Wednesday, 30 September 2020

A sunny day in Thorne

I am tending to make the decision about what I am going to do on a daily basis at the moment, with the weather being changeable. Yesterday it was sunny first thing, so the choice of stay in or go out was simple. Don't waste a day of sunshine by staying indoors. I got ready, packed a sandwich and drink and a few other bits and bobs. A map is essential, I don't go anywhere without a map, and off I went to Thorne. It's about half an hours drive. There is a big car park in the centre which is free. 
I have been to Thorne before. I took this photo of an old school building on my way out. It looks deserted, overgrown at the front, no sign of life through the windows. Shame, it would look lovely if it was restored. 
I found the footpath sign which took me onto a path which ran next to a railway track. I passed through some open fields which are used for grazing and recreation. I felt sorry for this horse, tethered by a heavy chain. I don't like to see this sort of thing. I want to rescue it.
Past a stagnant pond, the sun brought out various colours of vegetation. Pretty to look at, but not so pretty if you look down at the ground. Sadly some litter. 

Oh my, did I say litter. I came across a humungous pile of fly tipping. 
I had intended doing a big circular walk to fill the time, and get back to my car at about 5 - 6 pm. Fishlake and Stainforth looks interesting on the map. I checked how I would be able to cross the M18 motorway, and the canal, not many bridges. I chose my route, which didn't work out how I would have liked. I found myself on a track which came to an abrupt end. After a conversation with a farm worker who was sitting in his tractor, I discovered that the route through to a road was not there. Oh well, a bit of back tracking was necessary, and a plan B was hatched. 
Fishlake and Stainforth was not going to be possible, maybe save that for another day. I found another route back to Thorne. It was too early to head home so I did a bit of exploring along the canal which runs right through it. I like looking around boatyards. 
Hmmm, now let's have a look at the boats for sale. Maybe....but probably not. After following a few people on yoootooob who live on the canal, it seems there is a lot to learn. Nice to dream though. 
I had a chat with some people who were pottering around their boats. One lady was in the middle of selling her boat and buying another. The new boat was being refurbished nearby, and she had a buyer waiting to move into hers. I asked lots of questions, as I do, I want to know all the ins and outs. There is a contrast on this section of the canal, boats moored on one side, and new build apartments on the other side, all with balconies. I can just imagine sitting out there watching the world go by. The traffic noise was a bit off putting though. 
I sat for a while in the park. It was buzzing with activity. The kids had come out of school and they were excitedly climbing all over the equipment in the playground, with parents keeping an eye on them. Families feeding the ducks, an elderly couple walking their dog, a young woman throwing a ball for her dogs, and people sat on a bench chatting. It was lovely to see. A summers day where everyone was getting on with their lives. 
Nothing brings a smile to my face more than seeing someone who is kind to their pets. I saw man cycling down the street with his little dog on a home made carrier strapped to the crossbar. I said hello and he stopped to chat. This cute little dog looked so happy and relaxed to ride on the bike. The man said he was taking it to the park so it had somewhere different to explore, as he had done all the walks near to where he lives, numerous times. He said, it's just me and the dog. It reminded me of Rocky in his pushchair. He said he was going to sit on a bench while his dog played in the park. A perfect way to spend a sunny afternoon. 
Time to go home. It was a lovely day out. I walked eight miles and chatted with some nice people. Don't forget it's check in day for the International Walking Group tomorrow. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. What a lovely way to spend your day! I do love your attitude to animals and also thought of the times you spent with Rocky. I remember you taking him camping , didn't he follow you to the bathroom?

    1. Yes, he did Jan, you have a good memory. I thought I had shut him in the tent when I walked to the toilet block. I was amazed that he had found his way there and was waiting for me to come out.

  2. It must be nice to have a boat, as a holiday home... you can go from there to there without leaving your home. I wonder the price !! It's quite pitoresc, and you can have some adventure!!

    1. Have a look at this page for prices. All depends on length of boat and age.

  3. Looks like a nice day out Ilona - apart from seeing the poor tethered horse and the fly tipping! The old school house looks like such a lovely building. I would love to see what it is like inside. I hope you get some more sunny walking out kind of days. :)

    1. Yes the horse did upset me. The trouble is it's commonplace for travelling people to stick their horse on a patch of grass and go off and leave it. I always wonder if the owner makes regular visits to check on it and feed it.

  4. Aww at the dog. We saw a couple pulling along an elderly lab in a little wheeled trolley in Battle. It really moved me. Arilx

  5. What device do you use to count your miles? The walking you do is amazing to me, and the wonderful spaces you find to do so. Thanks. MAry Ann (USA)

    1. Hello. I use a web site. It is a UK map, not sure if you have something similar.
      I think there must be other maps where you can plot the route with a mouse and it will add up the miles.
      When I walk around my village and close to home I know the distances because I have checked, I walk the same routes.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.