Sunday, 17 March 2019

Update on new plastic artwork.

The weather was a bit better today so I did my walk in the morning. Mind you it took me twice as long due to all the people and dogs I stopped to chat to.

I've been getting on with the new art project, it's coming together nicely. All of the plastic embellishments are finished, it's just a matter of stitching them onto the backing, then framing it. I've made a video of the job so far, I'll make another one when it's finished.

Must get on, Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Children would have loved you to be there art teacher, you are so full of ideas.
    Look forward to seeing the finished work.
    Hazel c uk

  2. Ilona, how do you make the holes in the plastic. You are so clever. Love your work!

    1. Hello Jean. As I said in the video, I use a map pin, the sort you stick in notice boards. They I can be precise where I want the holes.


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