only get one chance at life so you may as well live it the way that makes you happiest. Thank you for encouraging us to walk and for taking us on all your trips. Those trips mean a lot to those of us who cannot afford to take our own trips. I send nothing but love and best wishes your way.

  91. You definitely have to do this if it has been making you unhappy, getting nasty comments. There is no need for people to make these. One can debate and discuss without being unpleasant. Glad your blog is continuing but the main thing is do what makes you happy. I think you are inspirational by the way, but the important thing is that you live your life in a way which makes you happy. Take care.

  92. I’ve never written a blog but I can understand how it might become overwhelming. I’ll look forward to continuing to read your diary. All the best.

  93. Well said, take care and know people will always give you their opinion whether or not you want them lol..

  94. Lynn Nicholson11 July 2018 at 22:32

    I read your blog a lot and really enjoy it I love to hear about all you do but completely understand about making it just for you I will continue to read your adventures and hope you are happy and healthy for years to come
    Lynn xxx

  95. I understand why you want to close off comments. Nasty, or just critical comments, is what has kept me from writing a blog so far. You have done really well in so many ways and I don't think you deserve bad comments for sharing your thoughts on life. Please continue to be your own creative, frugal, and generous self. I shall enjoy reading your posts in the future and don't have to comment to do so. All the best wishes

  96. Thank you so much for all your blogs, for your imaginative art for your sharing of your lifestyle which is inspiring. I will look forward to your diary. All the best for the future. I wish you well.

  97. I've enjoyed, and got so much out of, your blog Ilona. Many thanks for sharing your thoughts and your life with your readers. I'll still be here, reading whatever you choose to post, and wishing you all the best.

  98. I've read a lot of the above comments and it warms my heart to know that so many people love, enjoy and have learned from your life experiences. I'm happy you will continue to keep writing and sharing what you get up to, especially your crafting, and I look forward to reading all your future posts. Best wishes Ilona x

  99. I read your blog to see how life is for someone very like me, only living in another country. I will still enjoy following your diary, as that is what interests me. Carry on!

  100. Hi Ilona, hope I’m not too late to comment. Just want to say how much I like your blog and I will certainly continue to read it. The walking group has been very beneficial to me and I will carry on walking and trying to keep up my miles. I’m sad the blog has caused you some problems, to be honest I am hugely admiring of anyone who blogs, I’ve tried it myself in the past but found I just couldn’t keep it up, it was very time consuming and was keeping me from other activities in life that I felt were more beneficial. I know you’ve had problems with stalkers and trolls and it’s probably not worth all the aggro at the end of the day. I will miss being able to comment as it’s nice to interact but i will carry on reading and I do send you all good wishes for the future. I do hope you’ll continue to write about your walking holidays as I always find them very inspiring. Good luck to you and thank you for such a fun and interesting blog. x

  101. I will continue to read and understand you must do what is best for you!

  102. I so love your blog and relate because I too am a loner and understand just what you mean. I will be following even if there are no comments because this is the first time I have commented and only to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. Regards Carol

  103. Hooray for YOU! Comments are the main reason I don't have a blog. I had one once years ago- it lasted less than a month because of commentators and people commenting only to sell something etc etc. I would like to have a no comments blog. You have given me inspiration that it is possible. Neither do I need people constantly telling me they like (or dislike) my blog. Thank you

  104. I understand completely. We want our golden years to be golden, not lead. So I will still enjoy reading your diary. Have fun and make these years exactly what you need them to be. Hugs.

  105. Thankyou Ilona for all the wonderful generous tips and guidance in frugal ways that have educated me so much about consumption and wastefulness. I've often wondered how you fit it all in and maintain the blog and completely understand your decision. You've touched so many lives in such a positive way. Hope that you will post future art ventures which I've enjoyed greatly. Best wishes Jenny in Canberra x

  106. Bless your heart! I’ll be popping in to see how you’re doing! All the best!

  107. I've only just found your blog and I like what I am reading, so I will take a moment now to say thanks in advance. I wonder if maybe you might consider an occasional post where you allow comments, if Blogger allows for that. With Wordpress I can turn comments on or off for each individual post, it has been a long time since I used Blogger so I'm not sure if they have that feature.

    It is a shame because it seems like you have a real community of people here and part of the goodness of blogging is finding other like minds in the comments section. I will bookmark this post and explore the blogs of other commentators when I have more time. :)

  108. Although I comment rarely, I always enjoy reading. Best wishes to you and your animal friends and thank you for being here.

  109. Have enjoyed your blog that I have been following for a number of years Ilona and will be sad that you will no longer be accepting comments especially after giving us all tuition in how to comment lol and it is such a shame that because of nasty comments on another blog that we both follow you felt the need to do this and in one way it seems to me that they have won,but I respect your reason for doing it as I have often thought about starting a blog but don’t think I would have time to manage it with all the walking,allotmenteering and other stuff we do since packing up work.I have to wait until I am 66 before I can claim my pension after working for 45 years without a break so look forward to your daily posts and money saving tips....Wendyx

  110. I read your blog every morning, please keep inspiring me.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Apologies to my band of understanding and wide awake readers.

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