Friday, 29 March 2019

Two for the price of one.

It's FEEL GOOD FRIDAY everyone, and the sun is out, what could be better. Here's a double dose of my two favourite yooootoooobers, Terry and Brendan. This will put a smile on your face.

Now I'm off to wash my hair.....again, ha ha..  ilona


  1. Brilliant! Made my day. Xx��

  2. Lovely Lady,I hope you have a good day today. Best wishes.xxxx

  3. That got my foot tapping! There used to be a piano for people to play in Sheffield station, not sure if it's still there.

  4. I love to watch this!.Lots of times,Ive walked through St Pancras station and seen people playing....but never as good as these two!,xx

  5. Hope that your hair turned out alright!Im sure it will do and any towels ruined,you can pass off as tie dyed!It has been a beautiful day here and I hope it has been for you too.I got a good bargain at the co op,all the Doritos family size packs,25p a pack!Plus some fresh tomato and basil soup,for 25p.In a reusable container.So I was well pleased.I left 4 books at the charity book stall there and came away with just one for hubby.A signed copy of Duncan Bannatynes,how he went from an ice cream van to being very rich...there is hope for us all,lol.Just watched them guys at St Pancras again..It is brilliant!!,xx


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