Sunday, 15 July 2018

Sew far sew good

It's been a hot one today and I've been indoors sewing the latest picture. I've had both back and front windows open so there was a cool breeze wafting through. 
This is it so far, still more to do, but it's taking shape nicely. I already had the background, a previous project which didn't get finished. It's just right for this. I'm going to couch some cord around the outline of the tree so it stands out. And put some flowers around the base. 

Could do with some rain really, still watering up manually with watering cans. I need to get the electric trimmer out and do the hedge, but it's too darn hot at the moment. I'll catch you later. ilona


  1. Jippieeeee!!! Ilona is back :)
    A big smile from haduuu
    Love the tree!

  2. This what I adore about your blog, Ilone ... the creativity you express with your art in an upcycle, recycle, reuse kind of way! I don't comment often, and often don't read the comments, so I was okay with you not doing comments; but, I'm just one person and it's your blog. Although, you do have quite the following! We're the same age -- just a couple of months difference and I very recently retired from a long and fruitful career. Now, I have to figure out this thing called retirement, which I will do. You've helped me to think about things. We're very different and I enjoy that! I admire that you've blogged so long. Keep on doing what you're doing. It's just lovely and feeds my creative spirit. Bye for now.

  3. Love that. Fed up of the heat I am. We are forecast rain tomorrow. Hope so. I shall stand out in it and enjoy being drenched.

  4. We were grinning like idiots when we heard a certain sound this evening, the pattern of rain on the roof. The windows were opened and we went into the garden to make sure we were not dreaming.
    It has stopped now but hopefully there will be some more tonight.
    Amazing to find rain such a wonderful experience! Sue

  5. I love your tree and I love your blog, perhaps because they are both unique.
    Perhaps do your blog how you do your art, when you want to, how you want to and in your own unique style.

  6. Nice piece of crafting again.I love how you can make use out of the small pieces of material.Its really creative!...I was watering my garden at 5 oclock this morning.I woke up at 4 and just couldnt get back sleep because of the heat.Only trouble is,I will be tired about 3 this afternoon!.I just wish it would rain,even for a couple of hours!.Im feeling so sluggish with it now!..My Mam was getting rid of a few old plant pots,so Im going to do something with them today.Maybe spray the large one gold to add a bit more shine in my garden!...Oh by the way,my kitchen scrap tomato plants have got some flowers appearing on them.I was starting to think that it would never happen!xx

  7. Love the tree, especially since I know how it started out. One thing I wish is that I could see your art work all together. It is an amazing body of work. It is so joyful. You just do what’s right for you. The rest of us are privileged to be along for the ride.

  8. Really like the tree Ilona and I do enjoy a bit of handstitching. Too warm still here though it means the washing is drying well as thankfully there is a breeze. Keep stitching!

  9. Beautiful....yes it's far too hot. I feel Im wasting time as it's a struggle to do very much!

  10. Well done! Sending warmest wishes.

  11. Short and sweet from me Ilona. Glad you’re still taking comments. Love your quirkiness and uniqueness. Keep on trucking girl.

  12. I like the simplicity of it as it is Ilona.


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