Saturday, 26 October 2019

Mornings at Tightwad Towers

What happens on a Saturday morning at Tightwad Towers, any morning for that matter. I get out of bed soon after I wake up, if it's very early, 5am ish I snooze for a bit longer. I cannot jump straight out of bed the minute I open my eyes like I used to when the alarm went off at 3am for an early start. These days it's a bit more relaxed. 
Mayze has started to come to bed with me again. She has been sleeping downstairs on the posh office chair for the last few months, but she is back on the bed with me. This morning we got up at 6.45am. 
Oscar was inside last night and showed no inclination to go out in the rain, so he stayed in. Don't know where he slept but he came upstairs to find me when he heard me pottering in the bathroom. Mayze got up with me when she sensed that Oscar was about, she is still wary of him. 
Once the ablutions were done I fed Oscar first, as he weaves around my legs until a bowl of food is delivered. I have to constantly look down so I don't trip over him, and to divert his attention with food is the only way I am going to make a cup of coffee. 
As I drank my coffee I made two more little lanterns with two bobbins I have just emptied while making shopping bags. I looked round and found Oscar had snuggled up on the posh office chair. 
Mayze was parading around the living room glaring at Oscar. How dare he park himself on MY chair. She was quite miffed. After a few minutes of protestations she disappeared. Coffee finished I went to find her, and Heidi, to see if they were ready for their breakfast. In disgust, Mayze had gone back to bed, so that's where she got her breakfast, served by her slave, in bed.

Heidi is spending most of her time in the spare room, hiding in any place that takes her fancy. I wish she wouldn't park herself on the fabric piles, but I make allowances because she is a gentle soul. The fabric she is sitting on at the moment probably won't get used by me, so I'll let her off this time. When she sees that I am pottering around she gets up and follows me about, then I will give her her tablet, and open a pouch of food. She likes to see the food coming out of the pouch and pushes her nose into the bowl before I have finished.

After seeing to the kids I make my own breakfast. Mushrooms to use up, and one egg left, a chunk of seeded bread, with a slice of cheese and pasta hoops. Bloomin lovely.

So what's the state of play at the moment. The kids are all as they are in the pictures, back in bed. No point in getting up, it's pouring with rain outside. I don't blame them. I will go to Aldi because I have run out of a few things. Will have a visit to the 20 21 Arts Centre, they have a new Lego exhibition, that will get me out. Can't stay within these four walls all day every day.
Enjoy your weekend, Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. My new pup Bertie is getting me up early, it's like having children again.

  2. I like that the morning is ruled by the kitties, as any proper home is. 🐱 🐱 🐱

  3. Your kittie kids had the right idea to stay indoors today Ilona-me and my dogs went out in the rain and mud and then they had to go in the bath-later I peeled more pickling onions,so my house now has a nice aroma of wet dogs and onions.This evening there's non stop fireworks exploding here for another evening.Hope you enjoyed your visit to The Arts Centre today x

  4. I love your early morning photos of your kitties!.It is just the same here with my 5..and I have already had a word with Lily,telling her the clocks go back tonight,so not to jump on my face at 6am,telling me its time to get up,lol.She just tramples all over my head,as though she has Doc Martins on,pulling at my hair!I had got every intention of going to the open day at the local allotments today,but because of problems my Daughters end,I was unable to go.I had been looking forward to it as well.It wasnt well advertised so I might go down tomorrow and see if anything or anyone is about!xx

  5. Such cuties! Cold wind here,a bit of drizzle.It's a pity it's not proper rain,we could do with more before the hot summer starts. Bit of a head cold courtesy of the grandies,so housework and crosstitch for me

  6. My kitties have decided to be indoor kitties again now its gone colder and wetter.

  7. The start of your day sound similar to ours. Make sure the lot of them are okay and then deal with ourselves. lol


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