Thursday, 28 March 2019

Bloody Hell ;o)

Is this why it costs so much to have your hair coloured at a hairdressers shop? For the sake of saving a few quid I have almost dyed my whole head. Mustn't grumble, it only cost £3.  


  1. Ha ha!! I had the same but in purple. It wears off quickly :-)

  2. My daughter uses baby wipes to wipe off skin splashes when she dyes her hair. Got to be quick though HTH xx

  3. Oops! A gentle sugar scrub will help remove it and next time try a thin layer of vaseline around your hairline before you put any colour on. X

  4. You may have to wash your pillows tomorrow!

  5. Oh dear! I'm sure it will fade fast :) I thought there was something in the instructions in the box to put a thin layer of vaseline on the skin around the hairline to avoid this issue, but I've never actually dyed my hair so I could be wrong. (just recalling what I saw with the box my daughter used)

    1. Yes, I knew about the vaseline trick. I haven't got any, but I could have used nivea I suppose. but I am not very good at following instructions.

  6. My Hairdresser daughter cuts and perms my hair but I won't let her to colour it. Her and my Grand daughter do there's very often. At least it will wash out.

    Hazel c uk

  7. Hair dye is permanent on fabric, so don't ever wear anything that you would be sorry to ruin.....ask me how I know !
    Doing it at home is waaaay cheaper, my daughter and I used to do each other's until she moved 14 hours drive away .
    Maybe you could ask a friend to help.

  8. At first I thought you'd had an accident!

  9. Ha! You got your money's worth out of it! I hope that you can get off the 'extra'!

  10. I used to dye my hair at home in our bathroom. Once I accidentally dropped a 3/4 inch or less square onto the vinyl floor. Tried to clean it off and could not! Then I scrubbed so hard that the top surface of the floor was removed. It was pretty clean but no longer shiny. I then applied varnish which picked up every bit of dust or hair in the house. Ended up with my husband replacing the entire bathroom floor!
    After that he promised to colour my hair himself. He did it for over 20 years. Put down newspaper all over the floor and had no accidents. I only recently decided to go natural. I think at a certain time the hair doesn't accept the dye. I am not willing to pay a salon to do a two step process so I am going grey!

  11. Oh dear. I hope it washes off your skin soon.

  12. oh dear - hope it washes off your skin ! as others have said, there's instructions on the package to tell you to put vaseline or cleansing cream or similar around your hairline/ears etc., but guess you don't need to hear that now !!

  13. Good lord, I thought you'd been in a terrible accident! I hope the dye came off your head! Have you tried Henna?

  14. I do my own highlights and use a rubber scalp hat, same as the 80's ones (if fact I had mine that long) I find the highlights don't look so bad as they grow out and it stops me from getting dye everywhere.

  15. Toothpaste removes hair dye from skin quite gently and easily.

  16. Hellfire Ilona what are you doing to yourself ? You are always up to something xx

    1. Being 'up to something' is what makes life interesting.

    2. That’s true and I love seeing what your ‘up to’ xxx

  17. Your picture is why I decided to go gray when I was 62, LOL. As someone else said, eventually your hair stops taking the dye, and that eventually happened to me. I had been coloring my hair for 22 years and had no idea what it looked like au natural. Well, not too bad! I certainly do not miss the mess!

  18. Go grey! It's very liberating. No more pretending to be what you're not.

    1. How can I go grey when my natural colour is mousy brown. I have only a sprinkling of grey around my hairline. I like colouring my hair because I like changes, I never pretend to be anything other than myself.

  19. mine is a light reddish blond ( I was a dark redhead when i was younger, no dye) after i let it go gray. I do like to use a temp color depositing shampoo from time to time on mine. The John Freda brand is good. I use it so that way I can control how dark i want to go or how light i want to go. It does it gradually, so there is no drastic change, and a lot less messy than the regular hair dye. You use it just like regular shampoo. or you could also do a soapcap where you can mix regular dye with a bit of shampoo for a temp. fix. This is coming from someone who worked in a beauty shop for close to 25 yrs. under someone who had 51 yrs. of experiance. just a good tip.


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