Monday, 30 July 2018

It's taking a while

It's countdown time, not long to go now. I'm getting ready for the exhibition. Artworks are photographed, I will be putting a new page on here. I have a list of jobs to do, write a bio, make sure all pictures are clean, in good condition, got hangings on the back, and make labels for them. Wrap and pack them into suitcases. Make a comments book and business cards. Write two lists of artworks, one for me and one for the library. And it goes on. It will all come together in the end.

I am a bit excited, my Nottingham family will be coming to see me, and . . . also a cousin I have never seen before. He lives in London and is making the trip up north to visit. Big grin  :o)))

I'm off to Crafty Club now. Ta ta. ilona


  1. I remember commenting years ago that you should exhibit your work and now its happening! Very pleased for you Ilona and hoping all goes well. I wish I could go and see your work but am looking forward to your photos. Good luck!!

  2. I love hearing your excitement. Hope it all goes exceptionally well. 👍😀

  3. I know you have probably told us , but when and where is your exhibition please x

    1. It start on Monday 20th August, for two weeks, and is at the library in Burton upon Trent.

  4. Where I live, the public can book the library for displays, exhibitions and sales, I imagine all public libraries are the same. I used to do it to raise money for animal charities. When I first started, you booked the boards for display. I used to do displays on the care of pets and wildlife. I also booked a cabinet to sell my craftwork and some bric a brac. At this point it was all free, and so all the money from the sales went to the charity.
    A couple of years later, they started to make a charge to do the display and sale, even though it was for charity. They also took a percentage of the money from the sale, and, on top of that charged me VAT, (which of course I didn't on my items, and didn't expect,) saying that they would have to pay VAT on what they had earned from the sale and booking fee.
    The booking fee I was told about at the start, but the latter was quite unexpected until a bill arrived.
    As it was an individual small scale project, it cut well into the charity money raised.
    This was quite a few years ago now, and I was wondering if it's the same in Staffordshire now, where you are having your art work displayed.
    Please can you remind everyone when display and sale is, and do you know any particular days when you plan to be there ? Hope it all goes well.

    1. Date as above in reply to Shelly. I will work out a time table when I will be there.

    2. I have paid £30 for two weeks, and they don't take commission.

  5. I'm thrilled for you Ilona-how exciting.It's wonderful to have your Art exhibited.Do you make your own little cards for commissions as some artists do ? x

    1. I will make some cards, but I won't be taking commissions. I can't make art to order. It has to be what I want to make, when I want to make it, and out of my head. People might be interested in booking me for a talk.

    2. So pleased for you Ilona,I hope that you get loads of visitors to see your Art!,Im going to talk to Flis nearer the time to see if we can make the first day.My cousins from my Staffordshire side,all live that way so I will let them know about it,xx

  6. How wonderful :) i was reading this and the word vibrant came to mind. Louise :) xx


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