Wednesday, 9 March 2016

New textile art project is ready

Hello. I have finished the picture, here it is. I am pleased with it, though I can see one or two things which could be better. But this is as far at it goes, end result. 
The backing is a hessian type fabric from the Scrapstore, I chose a frame before I started and outlined the backing board indicating the edges I needed to work to. Starting at the bottom I chose random pieces of fabric and hand stitched each one to the back, separately. 
Shades of blue skies added and a tree in the foreground. I did the trunk first, then cut extra pieces for the branches. The fabric is mainly cotton. You might remember the tree fabric, it was a set of curtains I got from the Age UK shop for £1. I got a lot of shopping bags out of it, now I am down to the last few bits. 

I have added a lot of French knots for texture, and did running stitches in red on the tree.

There are some tiny beads as well.

I was going to put one big blob of green on the tree, but it would have blotted out the sky, so I went for the leaves instead. I turned the edges under like elongated Suffolk puffs, and ironed them flat.  

This is the frame I have for it, a light wooden one with a gold strip around the inside. I took the photo's before I put the glass in, to eliminate glare and reflections. 
Another one for my growing collection of art works. I sent an email to The Ropewalk to ask if I could rent a studio in September for the Open Studios event. The reply back was that they don't have any empty ones. They said that last year when I asked, but when I visited I saw an empty room. They said I could still be part of it and open up my house as a studio for visitors. I said I didn't want to sit around waiting to see if people might turn up, and besides, I don't want strangers coming to my house. I wanted to be part of the main event because it is quite popular and gets lots of visitors. Oh well, I will have to think of something else.

It hasn't let up raining all day, so I found a use for all the rainwater I have collected in buckets and bowls. The car hasn't been washed for ages, so I put on a jacket and went out in the rain and washed it. The dirt came off really easily because it was already loosened. The job only took about five minutes, plenty of rinsing water to chuck over it. I didn't do the wheels though because I was getting quite wet.

Right, dinner time. I won't be walking if this rain doesn't stop. Maybe stay indoors and think about my next art project. Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. This is stunning Ilona I really love your art work. Hope you get a room to exhibit it soon as I would definitely come Sally xxx

  2. I really love your picture. It must have taken hours to sew all those stitches and beads, but I bet you enjoyed every minute of it, seeing it all come together. What a shame there is no space for you at the Open Studios - give them hell if you go and see an empty space again.

  3. Well, Ilona, your creativity can be appreciated by people far and wide as they read your blog here. What's more, I read on the Ropewalk site, that they take 40% plus VAT, which seems extortionate and you should benefit more from all your hours of work. Valerie

  4. What a beautiful piece of work! I love it. It's so individual and unusual, just the sort of thing I love.....probably couldn't afford it though if it was in a shop!!

  5. Lovely. Your sewing stitches look beautiful too. Have always admired nicely done/ well done hand sewing, I am a total putz.

    It is too bad re the Open Studios event, and a bit odd. I wonder, is it the sort of event that has persons in charge who are a "bit full of themselves"? Some of these types are very (frankly) nasty about "who they let in".

    I wonder if you can
    put your name on a list, in case someone doesn't show up?

    contact any of the other artists displaying, and ask if you might share their spot? Say some artist with a totally different style/medium, so yours and theirs didn't take attention from each other?

    It would be very nice if you could get in.

    Oh, I wonder, sometimes "going up the foodchain" works...Ask to speak to a manager, then ask to speak to their boss, etc................................................................................................................

  6. Another brilliant work of art. Well done. Such a shame the about the Open Studios.

  7. Absolutely lovely!

  8. Very impressive Ilona. You have put such a lot of work into this. Would it be possible for you to put on an exhibition in your village hall and perhaps other local artists or crafters could also display their work too.

  9. VERy, very nice, I like the tree fabric works really well.

  10. Lovely! Shame you can't get a space - if it's full already, I wonder how long before you have to book?
    I hope you find somewhere.

  11. Gorgeous work. Do you have trouble with lighting to see your work if you only have one light on in the room, I think you said? No matter what, beautifully done.

  12. It's really lovely IIona those French knots are so well done, I bet it give you get pleasure to see it grow - wonder what will be next. I go along with Sue's suggestion about an event in the village hall.

    We have had rain most if the date.

    Hazel c uk

  13. Lovely artwork. I like how you explain how you created it and show us all the details.

    Ilona, have you always been artistic? Did you have art classes in school? (Sadly many schools here in the U.S. have eliminated art and music classes because of the cost.)

    1. Hello Barbara. I have always liked sewing. We had art lessons at school but I wasn't any good at painting and drawing.

  14. Stunning! You should definitely try and exhibit one way or the other. Our village church does exhibitions and it has become very well attended - its getting a good reputation. Perhaps your local church may consider doing something like that.

    1. Hi. I might look into putting on an art exhibition here, we have a Chapel on the High street.

  15. That is beautiful. I am just back from my WI meeting and tonights talk was about quilting. I think I need to get my sewing head back on.

  16. Absolutely lovely! Love how you have used up every bit of the curtains:) waste not want not.
    Agree with Sue McD and anon try to rent a place with some other people who would like to show their art/craft pieces too.
    Don't know much about the Ropework site how it works I mean it sounds a bit like a local thing we have here, it's affiliated with the local council and it is a "platform for local artists and crafters". But a small number of busybody knowalls have taken it over and decide who can display and sell work in the shop (mainly their own friends and grown up children).
    If you have a bit of your work stockpiled you could maybe hire a table (with a friend) at a craft fair I think they are advertised in the back of craft mags. Heh heh sorry to sound so bossy.
    Anyway great work X.

  17. That is definitely the nicest picture you have ever, EVER made.

  18. Ilona,
    Why don't you open an esty store or sell them on ebay or on your blog? Many of us would buy and I am from the US.

    Angel ():) USA

    1. Hello Angel. Simple answer.....I don't want to sell them. I like them, I want to keep them, but I would like to show people what can be made using recycled materials.

  19. Very nice Iona. It's like a small art quilt. check out this website. She has been a quilt artist for a long time and does cool work.

  20. Love your picture Ilona. Love how you added the background piece by piece.

  21. I think you are a very talented artist and I would think that the Ropewalk should make room for your art! What's wrong with them? Have they seen it? OMG I wish I lived there. I'd go over and tell them to just look at what they're missing! Arlene from US

  22. Ilona, I think your pictures are great. Sometimes I've wondered what you are thinking when you start them but the finished pieces are always marvelous, colorful and whimsical. Your own personality shines through your artwork.


  23. I really love this one--I love all your artwork that features trees. My favorite reusable shopping bag you've shown us was that one that had the tree with, if I'm remembering it correctly, tiny bags all over it. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  24. Your picture looks great! You really are an artist. More than some of those who get expositions in posh galleries.
    Btw, I walked 107 miles in February. I could not post earlier because I was on holiday and had no access to the data from the beginning of the month.

  25. Very nice. How about your local library to exhibit your work.

  26. What a gorgeous picture - I love it. Thank you for sharing it and I really can't wait to see what you will create next.

    Kind regards


  27. Beautiful work Ilona. I'm tempted to try doing one..

  28. Hi Ilona,
    You have created a beautiful picture, did you sketch it first or just let your creative juices flow? Thanks for sharing. I live in Queensland, Australia, it is supposed to be Autumn but our days are still so hot. Love your blog, so down to earth, and no nonsense, love it!!

  29. Love all the little flowers :)
    Does the Ropewalk have a Waiting List in case someone drops out? If that's what happened last year, I would think they'd be very happy to have someone ready to step up and fill the space. Might be worth asking.

  30. Exquisite! Natalie

  31. It's lovely, Ilona. I especially admire your patience working all those french knots; I hate doing them but they do add texture.

  32. Lovely work Ilona. I think the reason why the Ropewalk turned you down could be due to an age thing. We live in an ageist society with the emphasis being on promotion for younger people. I see this in all areas of life and it really frustrates me to see older people side lined or made to feel invisible. I understand why you wouldn't want people tramping round you're house but why not have an open studio in your delightful summerhouse. Kristel

  33. You have created a lovely work of art! I hope you get to exhibit it somewhere.


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