Saturday, 26 March 2016

What could be better.

Hello. Change in the weather today, blustery and cold, We don't mind, snug and safe indoors with lots of playing for me. I popped to the retail park this morning, I've just discovered I can paint fabric with emulsion and acrylic paints, and I need some felt tip pens to add detail. This should be fun, Now, if I don't have the right colour fabric I can paint some. Opens up more possibilities. 
We have a large department store called The Range, not somewhere I shop on a regular basis as it's a tad expensive. Sometimes they have offers on pet food, but I wasn't looking for that today. I like to browse the craft department, not so much for buying things, but to pick up some ideas. This time I did buy a couple of packs of felt tip pens at £1 each though, the others in the picture were from Home Bargains, a cheaper store. I was a bit naughty, instead of an Easter egg, which are not worth the money, you pay for packaging, I bought a tube of Rolo as an Easter chocolate treat for me for later. 
The advertising board outside the store grabbed my attention, because my tummy was rumbling, I stopped to peruse the menu. Good grief, £3.25 for a plain jacket potato. I'd rather go hungry. It was time for me to get off home anyway, I'll last till then. 
This is my version of a jacket potato, I do mine in the microwave. The skin isn't crispy but I don't care, it all goes down the same way. My 2.5k bag of potatoes cost 25p from Aldi, that was in the super six offers, I also got a bag of carrots and a bag of parsnips. Bit cheaper that the plain potato in The Range, eh! I bet they don't fill the plate with trimmings like I do, spinach, tomato, pickled onions, mushrooms, sprinkle of grated cheese, a squirt of mayo, and half a tin of Value beans for 12p. This is why I rarely if ever eat out.

Well that's me stuffed, a full tum, a glass of wine, Susan Boyle singing to me, what could be better. I could almost fall asleep, ha ha.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon, Toodle pip

PS. Don't forget to put your clocks forward by one hour tonight.


  1. £3.25 for a plain baked potato!!! Beggars belief... That's the highest price I've seen so far but I suppose the café sell them as people will buy at that cost. Not me. Again, I expect a lot of restaurants etc will be packed out tomorrow with folk willing to pay over-inflated prices (up to them - some families regard it as a 'treat) but I won't be joining in this 'merchandisers' dream'. Unfortunately the weather forecast is predictable; rain. Never mind. Happy Easter to all. Amanda

  2. thanks for the reminder about the clocks.....didn't realize it was tonight.

  3. My Easter treat was a Prima Special magazine. It had the eye watering price tag of £4.99 but Tony had offered to buy me an Easter egg which cost a heck of a lot more. I chose to have the magazine instead and have seen several ideas in it that I will try. Have a lovely Easter weekend and have fun painting your fabric. x

  4. What a rip off! Yours looks more varied and filling. My hubby knows someone who took his family for fish & chips yesterday at the very famous cafe/restaurant in Whitby - their bill was £173.00!!
    I've had a tray of chips from there and thought they were nothing special.

  5. I have to share this post with you. Just copy and paste this link into your search engine:
    This is what I did when I discovered that I could paint fabric :)
    The possibilities are endless, have fun!
    Your blogging sister,
    Connie :)

  6. Your dinner looks so much more delicious than the range one would be I'm sure. I've had magazines given to me too, I must admit I'm looking forward to reading them!

  7. Okay, I'm going to gloat...I know it's not nice,but...I live in one of the few places in the Western World that doesn't play stupid games with the clock...Arizona, USA...Yeah!

    Have you looked into dyeing fabrics with botanicals? Such as teas, onion skins and beet juice...loads of fun.

  8. I know that the cost of food in cafes and restaurants includes so much more than just the food itself (staff wages, rent, rates, electricity etc etc) and you're paying for the 'experience.' But I rarely eat out now as I'm constantly thinking I could make this better and cheaper at home.

    I bought a bar of Basics chocolate for my Easter treat! :-)

  9. Meal looks tasty and much cheaper than eating out.

  10. Your Meal looks wonderful!my sort of Food!i hardly ever eat out these days!i always what i can cook at home for so much cheaper,and Healthier!plus,i like to know whats in my Food!xx

  11. I always find the Range a bit baffling , they dont seem to sell anything you cant live without. The other one is Home Sense equally a shop I just dont visit .

  12. Same! I would struggle to pay that much for a plain potato. I know staff have to be paid and their rent, rates, etc, but I will let some other sucker do that :-)



Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.