Dear Diary. This is a new start. I like new starts because it means that things are constantly changing, being refreshed, and moving in different directions. Life does not stand still, yes that's me stating the bleeding obvious. No longer do I have to wrack my brains thinking about what would my readers like to read, now I just have to put down my jottings, what's inside my head. Space to do this has been created, time has been created. My life will become much simpler now that I don't have to worry about how my words will be received, will people like it, or not like it. As long as I like it that's all that matters.
I do appreciate all the kind comments I have had over the years, I am chuffed that people have found some of the information useful. I don't know everything, I can only talk about how I deal with things, so if people want to stick with me, that's fine. I know my blog is read world wide, that is enough for me to know. I don't need to be told constantly about what a nice person I am, how kind I am, etc, in fact I feel a little embarrassed by it all. So, I am not pushing anyone aside, not blocking you from my life, I know you are there, that is enough.
Now I must get my breakfast and make a packup. My money saving continues, I take food from home when I go out.
Hey diary, this is me and you, but I have to warn you, we will be watched, eyes will be on us, but I think we're gonna get along fine. xxx
The Wall
8 minutes ago