Sunday, 20 October 2019

Making little lanterns, part two

Lovely Sunday lunch today.

I don't have any spools to make more little lanterns, so I had a look around for something I could use instead. Remember when we bought films for our cameras in little black containers.  Taping four plastic bottle tops together also does the job.

Here's a ten minute video on what I am using now. It might help those who are having a go.

Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. They're lovely! you are very talented. I might have a go at making some.

    1. Thank you. Just make one to try it, and see how you get on with it.

  2. Me gusta mucho este trabajo. ¿podría utilizar tapones de corcho de las botellas de vino?

    1. Se puede, pero serían más pequeños, tal vez demasiado pequeños. Usted tendrá que empujar una aguja a través del medio para fijar un cable para colgarlos. O podrías usar un taladro para hacer el agujero.

  3. I love the way you reuse before you recycle.Every time I go to put something in my recycle bag,Im thinking..can I do something with this? or reuse it for something else?.Your lanterns are so pretty and should sell really well at your Christmas Fair.xx

  4. those plastic corks from wine bottles might work?

  5. I could eat your yesterday's lunch right now Ilona,it looks yummy x


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