Friday, 7 May 2021

Coffee chat with Mayze

I'm up with the lark this morning. I made this video yesterday, it's on yoootoooob now. 
I was out shopping last night, cat food from Home Bargains. Pleased I took my camera, I was hopeful for a good sunset. It was spectacular. I'm sorting the photo's out, more about that later. For now I have some moderating to do, and emails to reply to. 
Catch ya later. toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I must say how bright eyed and young and healthy you look this morning!.It good how you have turned your sweat shirt round,because I have noticed on some of mine the neck has gone big.Although,my 2 others have hoods maybe I could ware back to front,put some eye slits in and double up as a mask,lol.Wouldnt that be trendy!.Your bags are looking great and I hope that you can sell plenty.It is good to keep busy!.Yesterday,I collected lots of rocks from 2 doors down to continue on making my rockery.I must have gone backwards and forwards to her house about 50 times because I could only carry a few at a time.Still,my garden does look better now and it will keep the blooming weeds at bay!.xx

  2. We both love Mayze! Please let's have a video with her as the star of the show!! xx

  3. Ooh illona, I love love love the striped bag!!! That would look so good slung over my shoulder. Is it for sale? Can I purchase from you? Love Charlene xx

    1. Hello. I am often asked that question, I reply, no, every time. I don't want to get into distance selling, too complicated, too many regulations. If I said yes to one person it would open up the floodgates, then I would be stuck with making bags for evermore. Sorry if you are disappointed. The reason I show what I make is to inspire others to have a go. The instructions are out there. Thanks for your interest.


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