Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Looking after myself

It's that time again, my new poo test kit came in the post. A nice surprise when I opened it. The format for taking samples has been revised, it is now so much easier than three samples over three days. Only one sample is needed. There is a small plastic case with a wand inside, a bit like a mascara wand, from what I can remember, haven't used any for a heck of a long time. 
Wipe the wand over the poo, put it back in the case, insert in secure envelope provided, and pop it in the post box. Couldn't be easier. Those that have been put off by the faff of it all in the past, why don't you give this a go. It's a free check up, might as well, no excuses now. A letter is sent in two weeks with the result. Don't even need to go to the doctors. 
I have been known to forget dates in the past. The NHS send texts now, so that's helpful. But as an extra reminder I have devised this system. Write a note, pin it on the curtain, at eye level in front of where I am often sat, can hardly fail to notice it.

I have a desk calendar in front of me, but important stuff can often get lost in all the scribbling I do. Recording my walking miles, jotting down phone numbers, and keeping track of what I am busy with on a day to day basis. I am more likely to see these notes about one off important dates if they are not surrounded by clutter. What do you do to remind yourself of what you should be doing, and where you should be going?

Countdown time to 4pm, what little jobs can I fit in before I have to walk across the road to the surgery. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I cut cereal packets into strips and use the plain side to write shopping lists on as they are sturdy and don't get lost in your bag like a paper list tends to do. One day I was worried that I would forget to do something important the next morning and had the sudden image of the cardboard 'do not disturb' signs that you find in hotels. After cutting a hole in one of the strips I wrote my reminder on it and then slipped it over the front door handle on the inside of the door. There was no way I could leave the house the next morning without noticing that!

    1. Thats a great idea Tracy.Im going to start doing that.I usually do my food shopping free style,lol..but if I need to remember to get something that I dont buy very often,but need to replace this would be ideal.I must admit that bits of paper get lost in my bag too...last time I found it in my bag when I got home..I thought that I had left it on the table.Thanks for the idea!,xx

  2. I cut the back of envelopes into small paper sizes and use them to write my shopping lists, to-do lists, and to post reminders of upcoming appointments. The upcoming appointment reminders are taped to the kitchen wall above the light switch. If something is very important, I'll tape the reminder to the door knob the night before where I won't miss it.

  3. I did my poo test a few weeks ago and thought it a bit funny & unpleasant really,putting it in the post box.I'm going to stick notes on my doors Ilona -thanks because I have lots of little things to remember and I am always writing notes to myself and they are scattered everywhere and my brains like a seive x

    1. Ps- I received my results in less than 2 weeks and mine were fine thank goodness.I much prefer doing this test than a smear as I get very tense for that x

  4. Got my results back today for the same test. All OK and as you say much easier now. and you beat me to a blog post about cancer screening which is in drafts for this week or next week.

  5. Since retiring from full time work I have a kitchen wall calendar, a handbag diary and a Filofax which I use for appointments to do lists and shopping lists and even an online note pad but I'm the most unorganised I've ever been in my life. I don't know what's happened to me...think I need help! 😂

  6. The new test kit looks more user friendly think that will encourage more people (me included) to do the sensible thing.
    Me and other half had our flu jab last week so that can be ticked off :)

  7. All my reminders are written onto the wall calendar beside my laptop desk. If it's not written on there it gets forgotten!
    OH and I call our regular tests "playing Poo sticks" - after the Winnie The Pooh stories. I am sure we are due for more soon so will look out for the new kit in the post. Thanks for the update!

  8. I was once asked for a stool sample when I had an upset tummy. I thought it was rather odd but I obediently complied - I hacked a couple of inches off a kitchen stool but recieved no feedback. How rude!

  9. Love your "Curtain secretary " great idea for those of us with a brain like a sieve.
    I find my Bullet Journal does the best job for everything, easy to find set up information on Utube and you can make it as simple or Arty as you want, in any book. Easy peasy organization.

  10. The last time I had such a test, the kit looked like yours. It is definitely much easier to use.

  11. p.s. I keep reminder notes on post its for myself but I put them on my bathroom mirror as I look at it several times a day so I'll be sure to see it first thing in the morning too.

  12. you could also set up a reminder on the calender on your laptop as well. or send a email to yourself. One of my favorite ways to remind myself to take meds is my daily medicine, I combine it with my daily skincare routine. What I do is I use the cotton rounds and i have both my med and my daily lotion that I use, so every night I get a fresh round out and put the tablet on top of it, turn the med bottle upside down . when I take it in the morning, i turn the bottle right side up again.

  13. I have a diary that I write in every night; appointment visitors where I went just brief details Also phone numbers as had a phone stolen a few years ago and lost everyone's numbers


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