Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Wetherby, Linton, Collingham, and Sicklinghall ramble

Here are the last of the photo's from last weeks ramblings in Yorkshire. Not so many on this post, I only did seven miles. A note on calculating my mileage, I don't bother with parts of miles, if it is less than half a mile I round it down, if it is more than half a mile, I round it up. I am not going to bother with 7.45 or 10.65. It all evens itself out in the end. 
I checked out of the hotel after breakfast and drove to Wetherby, which is on the way home. There is a large free car park as you come into the town, it used to be a railway station. That will do me. Across the road is a footpath next to the river leading to Linton Ings. It was a misty morning, I don't think there is going to be much sun today. 
The path leaves the river and is diverted around and through a golf course. Signs up saying watch for flying golf balls. Then it goes under this bridge, and up towards the backs of houses and onto the road.

I followed the road into Linton. A converted church next to the road. I would love to live in a church.

The front door caught my attention, a pussy cat lover lives here I think.

On I rambled to Collingham, passing over this river bridge.

A quick walk round Collingham and back over the bridge towards Linton. The daffodils are starting to bloom.

I took a path down a track alongside some big posh houses with wonderful views across the river. It eventually joined a road at Sicklinghall House, which went to the village of Sicklinghall. Very strange name I think. In the village I did a right turn and followed the road back to Wetherby.

Three marks on the map for three walks. I write on my maps so I know where I have been and can look for new routes next time I am in the area. A total of 28 miles walked on this trip.

I do like to get away for a few days, I need a break from house duties, and thanks to my good friend Janet who takes over, I can get my fix of the great outdoors.  ilona


  1. Most interesting and thanks for sharing. I too have little breaks - find they work for me and my cat, Poppy better than a week apart. xx

  2. Lovely pictures and that little cottage and BLUE door and the lovely Cats. Your blog is the best I read, you are always cheerful and there is never anything nasty on your blog.
    Hazel c uk

  3. Lovely pictures!!! You find such beautiful places to walk. Thank you for sharing!!!

  4. You probably walked right passed my in laws cottage in Sicklinghall ! It’s a lovely little village , hope you enjoyed your travels x

  5. Great photos and thank you as always for posting the pictures, Takes me away from the desert for a few minutes ;)

  6. What a wonderful country you live in. It is so beautiful and i am so glad to be able to see it through your eyes.

  7. What a lovely break you have had - the photos have been amazing! You do find the most amazing spots - thank you for taking us along.

  8. More great photos!!.You do manage to find some beautiful places Ilona and the bridge with mist in the background is stunning.Janet sounds a really good friend and its great when you know that your cats are being well looked after while you are away.xx


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