Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Keeping up the tradition.

I had some sad news through this morning, Joyce has passed away. I last saw her a week ago. You may remember I have been walking Bailey poodle for her for a long time. Then we got a rota together and shared the job between three of us, with Ken doing most of it, and me and Brenda filling the gaps when he went away. 
So what's the connection with Ballycastle? I was in Aldi yesterday and added a bottle to my shopping. This was Joyce's favourite tipple. After I did the dog walk she always asked if I would like a coffee, quite often I would sit and chat for a while with her. She asked if I would like a splash of this in my drink, and I got quite a liking for it. 

Something told me to buy a bottle yesterday, and this morning I put a splash in my coffee. An hour later the phone call came through, Joyce had fallen peacefully asleep in hospital. She was 92.

I wrote a post about her 90th birthday party. Click here to read it. 

I have a picture in my mind of Joyce wrapped up with a big coat, and a hat, scarf and gloves, walking along in the wind and rain, with Bailey. Whatever the weather she was out there with her dog. She stayed active for as long as she could, it was Bailey which kept her going for so long. She had him, from a puppy, it was always the understanding that when she could no longer look after him he would go and live with her daughter. Joyce stopped walking him, and we took over so she could keep him a bit longer. He now lives happily with two other dogs. Rest in peace dear Joyce.  ilona 


  1. Hugs and prayers for you, her friends, and her family. And what a brilliant way to honor Joyce by adding a bit of Ballycastle to your cuppa this morning.

  2. Sorry to hear the sad news. How strange you were guided to buy the bottle of Bailey's and receive the call shortly after having a dram. You were very kind to help with the dog walking and it is, indeed, a lovely photo of her.

  3. Sad to hear about your friend; it sounds like she had pleasures, a good dog, good friends and her favorite drink to add to coffee. That is good her dog has a happy home that she planned for.

  4. How sad. Glad the dog got sorted. Thought for a minute there he was coming to live with you! Sounds like a good end though.

  5. Ilona,I am so very sorry to hear of your friend,Joyce,passing.She sounded like she was a lovely lady,who loved her dog and it was lovely of you to keep walking Bailey poodle so that she could love him and have his company!.You and your friends are great people to do this.I think that you getting that bottle was her way of saying ..Thank you for what you have done.Tomorrow,raise a glass to her and to all the lovely people,like her that loved and cherished their pets.Thinking of you at this very sad time and so glad that Bailey poodle is living with his Family that love him,xx

  6. Dear Ilona, I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your special memories of your friend. Hugs.

  7. Thinking of you at this sad time. Xxxxx

  8. Hi Ilona Mayze Heidi and Oscar - So sorry to hear of your lovely friend. You have been so kind in taking Bailey for his walks. Thinking of you. Love Liz Amy and

  9. She was lucky to have such good friends.

  10. I'm sorry for your loss. It sounds like you had a very positive connection and a good friendship.

  11. Iona....A Life Well Spent / A Life Well Lived / A Life Well Enjoyed / A Life Well Travelled / A Life Well Shared ----------Hers and yours. Sounds like a lovely person to have shared parts of your life with, and a lovely person you are to have shared with her, helping by walking her pup, and sharing a Tipple. Suspect your kindness (and that of the other "walkers") added much to her life. Go on, think of your favorite memory of her and your time together, and have one more Tipple. ------------ Blessings to her, you and all folks who are so kind and generous with their kindness and time, and all the four legged critters who most generously share our homes and lives.

  12. Morning Ilona

    I'm sorry to hear of Joyce's passing. How sweet and kind of you to share the responsibility to walk Bailey for your friend. At least Bailey has a loving home to go to.

    Thinking of you at this sad time.


  13. So sorry to hear about Joyce - at least it sounds to have been a pain-free and peaceful death. You'll be glad you made the effort to visit her that last time and will no doubt remember her with affection every time you have a coffee with a kick in it! Vicki

  14. I was sad to hear about your friend Joyce and hope she was not suffered to long. You will miss your friend and Bailey and pleased she will have a good hope. Have a little sip of Bailey when ever you think of Joyce. It's a nice day here so hope you will enjoy the sunshine has well.
    Hazel c uk

  15. Sorry for the loss in the passing of your friend, you will miss walking Bailey but it's good to have made plans for him,

  16. So sorry to hear about your friend Joyce Ilona. Big hugs xxx

  17. I'm so sorry to read this Ilona. It was very kind of you and your friends to keep walking Bailey so that Joyce could keep him for as long as possible. X

  18. So sorry about your friend.

  19. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend, Ilona. She sounds like a good person to have had in your life, or anyone's life. She had the right attitude - keep moving as long as possible. Ninety-two is a good long life. I'm glad Bailey has a secure new home.

  20. You did a real kindness for both Joyce and Bailey. I am sorry for your loss as well as for the other friend who let you down. I'm glad Bailey has a new home.

  21. So sorry to hear about your friend, Joyce, passing. What brought me to tears was the kindness you three did by walking her dog so she could have him there until her end. May God bless you three richly for your thoughtfulness and caring. I pray someone is that kind to me one day if I need it.

  22. So sorry to hear about your friend. Hugs my friend


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