Saturday, 19 September 2020

A testing time

I spent rather more than I intended last night at Aldi. Well it was so easy. I had the shop almost to myself, no need to dodge people. There was only two others pushing their loaded trolleys around, masked of course but I don't know why. We were well spread out and only one staff member was masked up. There was time to browse. They close at 9pm and I was the last one out,  well almost the last one. A late shopper dashed in just as I was leaving. 

Loading ones trolley with a load of crap is often the result of browsing, and so I slipped in a few sweet treats because I'm worth it. Over the years I have been fairly disciplined about limiting the junk I eat, by not buying a packet of biscuits, or cake, because I have no willpower once I get them home. I would just scoff the lot in one day, but look what I bought last night. 

Now here's the test, I need to make these last for two weeks until I go shopping again. These days I don't pop in a shop because I fancy something sweet. That has all gone out of the window. Now, the only food that passes my lips is bought in my fortnightly supermarket shop. So how am I going to manage with all this temptation around, can I make these treats last?  

Custard Tarts, 85p, not suitable for freezing, and they go out of date today. Not to worry, I'll eat one every day for four days. I love custard tarts. 

Fruit Loaf, 75p. This will freeze if I have to, but I have eaten this a week over the date, and it's alright. This one is 22nd September. There are twelve slices, so I could have one slice with my morning coffee every day. I don't bother putting butter on it. 

These Sultana Scones are 79p. They will freeze but I probably wont. Dated 26th September. These are rather large so I cut them in half, and only eat half at a time. I also eat them dry, no jam and cream in this house. Suitable for freezing it says. 

I have been a bit naughty with the Blueberry Muffins, as you can see, one is missing. When I got home last night and unpacked the shopping, I decided that I deserved a treat, so I ate one with a mug of hot choccy. They cost 85p and are dated till 9th October, they can be frozen. I think I may cut these in half in the future, no need to eat a whole one really. 

These are hellishly sweet, must be mounds of sugar in them. Caramel Shortcake, cost 99p. Long date 17th December. Does not mention freezing on the pack. I know I will cut these in half. Four in a pack and I ate a whole one once, it was too much. So half of one will be enough. 

So the test is, can I make these last the whole two weeks. There I've made it public now, so I can't fail. I will report back. 

Sunny Saturday folks, get your bodies outside. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I have just started to eat a custard tart but am sure mine are more expensive than yours will be, does matter as long as we enjoy them. You certainly had since nice treats.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈

    1. The price of custard tarts is double in Tesco from what they are in Aldi. You only get two for 85p.

  2. Well if you do cut each cake in half never mind a fortnight that lot is going to last you at least a month ...not including the fruit loaf.
    That would all be scoffed in a week I think in most households...Enjoy!

    1. Yesterday I ate half a muffin. It was nice, and enough.

  3. Sometimes, Ilona, you just need to treat yourself, so I hope you enjoy your spoils! I find that almost anything freezes but agree that fruit loaf lasts ages past the date. I love it toasted but I do have a thin smear of jam on mine. A jar of jam lasts ages as I eat only very little at a time.

    1. I do treat myself. I love Brussel sprouts and broccoli. If I bought jam it would go mouldy on the top, it would be in the cupboard or fridge that long. Just thinking about the amount of sugar that goes into it is enough to put me off. I can't bring myself to buy it.

  4. Glad to know I'm not the only one who struggles with 'if it's sweet, it's gone'. I have to leave it in the store, too. I can't bake either or it's gone. And I love to bake! You should be able to freeze the shortcakes. Having to wait for them to completely thaw would slow me down a little bit(the frozen caramel). Good luck!

    1. I will not bake for that same reason. I would eat it as soon as it comes out of the oven.

  5. Jac. Ha! You're just a lightweight ;)
    Before I even left Sainsbury's carpark yesterday I had eaten both the cream and strawberry jam donuts that were in the packet - and licked the cream off the lid :)

    1. 🤣🤣🤣

    2. I used to do that Jac, but now I don't. I need to drive straight home after shopping and wash my hands. I sanitise them after putting the trolley back, but can't bring myself to eat anything until I have washed them.

  6. Enjoy! You will soon walk off those calories!

  7. I have no doubt you will make your haul last two weeks Ilona as you're so disciplined! Looks good. :-)

  8. I love custard tarts. I only buy at the Asian bakery or supermarket and with the closure of one bakery nearby it means I don't get to buy them anymore unless I trek much father afield. I'm sticking closer to home these days. The other treats look good too. I always have a treat every day with tea or every other day. The snacks you've bought will definitely last a few weeks. Enjoy.

    1. I must say, that shops closing means fewer places to to be tempted to go in. Makes it easier to say no thanks.

  9. I'm also guilty of scoffing the lot when I buy sweet treats. I freeze them, but first wrap each treat individually so the rest don't get even a beginning of thawing when I just pull out one. I've given up buying treats unless I know it's been a very long while and eating all of something won't bother me. my biggest bugbear is chocolate, I buy too much and I eat too much of it, all the time.

    1. I try to space my treats out over a period of time. The only way I can do that is not buying them. The freezing singly is a good idea.

  10. I too have no willpower so simply avoid buying sweets and treats. Those caramel shortcakes are making me drool though.I haven't shopped in Aldi since before the lockdown in March and I really miss it. I may have to take a look at a late evening shop.

    1. I am a sucker for caramel, ha ha. Trouble is it's overloaded with sugar. Give the evening shopping a try, I am finding it a doddle, and stress free.

  11. If you cut them in half and freeze them they might last longer.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.