Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Magic happened this morning

Another early morning walk, I remembered my camera this time. The street lights were still shining when I set out. A bit further on they went off one by one as it got lighter.

At the end of the road I turned a corner, oh wow, this is going to be good.

I walked through a gap in the hedge and into a field for a better view. I waited for it to develop.

I was about to witness an awesome sunrise.

Rooted to the spot, I took many pictures. So beautiful.

The fields miles away were ablaze with an orange reflection from the sky.

I walked a bit further and found another vantage point. I never want this to end. Pity it will be gone in a short time.

Keep walking, this is taking me a lot longer than the normal 35 minutes. Can't stop marvelling at the wonderful sights to be had at this time of the morning. Worth getting up for.

Starting to get lighter now.

This is the view in the opposite direction, the sun goes down over the river in the evening. Still a fantastic view. If you see a nice sunrise or sunset always look in the opposite direction.

Time to go home for breakfast, hungry now. I think I'll have porridge and fruit today. Click on a picture to make them larger, and have a slide show. 
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Yes, beautiful sunrises this week. We all should take the time to just watch. Thank you for sharing Ilona.

  2. Thank you, Ilona, for posting these views. My recent retirement has involved relocating to a very pleasant and convenient in-town flat, this is my first fall season missing those country morning sunrises along the little river.

  3. Beautiful photos: sunrises and sunsets like this (almost!) make you forget all the wet weather we have had recently. Vicki in the East Riding

  4. It was a lovely sunrise here too. You took some fabulous photos.

  5. Wonderful photos, I felt uplifted just scrolling through them.
    The skies here in the Midlands were gorgeous this morning and its turned out to be a beautiful - but chilly - day!

  6. Beautiful pictures, so much beauty everywhere we just need to stop and appreciate it more.

  7. Nature is awesome, isn't it? Man cannot make sights like these!

  8. I think your photos have caught the sky beautifully Ilona.When my mum was poorly a local artist lady gave her a painting and the sky was pink and blue and I thought it odd at the time- now I realize I was wrong x

  9. Beautiful photos Ilona!.I have always appreciated views like this.Either sunrise or sunset.I love them both!.When I used to go on cruises we used to see some beautiful ones from the deck,sometimes with dolphins jumping out of the sea at the same time.These days,I have to make do with the ones I see from my garden...sunrise n sunset I mean not dolphins,lol.When Im at the seaside I love to watch it.Magical!,xx

  10. Beautiful photos Ilona. Got up early one morning and the sky was so gorgeous pinks oranges etc. Photos to treasure. Love to you and the fur babies. Liz Amy and Benny.xxx

  11. See what night people miss! I have always been a morning person. Thanks for sharing.

  12. It really was a beautiful sunrise and you have captured the moments, well done and thanks for sharing.

  13. Beautiful!!! You take the best photo's. :)

  14. What a wonderful way to start your day!

  15. How beautiful! I love sunrises as I'm a morning person. I think it's the best time of the day to be out for a walk.

  16. Beautiful photos. You should make a calender of some of the lovely photos you have taken. xx

  17. The best things in life are free.

  18. Lovely scenes.

    Btw, have you ever wanted to do a long distance walk all in one go - like the 630 mile Sw Coastal Path, for example?

    I couldn’t ... but I bet you could ...

  19. I enjoyed the colorful layered clouds in a few photos. Nice morning walk! Thanks for sharing.


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