Thursday, 21 March 2019

Just an ordinary day.

Nothing exciting happening here. Today I helped my friend with her sewing machine. We had a catchup natter and a coffee.

Someone was asking on the facebook page if anyone knew of any dog walkers in the village. I checked with a couple of friends and they said they could do it, so I passed their numbers on.

I mowed a friends lawn, he is away and was worried that the grass would be getting too high. His neighbours have perfect lawns. He is coming back soon.

Then I mowed my own lawns, back and front.

I went to town, paid a bill at the bank, donated a bag of stuff at the charity shop, and bought cat food from the discount stores.

Tonight I walked two miles around the village. Stopped to chat with a man walking his dog.

That's about it, just an ordinary day.  ilona


  1. Our grass is not needing cutting! Have you got global warming down there?! Sounds like a lovely day to me.

    1. We are having a mix of warm and cold windy days. Some days are quite mild enough to not need a coat when going out, other days I have to wrap up with a hoodie.

  2. Sounds like a lovely and productive day! It's 8C at the moment but going down to Minus 7C tonight so still not quite Spring like weather. I'm longing to get out for some decent walks. I live near to two large parks so no excuse for not getting out there once I can discard the parka (boots are still sitting out as we might get some more flurries but at least I haven't had to wear them all week)!

  3. It sounded like a nice day out in the sunshine. I did a 2 mile walk, chatted to a elderly lady in the village I don't see many people out in our village so will chat when I can, this lady had lived in the village for 80 years in one of the farm houses so she was lovely to talk to. Your day was very much like mine except my neighbour cut the grass for me.
    Hazel c uk

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Removed because there was no name included in the text. I don't like Anonymous.

  5. Love your ordinary day. Full of 'doing things. Ilona's bag is in Yarmouth at the moment. My ordinary day yesterday was to walk the length of lowestoft promenade and back. Lovely seaside resort. Living in a village must be lovely, surrounded by countryside. City living not so good. Have another lovely ordinary day Friday. X

    1. I haven't been to Yarmouth in yonks. Ordinary day today is friend dropping a batch of newsletters off which I will deliver. Young Uni student coming to interview me for her project. Tonight a free motion sewing class.

  6. I have got a slightly busier day here today.First,down to Aldi,waiting at the doors for when they open to stock up on any 50% off stuff that they have.It will be a big shop today,because it is nearly 3 weeks since I last went so will maybe spend about £80.I have got used to doing my shopping this way because I can save so much more money by freezing food.I am changing bed sheets and getting them out on the line,cause hubby says we have got frost at the weekend..I will be glad when there is no more chance of frost because Ive got loads of seedlings growing in egg cartons around the house and I just want to be able to get them in the garden.Ive got a bit of ironing and sewing repairs to do aswell.Then I will go and see my Mam.Veg to prep for dinner with a ..little..bit of housework thrown in,lol.So pretty much just an ordinary day!xx

    1. Lol,Ilona you wouldnt think I was organised if you saw my house somedays.Notice when I said a little bit of house work...well I much prefer to do none!.If there are any spiders living under my bed,they must be about 5 years old now and due to start school!,xx

  7. Hi Ilona,
    Ordinary days are the best, not much happening but you’re still able to fill out the day with your ordinary, everyday life. Love it❤️I know you’re never bored, neither am I. Have a lovely weekend, Fi

  8. Hi Ilona - You're such a good friend/neighbor. I wish you lived near me.

  9. Vicky from Massachusetts22 March 2019 at 15:30

    Sounds like the perfect day to me. :) Its raining here an I'm having a day of spring cleaning & decluttering. Happy Spring everyone!

  10. Lovely to hear from you as a comment on my blog but even nicer to travel through your recent walk to see such beautiful, faraway places! Keep it up! Susan

  11. Sounds wonderful! At work today, but planning a big cook up with what's in the fridge and what is delivered by Hungry Harvest this weekend. So nice to have a variety of meals cooked in the freezer. Have a great weekend to all.

  12. Blimey Ilona. For an ordinary day you were on the go a lot. I bet you slept like a log. I agree with Sue. You are a lovely neighbour.


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