Friday, 22 March 2019

Another ordinary day

I started the day doing a bit more on my new artwork. I always feel arty first thing in the morning, like I want to get on with it, a bit of stitching every day. 
My friend dropped by, we transferred four boxes of Parish Newsletters from her car to mine. I will deliver them next week. 
A young lady came to the house at lunch time. She is a student at Lincoln University, studying the media, radio and television. She brought a tape recorder with her and asked me some questions. It was a conversational chat, not a formal interview. Now she will edit it, and it might get played on the Uni radio station. She was very nice. 
After she left I decided to cut my hair. It was getting too long and straggly, so I did what I normally do, place two mirrors on two doors opposite each other, and hack away at it with a pair of scissors. Twenty minutes later it was done so I washed it. The length is much better now. 
After my dinner, I went off to Jaylaurs sewing shop at Brigg for a machine embroidery workshop. It started at 6.30pm and finished at 9.30pm. I took my new machine with me. First of all we did a practice piece. The squiggly lines were already drawn onto the fabric, we just had to stitch over them. Then stitch the heart design in the middle. I did sort of ok, but still need plenty of practice. 
The next task was to choose a design, cut out the small fabric pieces, and stitch them onto a piece of fabric. This can be then made into a cushion cover or a bag. I laid it all out and stuck it down. I didn't start doing the stitching because we were close to the finishing time, so I will complete this at home. How do you like the new haircut.

It's late now so I'll get off to bed. Goodnight.   ilona


  1. On Facebook there is a group called "Up-cycled Cloth Collective" - it is open to the public. It is a group of people who focus on recycling and reusing and it's really interesting and creative. Thought you might like to have a look. :)

    1. Thank you Anonymous, but please add your name.

  2. Lookin' good, Mean Queen! I like the piece you've selected. Very pretty!!! Thank you for sharing your adventures:)

  3. Well done you for delivering Parish newsletters...we never get anything like that where I live..only pizza menus,lol.The work shop looks interesting,all different ideas and meeting new people.I cut my own hair before I went to Brighton last week and it turned out fine..Ive not been hairdressers for about 40 years.It is long and straight though so its easy to do.Ive got no need to buy lettuce and spring greens this week,because about 5 weeks ago I put the root end of them in to water and they have re grown so saved a few pennies there!Im off into town today,with my Mam and sister.I will visit Nada the no waste shop to drop some clean glass jars there.and buy some black pepper and garlic salt.Im going to try the washing up liquid there,although Im sure it will work out a bit more expensive.Ive got a clean bottle though and will note the date just to see how long it will last if it is thicker stuff.I will risk a £1 worth and see!.They also sell makeup remover pads made from thick I cut an old dressing gown belt up and tried making my own,just using water on them And they worked,even with mascarra!.So its good for ideas in there as well!I am spending the evening at my Daughters tonight,maybe a drink or 3,lol,and having a meal so Ive got a night out to look forward to!Hope every one has a great weekend!,xx

  4. You're hair looks really nice such a pretty colour. My daughter has been a hairdresser for over 40 years so she looks after that for me. My hair is very thin so I just keep it short.
    I can imagine doing that squiggly lines but you will soon get it right. Love the piece you have selected - very pretty. Have a nice weekend everyone.
    Hazel c uk

  5. Love the length well done!


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