Tuesday, 26 March 2019

A new shopping experience

A new market opened in the town centre last week, I went to have a look today. It used to be in an old dilapidated building, like a series of sheds, but now the traders have a newly refurbished Littlewoods store, or was it BHS, can't remember what was there before, shop to hang out in. Individual stalls have been created, with all mod cons, and smart security shutters. So much better than the scruffy place they used to inhabit. 
They have utilized the ground and first floor, so there are many more stalls than before, with many new traders signed up for space. It's pleasant to walk round, nice and clean, with a variety of goods and services on sale. 
Not a lot of people about as it was quite late and getting on for closing time when I went. 
A young man on the Customer Services Desk to deal with any enquiries.

I can't remember seeing a bar in a market before. This is the cocktail bar.

Dining area, lots of dishes on the menu. Plenty of space, not cramped.

And this chappie will get you a pint of beer if you ask him.

Continental food on offer.

Beauty parlour.

Just managed to get these two photo's before he shut up shop. Vintage and collectibles.

Barnes Cash and Carry, the cheap shop has a place here.

There's much more room in here than in the old place.

Butchers, and fruit and veg stalls, and clothes, and giftware. And lots more.

I think this is going to be a hit with the shoppers, the town has needed something like this for a long time. I didn't shop in the old market because it was freezing cold and scruffy, except for the pet stall at the entrance, they have some bargains, but I might be calling in here for a few bits and bobs now and again. I picked up a big bag of out of date Whiskas dry cat food, £2.50 instead of the normal £4. It will be interesting to see what they do with the land when they knock down the old Market Hall.   ilona


  1. Pleased to see that. Our town centres really need to do a big rethink. I firmly believe people want small local businesses. Excellent.

    1. The Council have wanted to move the traders out of the old building so they could develop the land, but there was an uproar when all they offered was outdoor market stalls. They had a rethink and came up with this idea, which everyone is happy about. Only two spaces left to fill.

  2. Good grief Bacon Charlies still on the go , looks like its still run by the baldie i went to school with...lol

  3. I really hope that it does well.It looks a nice place.Here in Leicester a lot of the High Street shops have shutters on them.Or they knock old buildings down and lay slabs!!.Even shops that have been there years have to go or relocate for slabs to be laid!.The Silver arcade was once a thriving place with independent shops..then they closed it for years..and then opened it again with most of the units there now,maybe due to high rents, standing empty.Even Walkers the butchers,Bruciannis coffee shops,all been there years and years are now closed.xx

  4. Very attractive, and I hope it does well. Here in the US (at least on the East Coast), "brick and mortar" stores are having a tough time surviving the on-line competition from operations like Amazon or Walmart - you can even order your groceries on line, and have them delivered to your home in a few hours. I use one of those services as well, but they sell surplus fruits and veg that would normally be thrown out. But agree that it's wonderful to patronize local businesses - when you can find them.

  5. It looks like a good place to shop and great for browsing, especially if the weather is wet or cold etc. Our M&S in Whitefriargate is closing and this is just the sort of shopping venture that could keep the area going.

  6. Looks like they’ve made a great improvement - people should enjoy going there,


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