Wednesday, 23 October 2019

No tears

I am so glad I bought three packs of chopped onions on yellow stickers a couple of weeks ago. They were 40p per pack. Ideal for freezing, I have nine portions for £1.20, ready to add to soups, stews, and anything else to bulk up a meal. I like onions, so versatile, they go with anything, and no weeping when I use these. 
Another early walk this morning, the sun came up but not as spectacular as yesterday. Looks like I can potter in the garden again today. I have huge white mushrooms in the flower beds. Think I will leave them there, they fill the gaps where some plants are dying off.
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Ilove onions and have always got some in the cupboards.Every thing I cook always has onions added to it.I actually enjoy peeling them and seeing how far I can make one go,lol.I was showing my sister how to only take the paper skin off...she was wasting about a third of hers!.When I first got married 44 years ago,I couldnt cook anything and used to buy dried onions that I bought in a box.I used to soak them for bout 15 mins and have them on toast for my tea,lol.I love growing my own as well from any that have sprouted.The sun is beaming down here in Leicester today so this afternoon I am going with my Mam and sister for a walk around the park.xx

  2. they are so handy, many, mant years ago, I was told if you are late with a meal, start frying onions and everyone is happy to wait, they smell wonderful when being cooked.

    1. Hi Poppy,That a coincidence,because yesterday,when my sister in law came round I had been slowly frying onions so they were ready for our main meal later.She remarked..What are you cooking,it smells great!.All it was were the onions!,xx

  3. Hello Ilona, just watched your needs and wants video on YouTube great video, you never mentioned what your going to do about your funeral expenses would you kindly explain what's going to happen about that, regards Mike.

    1. Hello Mike. I did a quick reply to your question on my yooootoooob channel last night, which you have seen. Short but sweet I know, but there isn't anything more to add to it, except I will cross that bridge when I come to it. I hope to be alive for quite a few more years.

  4. Good idea I shall be doing the same about 4/5 weeks ago I bought a 25 kg bag for a fiver at the market, we have been storing them in the cool greenhouse. They are keeping really well, but I am going to get the chopper out and chop a load up for the freezer.

    1. It is said that if you peel them under a running tap, it doesn't make you cry. Haven't tried it myself.

  5. I really love onions and use them every day in my cooking. But I don't like carrying a big bag home due to the weight of it. When I have a ride I buy more. So right now I've got 2 bags of onions at 3 lbs each plus some other loose ones from a previous 3 lb bag. I've got so much that I plan to make some French onion soup for a change.

  6. I'm still peeling little onions every afternoon for pickling.Sometimes I'm crying but like to sit on the sofa to be comfortable and so not near the taps.Done almost 3 smallish bags and then just one to do.Been to tesco this morning and only first reductions but I'm not going later.I bought tinned red beans at £1 for 4, packet rice you were telling us about but this isn't the healthy sort like yours Ilona,just Mexican at 65p- I added some cold chips!to it the other day and red beans and frozen carrots x

  7. Ok Ilona, I'll check the YouTube comment, regards Mike


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