Friday, 15 March 2019

More pictures from Ferens Gallery.

You'll need your sunglasses on for this one, lots of bright colours. This is a painting, quite a large painting. I'm not a big fan of abstract, but when there has been many hours of work put into it, and such detail, I have to be impressed. From a distance it looks like it's been done on a computer.
But look closely and every shape has been drawn with a pencil and coloured in with paint. Flippin amazing.

A wall hanging in wet felting. Lots of texture.

This exhibit is a little odd, but quite intriguing. Each stick has a hand attached to it, and is waving a lacy white scarf. I think the message here is perhaps something to do with surrender.

Back to colour. Residents of Hull will recognize some of the iconic buildings,this picture is crammed full of details of the city and surrounding area.

A close up, look how neatly it is painted.

More wet felting.

And look at this stunning picture. Isn't it fabulous.

Look closely and it's pieces of painted paper stuck down to make a collage.

Pieces of paper torn from magazines make up this landscape.

Three very large pictures.

Now look closely, the design is made up of painted dots of various sizes, and stripes. So very skillful.

You can click on a picture and it will come bigger as a slide show. It's a very good exhibition and is on until the middle of April at Ferens Art Gallery in Hull.  ilona


  1. I love the felt one with the hands. So creative. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Carla. There is no felting in this one. Maybe I should have explained it better. There are batons fixed to the wall, sticks attached to them, with plaster cast hands waving white lace scarves. It's an installation, not a picture.

  2. I enjoyed this post, lots of ideas there.

    1. I like to pass ideas on, it's all about sharing. Arts and crafts post will not appeal to everyone, but I think it's important to explore creativity because the concept can be applied to all aspects of life.

  3. Thanks for sharing this art work. It is superb. I love it all especially the picture of Hull and the wet felting. Xx

    1. I have just booked myself onto another wet felting workshop for next month. Although I know how to do it, there is always something else to learn.

  4. What amazing work! I don't know how people have the patience for such detailed pieces - very talented.

  5. It was lovely to see you Ilona

    Jane and Simon from Oxfordshire.

  6. Absolutely lovely. So colourful!


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