Sunday, 3 March 2019

Harrogate and Knaresborough ramble

This is day two of my ramblings last week in Yorkshire. It was a sunny morning when I walked out of the hotel in a northerly direction. A walk through a large housing estate to Bilton, then onto a disused railway track, now the Nidderdale Greenway, a footpath and cycle track. I was heading for Knaresborough and the plan was to pick up the river and walk through Nidd Gorge. 
Rusty metal sculptures. There was a wooden post to set your camera up if you wanted to take a photo of yourself sitting on the bench.

Here I am on top of Nidd Viaduct, nice views from up here.

The viaduct is surrounded by trees, so difficult to get a good photo.

Nidd Gorge is twisty, with rough ground and lots of tree roots and rocks to pick your way over. It's a good job that the ground was fairly dry or I would have been slipping about.

It was a very pleasant walk not to be rushed due to the uneven ground, a few people about but not many. Mostly peaceful and quiet. I love the reflections on the water.

I arrived in Knaresborough and it was Market Day. It was buzzing, I hadn't realized that the kids were on half term holiday.

I joined the hustle and bustle and sat in the middle of the market and ate my lunch. She wasn't very talkative.

Managed to get a conversation going with him, ha ha.

I think I have pulled ;o)

I got a street map from Tourist Information and had a bimble around the town and castle. Some fantastic views from the castle.

This is stunningly fabulous.

These ravens are hand reared and very tame. They didn't mind sitting there and posing. Here is a link to a web site. Knaresborough Castle Ravens.

This is the main part of the castle.

I knew if I started to head back to Harrogate now, I would be too early, so I extended the walk and went south out of the town to pick up the river again and walk back into town, doing a loop. Then I got on a bus for about a mile, because the road had no footpath, and I got off when it reached the outskirts of Harrogate, to walk the last bit back to the hotel

I thought this looked very pretty at the entrance to a park.

After spending £5 in a Tesco Local on food for my tea, I arrived back at the hotel at 5.45pm. That's my room up there on the sixth floor. The car park is down the ramp underneath it.

It was a smashing day out, I did 12 miles, the weather was sunny, and Knaresborough is a nice place to visit. Day three to follow.  ilona


  1. What a beautiful area and beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Interesting photos again.Its great when out and about on walks,when you come across a little market.I love having a mooch round them,even if I dont buy anything!.Love the photo of you sitting next to that bloke...I hope you took his mobile number...well you never know,lol,Ive managed to end up with 2 dolls sitting in my kitchen!.They were found on the pavement,just up from my Mams house the other day.I went looking for someone with a pushchair thinking that they had fallen out and a child was going to be upset when they got home.After half hour,with no luck...someone in the street informed me that someone had put a load of toys out for people to take and all was left was these two 60s type dolls,with knitted clothes on just lying on the pavement!.Dont kids play with dollys now??.I would have loved them when I was a kid!!.Thing is,they are sitting looking at me and Im starting to grow attached to them,lol.If I dont get rid of them soon,I know that they will end up sitting next to my Big Teddy that I have had for nearly 64 years!xx

  3. You took us on a wonderful tour, love the sculptures.

  4. What a lot of fabulous photos. We were in the Harrogate/Knaresborough area a couple of years ago and thought it lovely. Hoping to be back there later this year.

  5. Thank you for taking us on another walk

  6. Beautiful, beautiful pics. Thank you so much for sharing. These truly lifted my spirit this morning. I know there are bright warm days ahead.

  7. Thank you for the beautiful photo, and your friend is very special. I loved the sculptures.
    Hazel c uk

  8. It looks absolutely lovely; I will definately have to get there sometime. Great looking market - we don't really have town markets in Scotland so I always enjoy going to them if I'm 'down south'.


  10. Lovely walking tour. Thank you, once more, for sharing your journey/photos. Had no idea folks handraised ravens and then sort of let them about "free". Is this something they do to amuse the tourists? or is this a common thing in U.K.?

    here is a video I came across, it is fun, and interesting, and thought you might like a gander, as a cat lover. Am wondering what you think...I am thinking the cat removes the "carpet rug", possibly because it has gotten in trouble for doing its "business" on the household carpet and equates this tiny one to that?

    1. Here is a web site all about the Knaresborough Castle Ravens.

  11. Saw your photos on and thought there would be more here. There is, but not the answers to my questions.
    1) is the first viaduct bricked up?
    2) who is he? (and now who is she?)

    1. No. it's not bricked up, it's the old railway, now a path, which goes over the River Nidd.

      Don't know who he is, a bronze statue sitting on a bench in the Market Place. She is me. I stayed at your house a few years ago.

  12. Love the sculpture on the bench!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.