Monday, 14 September 2020

Free, take it if you want it.

 Do you like my little shop? I set a table up, it's full of unwanted toys, rescued from a skip. The house owner is moving out and gave me permission to take whatever I wanted. I can't bear to see useful stuff thrown into a hole in the ground. Some of it is brand new. 

Some of it has been taken. I put a few items at the front of my friends house in the High Street, she has more people passing there, my street is very quiet. 

The skip is being picked up on Thursday and more will be added as they go through the house to empty it. As it is nearby I shall keep going back to have a look if anything else has appeared. I hope to find homes for anything that is useful. 

Thanks for popping in, Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. That's wonderful! Good job, Ilona! Years ago I ran an ad in the newspaper for our garage sale. Our whole driveway was full... big items, little items, and everything inbetween. When people arrived I told them "Take what you want. Everything's free. All I ask is that you only take what you yourself need and don't take anything to re-sell." Most everything went... and I enjoyed seeing people's mouths drop open when they arrived & I told them. :-) ~Andrea

  2. Bless your heart for finding the toys and rescuing them; they will be welcomed by some lucky children.

    1. I am nosey, I look in skips to see what is being chucked. Can't bear to see good stuff being thrown away.

  3. Thank you for doing this , Ilona. I give you credit for thinking of it and following through. I also hate to see waste. I just hope people really want and use the things they take and are not simply greedy.

    1. I agree about greed, taking things for the sake of accumulating more, and not really needing it. Sadly the notion of sharing is not in everyone's genetic make up.

    2. This is the problem I have with a guy in my street.When all the shops were closed,I put out a huge pile of childrens books so that passing Mams and Dads could take some for their kids.But he came out and without asking just took the he could sell at the local car boot.As it still hasnt opened,they are just going damp now in his garage.What a waste of good books.I dont put anything out now and will just wait until my local charity shop opens again.I hate waste and you have done a great job by rescuing those toys!,xx

  4. I agree with Jan. Maybe it's something we could all think about doing. The council could set up some tables for people to drop off anything they don't want and anyone can take something that takes their fancy. At the end of the day the council could just remove anything remaining.It might reduce landfill and/or fly tipping

  5. All that was in a skip? For shame! Around here when people are moving or even decluttering, things get put on the footpath in cardboard boxes with a "Free" notice attached. Most things disappear pretty quickly that way.

    1. I had my eye on the skip for a few days, not much was going into it, mostly junk. One day I saw they were busy bringing more stuff out, some of it was good quality, not damaged. I asked if I could have it. They said help yourself. I took items out of the skip while they were there, then they started offering me things before they placed it in the skip.

  6. A lovely idea Ilona. In our village people advertise things they either sell are give away. I put books and magazines into the bus shelter so please can help themselves, also people especially at the moment you get fruit that people donate. There really is a lot of kindness about.
    The items you had were in very condition and I am sure they went very quickly.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  7. It's the byproduct of our commercial world, see it want it, get it, chuck it away when see something new. Makes me sick all this waste and most of it plastic, and to a point lazy, they should be passing it on, not you, well done.

  8. Well done another lot saved from landfill. It's a shame there are not more people like you. I don't skip dive but I always dispose of things thoughtfully.

  9. im currently driving round with three huge bags of kids books on the back seat donated by my daughter , i will find somebody who wants them eventually , no charity shops taking anything around us so im currently drowning in a sea of shit

    1. I've just seen the library van go past the window. Any books that I can't give away will go there.

    2. Hi Kate,your comment...drowning in a sea of shit....made me laugh so much!!!.I will use that saying in future.It describes my upstairs rooms and life in general at the moment,lol.Thank you for the laugh!,xx

  10. What a wonderful idea well done Ilona x

  11. There are some quite expensive toys there, what a waste. I hope you get rid of a few more.

  12. I often wonder whether to do this or take items to a charity shop. But some won't take donations now as they are inundated after the lockdown

  13. A toddler group or nursery would probably be glad of anything that doesn't go. Well done for recycling too many things end up in landfill

  14. I take my unwanted items to a thrift store. Or give to people if they need them. Here in town nobody is allowed to look into any ones garbage and pull things out. Not sure if its town or county or state? For awhile no thrift stores were open or even taking donations. Now a thrift store is back open and takes donations. Some of them are giving them for people who have lost their houses in fires in our area...county. I need to drop some off tomorrow after an appt. Out of my! Have a good rest of your week!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.