Monday, 28 October 2019

Wot a lot of Lego

I went to the 20 21 Arts centre on Saturday to see the Lego exhibition. It was very good. They have had Lego here before, it was all about buildings, here is the link to that blog post. This exhibition explores different ways to make art with the little plastic pieces. It's not about piling bricks on top of each other in a uniformed way, there are thousands of ways they can be incorporated into a Lego sculpture, or a picture to hang on the wall. 
Spooky masks. 
There were sculptures using only one colour. Some of these were behind glass so please excuse the reflections.

This one appears to be floating, it is hanging from the ceiling.

Lots of smaller objects, bags, accessories, and jewellery. 
Large pictures with a Lego theme. I think the reflections of the church windows add something to this one.

My kind of art, ha ha. lots of colours. I knew there was something I could do with my collection of bottle tops.

Now this was interesting, there are four pictures like this where the artist has made a flat picture into three dimensional by adding the bricks. What a good idea.

Again these are in glass cases. A crouching person in white and grey bricks. 

These sculptures look like pixelated pictures.

The activity table, anyone can have a go. There were a lot of children playing on the other table, making paper pictures and sculptures. It is an excellent free facility to teach children about art.

I met a really nice lady there, her daughter very proudly showed us what she had made. 

I'm giving Crafty Club a miss this morning, too much to do here. Making bags to give away when I do a talk on Saturday in Hull. info on this Facebook page. I have a new idea for my next arty wotsit, keen to get started on that. No time to sit and chat today. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. It all looka very interesting Ilona.I love the crouching man and the ones that look like dancers.The Beetles one is great too!.I used to love my Lego when I was a kid.I had some thing on the same lines called Better Builder.A smaller version of Lego with little green slates to put on the roofs of the houses you could make.I didnt know that you had another talk on Saturday so good luck for that.I bet you dont get nervous because you do quite alot of these and Im sure you will have a packed house!xx

    1. Can't promise but I'm hoping to get someone to video me doing the talk. It will only be about 15 minutes so it's doable.

  2. Wow what a great display. I loved it when my children had Lego but my grandchildren have never been that bothered. Good luck with the talk.

  3. Brilliant display.
    Lego is one of those toys which will never go out of fashion.
    Fires the imagination.

  4. I particularly love the 3D lady one Ilona x

    1. Yes, those pictures were intriguing. Like a picture rising off the canvas to come and meet your eyes.

  5. I used to have lego when I was a kid, however over the years I've just come to regard it as more plastic to pollute the planet. Lego pieces are constantly being washed ashore from the sea. But I'm not trolling here just expressing an opinion and I'm glad you had a good time.

    1. That's fine to say that. I see Lego as a material for art. Yes it's plastic, but there is a purpose to it, using your imagination to make something new which can then be dismantled and the process started all over again. A Lego collection can be added to over the years and even bigger models made from it. Because the pieces are small some will find their way into the sea. On the other hand there are a lot of larger plastic toys which break up in a few weeks and are discarded into landfill. I think it's these which should be banned from entering the country in containers from far off lands.

  6. I find what can be done with Lego truly amazing. I was at the botanical gardens about a year ago and there were giant bird sculptures and all sorts of bugs & flora made from Lego - it was wonderful.
    And no matter how old one is they are always fun. I was at a 60th birthday party last month and all the tables had various crafts on them and Lego's were the most popular - and yes, I did mean 60 not 6! :-)

    1. Glad to hear it, Margie, Lego can be fun at any age.

  7. Isn't it amazing! I loved Lego as a child but those builds are positively mind blowing. The 3D picture of the woman on the catwalk is wonderful.

  8. Each to his own of course, but personally I love the 'Old Masters' type of art. That's 'real' art, the artists are so clever and talented and the paintings look like photographs, they're so detailed. Anything else just isn't 'art' - well not to my mind anyway, it's crafting.


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