Tuesday, 17 July 2018

We have Grayson Perry at 20 21 Arts Centre

We are lucky to have Grayson Perry on show at the 20 21 Arts Centre at the moment, one of my favourite artists. I had a quick pop in when I was in town last week. The Vanity of Small Differences is six large tapestries which explore taste and class. I need to go back and study them closely but I have time, it's on till the 9th of September.  I only wish he would visit in person, but I very much doubt it. I follow him on Twitter and he is always busy. 

Here is a page from the British Council web site which gives more information.

I have found a video on yoootooob, well worth a look.

I'll leave you to it, thanks for popping in.  ilona


  1. Lovely photos Ilona of a great exhibition! (Will check out the link for further details, thanks for sharing!)

  2. There's more to his art than the pictures. I admit I had never heard of him but having looked at these pictures, I have googled him and researched his work. I am fascinated.
    I was in an art gallery with my son recently. We were killing some time before getting our train home. A lady was admiring a painting. She suddenly burst into tears. I asked her if she was ok, she confirmed she was, the emotion in the painting just got to her she said.
    I suppose art can affect us all differently.

  3. I love Grayson Perry-I occasionally talk to an artist when I walk my dogs & she has shown me some of her art on her phone & it's similar style to his-she explained it all to me.She said she can paint flowers & animals but preferred complex stuff x

  4. Fabulous! I would love to see these up close....


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.