Monday, 25 March 2019

What the heck ! ! !

I had a food item in the cupboard which someone gave me a while back, a bit out of date, but no matter, I'll give it a go. It needs to go in the oven, but I don't use mine, not even sure if it works. No matter, try another method of cooking. 
Soak it first in a pan of water. It swelled to four times it's size. Transfer to a bigger pan, add more water. cook on a low heat on the hob for 20 minutes. Yum, smells nice. It wobbles and bubbles like a volcano about to erupt, as the air comes to the surface to escape. It has a gruel look about it, like something served up to Oliver Twist. 
Keep stirring to stop it sticking to the bottom, add more water as it's getting very stodgy. I think it needs browning off so transfer it to a frying pan and put it under the grill. This is the only one I have, I chucked the rest because I don't fry any more. One side brown, then flip it with a spatula to do the other side. 
Hmmmm, not sure about this, break a piece off to try, first hot, then cold. A bit undecided as to whether I want to eat the whole thing. Try another nibble. Do I really need to eat it? Maybe I am not that desperate. Maybe the birds would like to eat it. This goes against the grain of eating everything I buy, but maybe I can get away with it. I didn't actually buy this, it was given.

Fling it onto the garden. Looks a bit like a flattened hedgehog, maybe they will come down to investigate and have a peck at it.

I'll keep my eye on it and report back. It's been out there an hour, no sign of any takers. They are probably too busy nest building.

If anyone can tell me what exactly the food item is, I will give a prize goody bag to the winner. If several people guess correctly it will go to a prize draw. Answers below in a comment please. PS, I need the exact words. Closing date Wednesday 27th at 10pm British time. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. By your description, though not the look of it, I would say polenta.

  2. looks like vegan burger mix ...but on the subject of out of date ive just used 3 years out of date tinned potatoes in a stew , perfectly good

  3. Is it one of those vacuum packed curries that you can buy from the Asian shops?xx

  4. Have no idea but must say i don't like the look of it. Hope the birds and the mice enjoy it.
    Hazel c uk

  5. Yes I would have to agree it would seem to be Polenta

  6. Quorn Mince----------?

    Too funny. Myself, am betting the birds/critters will not eat this. Myself, I have had food turn out that looks much like this (and I am not even vegan), and chucked it out for the critters. It is bad when dog/birds/crows/racoons/bobcat/nor even a skunk will eat same. Has happened to me a few times, and have now learned to put it straight in the bin. Picking it up with a shovel after a rain/hail/snow is sometimes yucky...All good. Waiting to hear if your birds/critters eat up.

    1. I meant to say will NOT eat same. It appears if I cannot eat it, the critters will NOT

  7. It sounds a bit like a falafel mix - I just add water to mine but then roll it into balls and fry it in a bit of oil. If the birds won't touch it then maybe it's just as well you threw it out! :-)

  8. Sage and onion stuffing mix?

  9. I am guessing fake burger mix or falafel.
    On the rare occasion I throw something out that is inedible to us, I enjoy seeing how long it is before the crows or the deer find it.

  10. My guess is dehydrated beans - it looks highly unappetising whatever it is. It says it all really if the birds won't touch it!

  11. Since I am not a vegetarian, beats me, but whatever it is, if the critters won't eat it, neither should you. I've had a disaster or two over the years that look similar to that one and the best course of action is dump it the garbage bin and go make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and call it good.

  12. I don't think it's sold here. I've never seen anything like it.

  13. I am guessing - rice pudding?! hilarious! maybe the birds could use it for lining their nests if they don't want to eat it!!

  14. Could it be risotto? I haven’t been able to comment so I hope this goes through.

  15. My iPad won’t let me comment as momsav or Debbie or let me use google unless it’s already open. So, the risotto guess was mine. I’ll try again as momsav or Debbie.

  16. cous-cous ? probably would have been more appetizing with chopped onion/celery/herbs added ?

  17. Frittata? No prize please if I'm right.

  18. Second guess!.Is it a vacuum packed frittata?xx

  19. Is it a packet of nut roast mix?

  20. Looks like dried egg.

  21. Well, I think it looks like dried egg, as well. My instant thought on seeing it so will stick with it. And no puns intended!

  22. Have you got an answer to this mystery dish? I think it looks like cauliflower mac n' cheese from Aldi. Never had it but saw a photo of it today.

    1. The competition closes at 10pm tonight. That's when the answer will be revealed.

  23. The competition is now closed. Thank you for entering. We have a winner, Jules. It is Sage and Onion Stuffing. Well done.


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