Sunday, 9 May 2021

Buried treasure

It's raining. I think I will do a spot of housework today. Mayze is very enthusiastic when it comes to tidying her litter box. Even with two boxes she manages to scatter the grit over the edge. She has always used the smaller one but the scattered grit was worse than this. I thought that putting the big one alongside it would solve that. Nope. I keep the dustpan and brush nearby. 
Enjoy your Sunday. Catch ya later. ilona


  1. Cute title, made me laugh out loud :)

  2. Hi Ilona hope you are safe and well. I have been reading your research blog and find it so interesting. Yesterday I had my second astrazeneca jab having been repeatedly told l needed it. Whilst in the queue everyone there was dreading their second jab everyone had been poorly. Today l feel dreadful and have just layed about all day feeling sick tired and with a horrible headache. I wish l hadn't got on this course of action but having had breast cancer and l have asthma l was told l might die if l got the virus. Hindsight today tells me l don't know what they have put in my body. They scared me into having it and l wasn't strong enough to be counted and say no. Please keep sharing your information l really do admire you Ilona and wish l had the courage of my convictions to not have listened but to bang my own drum. I hope l will feel better tomorrow but l will not be having any booster come autumn l wish l was strong like you but sadly I have fallen prey to fake news and scaremongering. Ilona keep being wonderful you and thank you for your brilliant blog. All the best LeeLee xx

    1. Hi LeeLee. Thank you for being honest about your jab experience. You are not alone in thinking like this. The Government and main stream media have meticulously beaten people into submission. Not your fault that you believed it. You had every reason to think that it would be a good idea.

      Always, always put yourself first. Don't follow the crowds, read, learn, and follow your own instincts. Take responsibility. I don't get things right all of the time, but when I make a cock up I curse myself then move on. I am sure you will be alright. Now your eyes are open you will be able to make informed choices in the future.

    2. Bless you thanks Ilona 😊 xx

  3. We had a house rabbit for 8 years, she always used a large cat litter box. We had a scoop with which to remove the pellets. When I was visiting my mother once she was looking after my sister-in law's cat and asked me to clean the litter. After three days my mother questioned why I hadn't done so. I had completely forgotten that cats bury their poop, the rabbit just left it on top. So I never thought the cat had used the box! When I grew up we always had a cat but those cats used to "go" outdoors, never had a litter box.

    1. It's much easier if cats 'go' outside. Just have to be careful when gardening in freshly dug soil. Likely to find a gooey mess stuck to your fingers.

  4. Kind of funny. 🐱 📦 😁😂 I had a good day. It's mother's day in USA.

  5. There is nothing better than forcing out a couple of turds into a very clean cat litter tray that has just been put down....well according to my Lily...because this is her most favourite moment of the day,lol.She also likes to chuck the cat litter out all over the floor,so that I have to start all over again!!.It has been known in the past for her to kick that much out,that the other cats think that the litter is just on the floor for them to poo in!,The pleasures of having 5 Im sure Briony knows,lol.Good job we love them so much!xx

    1. Mayze is very good at waiting for me to clean the litter box, so she can dump in it again.

  6. Maybe put the little litter box inside the big one, then if she makes a mess most of it will be caught by the larger one underneath. Worth a try.


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