Monday, 21 September 2020

Dead Ted

Good morning. I first saw this dead body on the edge of a field I was walking along, on a regular route I use. As I looked down it stopped me dead in my tracks, two glassy eyes looking up at me, spooky.  What is this poor creature I see, all mangled and mutilated. I peered closely and was relieved to find that Ted's stuffing was spilling out from a huge gash between it's legs. Thank goodness it wasn't blood and guts, which would have indicated a truly horrifying death. 
I wondered how Ted came to be out in the open air, some distance away from houses. Was a child wandering along and accidentally dropped him, or was he flung over the hedge from a passing car on the road alongside? 
Poor Ted looks like he, I'm assuming it was a boy, has been chopped up and flung about by a passing tractor, as the field has been ploughed on a regular basis in between crops.  
Now, when I pass that particular point, I look out for Ted. I'm thinking of putting up a memorial plaque for him. Here lies Ted, legless, tossed aside, and abandoned. What a terrible way to go. Cruelty to Teds should be a criminal offence. 

Catch ya later. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. It sounds daft..I know..but I hate the thought of teddies being abandoned like this!.They should be loved and looked after forever!.Ive still got my 65 year old teddy who sits on a chair in my living room..with my Dads Stoke city scarf on!.He wears a fur waistcoat in the Winter as well.He has even got a little friend...another old teddy...who sits with him for company!.He is one of the Family and I would have probably have brought that abandoned Teddy home and gave him a proper burial in my garden!.I bet you think Im crackers!!,xx

    1. Yes, a Teddy is for life. No, you're not crackers. Ecobunny below is crackers.

    2. My teddy is three months older than I am, and as I am fast approaching seventy two he is rather old. Sits on top of the wardrobe and amazingly is still wearing the clothes I made him as an eight year old, though the elastic in his trousers has long perished!

  2. Poor Ted. I think a plaque will be a good tribute to him ;-)

  3. There is the remains of a while mechanical rabbit on the edge of the field where I walk my Bertie. The head is intact with long ears, I did have a little giggle to myself when I realised what it was.

    1. It's a surprise when you first see a furry thing lying dead on the ground. I now find myself looking for Ted, when I pass that spot.

  4. Is this supposed to be funny? Is this your little metaphor regarding those who have succumbed to covid? You absolutely disgust me.

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

    2. For reference......I decided to publish this troll comment to illustrate what a pathetic specimen this person is. Several more have appeared since, all of which will never see the light of day. You have to feel sad for such people.

  5. Seeing as Ted had 'glass' eyes, I was waiting for you to say you had taken them for a future craft project haha. Waste not, want not, is my motto :)

  6. When i was little the dog ran off with mine and buried it! My mum said it use to do it all the time.

  7. Please rescue him and fix him up! Bring him back to life. I left my teddy bear out in the rain and my mother threw him away. Sad.

    1. I think it might be beyond saving, it's been there for several weeks. I will leave it there as a bug hotel.

  8. So sad to see a Teddy abandoned like that. Somewhere a child is missing him.


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