Sunday, 15 July 2018

Scaling down

Ok, so I get you, people want to be able to make comments and read them, so they stay. Same format as before, please put your name in the 'Name', box. I have to find a way to cut down my time on the computer though so there will be some scaling down of topics covered. I spend hours thinking up new ideas to write about. If I don't get a blog post out early I spend all day stressing about what to write about next. When it gets to the evening and my head is still empty I either pick out a silly thought and get that down, or decide not to bother at all. The trouble is I have always worked to the best of my ability, put everything into what I am doing, attention to detail is important to me. I don't like to half do a job, if I can't do it properly I would rather not do it at all. 
The troll thing is not too much of a problem, yes it gets to me sometimes, but now I have a better way of dealing with it. Stuff 'em and bog off. The nit picking bothers me a bit, where my words are pulled apart, where people feel they must voice their opinion on what I should or shouldn't be doing. To the people who do that, you are not my mother. Someone made a joke at my expense on someone else's blog, which wasn't funny. Why pick on me, make your own jokes. 
I have laid most of my life down on this blog over the last ten years. There's only so many posts to write about money saving, yellow stickers, what food I eat, and ordinary day to day stuff. I am getting bored with it. So topics will be scaled down, there will be fewer posts, and less chit chat. If I want chit chat I can walk outside and pass the time of day with the people I know in the village. I will no longer spend hours wracking my brains thinking about what to write. If I have something to say I will say it, if there is nothing much happening in my world I will shut up. 
So, if I trim up the blog, what's left? Arts and crafts, walking, the odd photo's of cats, a bit about the garden, anything unusual that has happened to me, days out, holidays. 
And to start the new format....I won a prize on the raffle yesterday at the Coffee Morning/Opening of the new Bowls Clubhouse. A basket of toiletries for the bathroom. That will keep me going for a while. 
Now I must get on, breakfast, then a dog walk. I'll be back, sometime. Catch you whenever.


  1. Lovely prize there Ilona, I look forward to seeing what you use the basket for one of these days. Your frugal but rich lifestyle inspired me and continues to do so. Your arts and crafts are amazing and I am more than happy to read an occasional post about anything that you want to share. As the saying goes, jest you keep on a troshin.

  2. Hurrah I’m so pleased you’ve decided to keep the comments as I’ve learnt as much from these as the blog posts and it’s nice to feel part of a like minded community. I’m nowhere near as frugal as you but I’m certainly more frugal than people I work with and often feel different and isolated. It’s sometimes hard to swim against the tide of convention isn’t it.
    I agree about spending less time on the computer as I’m guilty of that and really need to be spending more time getting out and about whilst I’m able to.
    Keep doing what your doing Ilona even if the posts aren’t as frequent. For me there is always something new to learn about being frugal b

  3. I'm delighted that you've opened your comments again Ilona.
    Trolls; throw them into the slimy pond they crawled out of.
    Nit pickers; if I’ve ever been one of those I apologise.
    It will be great to read about whatever you choose to share but I’m glad you are going to be less bound to producing a blog every day. If you are not enjoying it it must be like doing a pile of homework and one you've set yourself or feel that your readers are demanding from you.
    Take the weight of expectation off your shoulders.

    1. So true. I was writing about what I thought people wanted to read about. That has to stop.

  4. I love useful prizes like that - well done! Thank you for restoring comments. :-)

  5. It's your blog, write about what you want and when you want to, you don't have to be a people pleaser. Well done on your win.

    1. That's my trouble, I bring a lot of it on myself trying to please everybody.

  6. When something becomes s chore rather than a pleasure, it is time to re evaluate as you have done. Thankfully you do not blog about your OH as so many do, asif the rest of us are interested (I know you are far too intelligent to have an OH and are totally self sufficient emotionally).

    1. No OH, but two kids, Mayze and Heidi, ha ha.

    2. I was just about to post this, Sarah took the words right out if my mouth. Nice prize, I'd be quite pleased to have won that as well!

  7. I read a few blogs Ilona, they are asstd but mostly crafts related and I always enjoy reading yours. Lots of those bloggers only post maybe every 4 to 6 weeks sometimes longer. You've got to live your life so just do what you want to and no more. Ive often thought about starting a blog myself but have always been put it off for some reason or another. I think you've just explained why. So the sun is shining again have a lovely day whatever you are doing. Catch up with you next time x

  8. Great prize. I am notoriously unlucky with raffles and the only thing I ever won was . . . a bottle of Aftershave! Hmmm. Not a lot of use!!

    1. Years ago I used to buy aftershave, because I liked the smell better than perfume.

    2. Love that idea! My dad used to wear Old Spice, and I did like that.

  9. I can understand how writing a blog can become a strain, but you don't need to post every day. It's lovely that you do and it is greatly appreciated by me at least, to read what you've been doing today, wishing that I had a more active lifestyle, but posting every day isn't really necessary. After all, unless we worked together, I never saw or heard from my real-life friends every day. Do what you feel comfortable with and don't feel that you have to keep us entertained.

    I'm glad you're letting us in again and that we're as much a part of your life as you are ours. Brush the negative people/comments aside and forget about them, put them all down to ignorance.

    Welcome back!

  10. Lucky you winning a prize!.About 30 years ago,I won 3 raffles in the space of a month..A family portrait,a fluffy toy and a box of choccys!..Since then nothing,lol.Although,I did pick a number that won a prize at a local fete a few months back.It was a pack of pasta...which was very handy...and a pair of Dame Edna type sunglasses,very large and very sparkly,lol.The lady on the stall told me that they were to wear when peeling onions,lol.They may have stopped my eyes running,but tears were running down my Families faces when they saw me in them!..I gave them away,lol.Oh and please dont stress if you dont post every day.You know that we will all pop in to see if you are about...and if your problem!!.Sun is shining again and I hope that you and every one here has a lovely,relaxing day!,xx

  11. So pleased you won a nice prize. I am not usually lucky at raffles but when I had some money when I sold my house recently I got some premium bonds and I won a couple. I gave by grandchildren the winners they were so pleased and it helped them.
    Have a nice day.
    Hazel c uk

  12. Whatever is best for you Ilona. I, personally like reading about your yellow sticker finds! When something becomes a chore it's no longer a pleasure so I understand where you are coming from.

  13. I hope you find a nice balance for yourself in terms of blogging Ilona. Please don't stress yourself over what to say and when. Just do what you want when you want. Otherwise it's no fun for you.

  14. I was going to suggest posting less frequently but then you came to that conclusion yourself, so all I need to do now is say I support that 100%. Your blog - your rules - your schedule. You are in charge.

  15. Your blog is far from mundane because you represent 'real life' to those whose lives may be one long round of unhappiness, sadness, depression etc (and from recent Press coverage, the figures are rising). When one watches 20-year-old You Tubers spending thousands of pounds renovating their loft conversion due to a hand-out from Daddy, or showing off about their latest luxury car or spending $14,000 on a handbag (true), you bring viewers back to the real world and the realisation that it's not money that makes one happy - it's finding contentment, inner peace and the ability to - as you put it - make do with very little. I hope you will continue to blog as you have an affinity with the camera and people love watching them. If stuck for ideas, why not get your followers to suggest subjects they might need guidance on?

  16. I'm glad you've enabled commenting again. As to finding something to blog about daily....I don't know how people do that actually, I don't do it. Just write as much or as little as you want, when you want, I'll be happy to read whenever you do.

  17. Oh No! I love those yellow sticker photos! Here in the States they dont do have the concept so I am living vicariously through your posts! Claire.

    1. Yes, I especially loved your blogs about the Yellow Stickers. Its much better in England than in Europe. Its entertaining for me to see what you can buy. I hope you still lets us know about your big hauls.
      But its your blog, you decide!
      It's a good idea to not blog every day.

  18. Love to read the blog....onward and upward!

  19. You see, you have just reminded me about something; I truly hope your toiletries win is usable as you like the smell of them. I think I may know what you will do if you don't: give them away or use them to clean the bathroom with. My point, is that when I first started reading along i had a stash of foul-smelling stuff I wouldn't bathe with so I did what you suggested and used them as cleaning products. Bingo! No need to throw away. As said above, just call in when it suits you.

  20. I feel like writing this in capitals so I am shouting at you. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING FOR BLOGGERS TO REMEMBER IS THEY DO NOT OWE THEIR AUDIENCE A BLOG, WE WILL LIVE WITHOUT SAID BLOG, IN FACT WE WILL BE HAPPIER IF THE BLOGGER JUST BLOGS WHEN THEY WANT TO BLOG. Glad your comments section is back. You are an inspiring original artist.

  21. I must admit it is lovely to see the old format back! I think you were probably your own worst enemy trying to please everyone
    and giving yourself too much pressure. Do it your way Ilona and just enjoy it. As someone else said I am not as frugal as you
    but I hate waste and try to live that way as far as possible.

  22. Ilona what ever you do, the important thing is your not feeling pressured or doing something that does not feel right for you. I am happy to read when you are happy to write - comments or not.

    I am not at all crafty but I took one look at your prize and thought ‘I wonder what Ilona will reuse that basket for’. Lisa W. Tas. Australia.

  23. I really don't mind you not wanting to take comments, but I was sad when you started the post with "dear diary". I felt left out. But I do believe that this is your place, not mine and you have every right to say or post pictures of anything you want. I love that we are all different and we have different ideas on how we want to live our lives. That's why I read. If you did and felt the same way I do, I don't think I would bother reading your posts. What would be the point? I love to see what you are doing and thinking. I am not nearly as interesting as you. I will still read your posts if I can comment or not.

  24. I hope you continue to do the odd youtube video now and then.

  25. Loved the dear diary entries!!!

    Posted a comment a few moments ago, but don't see it, suspect it didn't make it.

  26. Hi Ilona, I consider myself one of your biggest cheerleaders in you doing what you want on your just continue on being YOU and don't worry about any of us. Hugs...Nancy from Northern Califonria

  27. I have been twittering on for the last 9 years, loads of rubbish, silly things as well as life, cats gardening and sewing on my blog. I never understand why people follow me, but it's blogging life. Like loads of others I love your blog, glad you are making headway on your journey forward.

  28. Hello Ilona, thank you for putting comments back! While I don't comment here very often, I do enjoy popping over, especially for your walking posts and arts/crafts projects. Just wanted to let you know that, and to thank you for sharing them. Have a lovely week! And congrats on the raffle prize! Sara

  29. Thanks Ilona, so pleased you have made a new plan and we can still make and read comments from all over the globe. I'm chuffed!!

  30. P.S. well done with the raffle and lovely photo!

  31. I'm so pleased that you are allowing comments Ilona. Writing when you want to sounds a great idea-if it was me I would somedays think to myself -I can't be a***d.It's your blog and if you've chosen not to post that day I will say to myself good for her & visit next time x

  32. well done winning the raffle, glad the comments are back, on another blog I follow, her and her hubby are doing an A-Z of places they visit which are dog friendly, I've also been blogging for ten years and I agree , there is only so much you can write about, enjoy your weekend, Jo

  33. A very wise decision you made, Ilona, coming to a new frequency in blogging and putting the comment form open again.
    No need for daily blogging, however always very much appreciated.
    But, keep up daily walking!
    I am on the same track in blogging and walking and that leaves a lot more time for also needed self-pleasing activities instead of people-pleasing ones.
    Congratulations on the great prize you won!
    Love and blessings,


  34. Sandy in the USA15 July 2018 at 18:29

    Hi Ilona! I'm so glad that you are allowing comments again. I don't always comment but I like to read what other people have to say, we can all learn so much from the community you have going on here. Don't stress about the blog! It will take care of itself with you at the helm whenever you WANT to be at the helm. You don't owe any of us anything but I think we can all agree that we look on you as a friend, even though we haven't met LOL I think it's a great idea to scale back and post whenever you feel like it. Zero pressure. Just let it go. Hope you are having a nice Sunday!

  35. Much as I look forward to your posts I certainly understand if you need to take a step back. Even a couple of times a week would be fine - and especially when you are off on one of your walks - they are always so interesting.
    Is there something that you are interested in that maybe some of us could speak to? That might make it more interesting for you....
    Congratulations on the win.

  36. Thank you so much for coming back to us. Also keep plenty of time for yourself. You need it. I find over time I spend my time differently. I like making new choices sometimes. Rita

  37. Congratulations on your bid win! Your blog is your choice. I am still glad that I can comment and let you know that I am inspired by you. I loved the photo too!

  38. I feel a bit sad for you that you were pressurised by commenters to keep the comments even though you'd resolved to remove them. Not quite doing as you wished but as others wished. However I'm sure your idea of blogging less will be beneficial to you, I too am guilty of mindlessly wasting time on the internet when I could be doing something else. Many is the time I've come off the computer and thought I wish I'd been reading my book instead, it's so easy to get sucked into the internet.
    Good luck with your new ways.
    Heidi (as one of your cats, a dog up our lane and next door's rabbit!) It must be a popular name!

  39. I just recently found your blog and have enjoyed reading it. I'm a long-time blogger as well who has been tempted to quit a number of times. I've learned the first rule of blogging is never to let the bullies win. Your blog, your rules, your delete and block options to use at will.

    Plus sometimes just backing off for a bit and allowing ourselves to quit as a mental exercise is enough to realize we don't want to really quit. I hope you find the happy balance you are looking for!


  40. Glad you won your prize! Glad you’re taking back control of what you want to do and when you want to do it. I’m no longer on Twitter coz it began to rule me and I don’t miss it. I always enjoy reading your blogs, you live the kind of life I’m beginning to enjoy. All the best xx

  41. Yay for winning!
    People change,life changes, blogs change...carry on and enjoy it.
    Reading other peoples' comments and inter reacting,in moderation,is good..I've found a few other blogs to follow that way...

  42. Hi Ilona, I certainly wouldn’t expect you or anyone to be blogging every day. I think we all have days when not much is happening or conversely there is a lot happening and no time to write stuff down. I keep a diary but I do sometimes miss days for this reason or that. It’s nice to see the comments back, I hope the trolls leave you alone.

  43. Hi Ilona, glad that you are keeping your comments open as has been said before a lot of us enjoy your posts and comments (not of the nitpicking variety!) from other readers. Have a good day :)

  44. Congrats on your win! I am glad you are continuing to blog and allowing comments. You've always been one of my frugality heros, can't even remember when I started reading your blog but it was at least 5-7 years ago, even if I don't comment much. You are always inspiring, and of late your artistic talent is amazing! Keep up the great work! And...if the blog gets to be too much consider blogging every couple of days. Daily can burn you out!

  45. Hello,Ilona-I've been reading your blog a good 5 years now, and I've always enjoyed your positive attitude, love of learning, open heart and great sense of humor. Thank you for sharing YOUR brilliant life. Thank you for blessing my life through your friendly blog. It's helped me walk with optimism into a new season of life I haven't been ready for. I'm grateful for your friendly, often funny blog and your videos. Have a great day!!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Apologies to my band of understanding and wide awake readers.

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